r/XboxSeriesX Nov 15 '22

Xbox hasn't had an exclusive game nominated to the Game Awards for 10 years now. :Discussion: Discussion

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u/Vestalmin Nov 15 '22 edited Nov 15 '22

I hate that the narrative’s controversy, which I did like, overshadowed so much other aspects of the game.

Like the combat, stealth, AI, sound design, and visuals was honestly incredible and I haven’t even seen them topped this gen yet


u/Johnnybravo60025 Nov 15 '22

I haven’t played either of the TLoU games, what’s the controversy?


u/Raestloz Nov 16 '22

The core concept of TLoU 2 is "revenge bad" the problem here is that the main story starts with a group of people exacting revenge, and you're supposed to feel bad for countering with a revenge of your own

The bigger problem, is that the game's theme is "killing is bad" but in order to be an action game you need enemies and those enemies tend to be... other people, people who you cannot skip past, as in you need to murder them in cold blood to proceed, only to barf when you're about to kill one of the main villains

This narrative dissonance confused people


u/MrJonesTheFirst Nov 16 '22

You’re being incredibly disingenuous about the path of vengeance.


u/Raestloz Nov 17 '22

In what way am I being disingenuous?

The ending of last of us is "eye for an eye leaves the world blind". Ellie tried exacting revenge, and for what? She lost her wife, her finger, and her ability to play guitar. She still wasn't satisfied, and the object of her revenge she set free. She had nothing but bodycount


u/MrJonesTheFirst Nov 29 '22

That’s the whole point. She chose vengeance and it let her nowhere but bad places. Chose vengeance again, and lost her wife, her guitar finger etc. yeah she had already Abby go at that point. But all of our actions have unforeseen consequences. That’s the whole point of the story.

I honestly don’t think it confused anyone. I think people just want specific things to happen in the media they buy and when they don’t get it they need to make it seem like the product wasn’t as good as it actually was cuz they didn’t get to do what they wanted to do. I get it. Sometimes that happens to me too.