r/XboxSeriesX Nov 15 '22

Xbox hasn't had an exclusive game nominated to the Game Awards for 10 years now. :Discussion: Discussion

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u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

It matters because those exclusives are why you buy a console


u/nohumanape Nov 15 '22

I buy a console simply for games. Exclusivity should be a non-factor for everyone. If you can play a game, then that's all you should worry about. Console warring is fucking stupid.


u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

Are you sayin that you would buy a Xbox console if they didn’t have any first party games and only third party titles? It’s not about console warring it’s about getting good value for your purchase and ensuring that proper investment is being made in said platform


u/nohumanape Nov 15 '22

Yes, I would, and I have. Because I was more interested in the over all experience. And a few compelling titles weren't enough to convince me at that time to pick one over the other. But I have traditionally owned all consoles, as I do today.

And if you can only buy one console, then look at what that platform offers you. But platform value extends well beyond just some games that are locked to that platform. And caring about whether a game's value is locked behind exclusivity is lame.


u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

What value is there to a gaming console that’s not games?


u/nohumanape Nov 15 '22

Services, features, controller, performance, price, etc


u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

The consoles have similar services and features. Controller and performance aren’t going to matter to a majority of gamers. Price is the only thing of some importance. And none of them outside price are going to matter more than games


u/nohumanape Nov 15 '22

The consoles have similar services and features

Different enough to matter.

And none of them outside price are going to matter more than games

If you are simply making about what the "majority of gamers" care about, then it would be games like GTA, COD, Minecraft, Fortnite, etc. Those are the true large scale sales drivers.


u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

Every single one of those are third party games and exist across both consoles. Why do you think that the ps5 is outselling the Xbox series games if huge third party titles are all that matters? Why would Microsoft and Sony waste money on first party titles if they didn’t matter?


u/nohumanape Nov 15 '22

Every single one of those are third party games and exist across both consoles

Which is exactly my point lol. The majority of content that actually drives general gaming consumer interests are 3rd party games.

Why do you think that the ps5 is outselling the Xbox

Because Sony has the stronger brand going into the generation.


u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

And what has given them the stronger brand? Those large scale sales drivers are present across both console so gamers don’t really care about those when it comes to purchasing their consoles.

You also skipped my other point of first party games don’t matter then why did Microsoft buy all those studios? Why is Sony spending money on creating new IPs?


u/nohumanape Nov 15 '22

And what has given them the stronger brand?

A lot of factors that go back as far as the PS1. Largely, it started out with tech. CD-ROM, DVD, and BluRay to name some big ones. With the last gen, it had a lot to do with hardware value. Sony leveraged price and performance, as well as hot topic issues such as DRM, against Microsoft and the Xbox One. It made it the preferred console pretty quickly.

You also skipped my other point of first party games don’t matter then why did Microsoft buy all those studios?

Game Pass.


u/gogoheadray Nov 15 '22

Your misremembering a lot. The PS1 was popular because of Nintendos hardline policies and the fact that the ps1 was using cds which could be printed cheaper and a lot of third party games went over to Sony. The ps2 did have the DVD drive which was good but they also had a stranglehold on that gens most popular games ( final fantasy; gta 3 for a while etc) the ps3 lost ground not only because of price but because Xbox had much better exclusives for the first half of the gen ( gears of war; etc). Yes during the ps4 Sony did leverage DRM and price but at the same time they were beinging out well received exclusives ( Spider-Man; GOD of war 2018; last of us; etc). It was also the time when people started to show some contrition with Microsoft throwing out the same franchises.

The gamepass answer doesn’t pass because if that was the case why not just have third party games on gamepass? Why waste money and time getting studios to put first party games on their? And why would Sony waste time and money on making first party ips as well?

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