r/XboxSeriesX Apr 21 '24

Phil Spencer on the phone right now to get someone to make a new Fallout game asap. Discussion

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u/QuantumVexation Apr 21 '24

Really it’s impressive that the show has got almost the same number of people playing a 9 year old RPG as people playing one of the current multiplayer hotness of 2024


u/Successful_Bar_2662 Apr 21 '24

Didn't the Edgerunner show do the same thing with Cyberpunk 2077?

With that and the Fallout show, it does show that there's a benefit to making GOOD shows based on games. (If only the Halo show was good.)


u/QuantumVexation Apr 21 '24

I’d say with 2077 it was more about redemption after updates and giving a negatively received game a second chance but yeah there’s definitely an effect.

And also the Halo show did make me play MCC, cause I went “well Reach did this better so imma go play Reach” lol


u/littlestevebrule Apr 22 '24

There was an immediate jump in players after Edgerunners. Just like Fallout


u/big_floppy_sock Apr 22 '24

Ah the innocence of thinking fallout 4 at release wasn't hated more than cyberpunk at release


u/QuantumVexation Apr 22 '24

Fallout 4 was criticised, but to call it innocence to compare it to 2077 which was forcing platform holders at scale to handle mass refunds is not a realistic comparison lol


u/grimoireviper Apr 22 '24

It wasn't. Sure it was got a lot of complaints due to the watering down of RPG elements but in general it got mostly praise.

Cyberpunk on the other hand had warnings put up on digital stores and sales for PS were stopped entirely for months.


u/aight_imma_afk Apr 22 '24

People genuinely cried and cried about how it ruined the franchise. Yup, franchise is super dead


u/lifeofmikey1 Apr 21 '24

literally just started the halo show last night ep 1. only got a bout 20 mins in before i went to bed. i hope i like it


u/durzostern81 Apr 21 '24

Good luck. It was great to see Halo come alive but it's written like the people know nothing about Halo


u/ATLAustin Apr 22 '24

I tried to like it but once the Conevant dropped off the blessed one after that battle (it's so painfully obvious she's a spy) and of course she's able to convince fucking Master Chief to do what she wants. Turned it off after that. Also MC takes off his helmet wayyyyyy too much. If you're gonna have him take off his helmet that much hire a decent actor.


u/CmanderShep117 Apr 22 '24

You probably won't, it's a fuckin embarrassment to the franchise.


u/TriscuitCracker Apr 22 '24

The actual action sequences are really good and the casting of Halsey and Cortana is good and the other Spartans are well done but they really screw with Master Chief’s character and take his helmet off way, way too much. I will say S2 is waaaay better than S1.

Most Halo fans downright loathe the show. I tend to divorce an adaptation from its source in my mind mostly to enjoy in its own merits but it’s been very hard with this Halo. For every Sandman, Last of Us and Fallout we have a Wheel of Time, Witcher and Rings of Power. The latter shows are well made and do have some good parts but are deeply flawed. All this is my opinion your mileage may vary.


u/Iamleeboy Apr 22 '24

I thought series 2 was a lot better than the first and I am glad I stuck with it


u/BaerMinUhMuhm Apr 25 '24

Most likely, I immediately started playing again after watching Edgerunners.


u/thegreatgiroux Apr 21 '24

Yeah. It totally brought the attention back on cyberpunk for them to fix it. Without getting the attention back again it wouldn’t have had near the same reception.


u/supersaiyanniccage Apr 22 '24

Nah it was in the process of being fixed regardless. I don't think the anime had as big an impact on the trajectory of Cyberpunk as you think.


u/thegreatgiroux Apr 22 '24

Games get fixed all of the time, but they don’t always get another chance from the players. It was absolutely the massive ad campaign for the DLC combined with all of the anime hype that made it work.


u/supersaiyanniccage Apr 22 '24

Makes sense, I just didn't like it being framed as "people loved the anime so much they decided to fix the game" which is obviously not true.


u/thegreatgiroux Apr 22 '24

Yeah, I see where you got it that way. The “it” in my comment is more of the games reception. They were in way too much money to not patch the game of course


u/GiveMeChoko Apr 22 '24

No, Edgerunner was the internet topic for a solid few months, which is very impressive. The game owes the show and TRIGGER a lot


u/supersaiyanniccage Apr 22 '24

Fair enough, The game was getting fixed either way though


u/CaptainMagnets Apr 21 '24

I'm literally going to start up another save file on fallout when I get home


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '24

Never played fallout series. My brother had a pipboy lunchbox from fallout 3 release and would always talk about the series.

Me and my wife finished the show and are now playing fallout 4, then will move to fallout 76.

It seriously has me hooked. They really nailed the whole "Nuked World" atmosphere and me and my wife are always mesmerized by the world.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Apr 23 '24

Don't sleep on 3 and New Vegas.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

I mean it’s $5, plenty of people own it, it’s a TV show.

Games aren’t only successful based on active players on a Sunday night. players but it fuels the wars. That’s for sure.


u/ragito024 Apr 22 '24

It's more impressive that it has higher number of players than their latest game starfield lmao.