r/XboxSeriesX Apr 21 '24

Phil Spencer on the phone right now to get someone to make a new Fallout game asap. Discussion

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u/supersaiyanniccage Apr 22 '24

Nah it was in the process of being fixed regardless. I don't think the anime had as big an impact on the trajectory of Cyberpunk as you think.


u/thegreatgiroux Apr 22 '24

Games get fixed all of the time, but they don’t always get another chance from the players. It was absolutely the massive ad campaign for the DLC combined with all of the anime hype that made it work.


u/supersaiyanniccage Apr 22 '24

Makes sense, I just didn't like it being framed as "people loved the anime so much they decided to fix the game" which is obviously not true.


u/thegreatgiroux Apr 22 '24

Yeah, I see where you got it that way. The “it” in my comment is more of the games reception. They were in way too much money to not patch the game of course