r/XboxSeriesX Dec 04 '23

Xbox wants Starfield to have the 12-year staying power of Skyrim Discussion


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u/[deleted] Dec 04 '23

Better start updating now.


u/drewbles82 Dec 04 '23

they have been, made some nice improvements since it launched and it takes time to create DLC, from their previous stuff...they make pretty big DLC...I think they will support this game for a long time...be nice if it were as ongoing as Fallout76 but obviously still being the single player game it is.


u/bunch_of_hocus_pocus Dec 04 '23

It doesn't just need DLC in the traditional sense. The entire game needs to be populated with more meaningful gameplay systems and more things to see and do.


u/drewbles82 Dec 04 '23

I love the game...more than enough to do and I haven't even touched outpost building...the amount of stuff people seem to want...it prob take them another few years to add that esp if everyone wanted it on release day. Its their first game building this new world, first games like this they are a big learning curve. Learning what people love/hate...getting a base built and released and then making improvements over time with DLC and updates


u/Witcherbob671 Dec 04 '23

Well BGS has unlimited Microsoft xbox resources if they are under staffed and need help they can ask xbox to send in some help hell bring back ID software they helped BGS initially with Starfields shooting mechanics larian is a smaller studio compared to BGS and it's their first new world too they didn't make bualders gate 1&2 they did the divinity games so this world is new to them as well and they are without the big backing of Microsoft and Xbox yet they are able to add big updates with new content voice lines and new explorable areas as well as new skills perks and many more while Bethesda keeps doing what they always do remove fun exploits and ignore bugs if you're going to remove an exploit also fix the other issues there really is no excuse at this point. It seems they are going to leave Starfield the way they left fallout 4 messy for a long time hopefully that next gen update finally fixes fallout 4's lingering issues.


u/drewbles82 Dec 04 '23

they haven't abandoned the game. People are so demanding and expecting perfection right out on release...why would they want to keep exploits in the game like the puddle one...just giving more reason for people to use it rather than actually playing the game properly


u/Witcherbob671 Dec 04 '23

I don't mean they abandoned the game they didn't abandon fallout 4 since it's getting a next gen update what I'm trying to say is that they are going to just leave it messy like they always do without adding much like other people have said they'll probably just drop a dlc or two call it a day then a few years down the line add an update like they're doing with fallout 4 , also exploits can be fun it's how I enjoyed skyrim exploiting leveling to enjoy the game my way plus it really does not matter if people use the exploits or not it's a single player game it's only detrimental to online multi-player games also there is no way to play a single player game properly really you can play it how the devs intended but if I lets say play the game by just scanning everything instead of playing the story am I playing improperly it won't matter because I'm having fun if I use a fun exploit like putting a bucket on a merchants head in skyrim so I can loot everything it doesn't matter because it's fun to me so if they remove all the fun exploits they also need to fix the other bugs look at fallout 4 they removed the special book exploit but still never bothered to fix the settlement system or provide any quality of life updates too that settlement system if they remove those improper exploits why not also fix the other improper bugs.