r/ThatsInsane 5d ago

Russian Girl Attacks Store Customers With A Knife, Moscow

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u/student5320 5d ago

Look at random civilians doing what cops swear is too hard to do.


u/insanityzwolf 5d ago

Including a 5yo


u/Raixurz 5d ago

This had me crackling


u/Darebarsoom 4d ago

What was that kid doing?


u/GoT43894389 3d ago

Being a kid. I'm glad she was already subdued when he got close.

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u/lostinfury 5d ago

Oh, I don't think cops think it's hard to do. They just have a far easier method. They surgically cut tiny holes in the person from 10 feet away until the person "stops resisting." The more of them doing it, the quicker the person stops resisting. I think they call it "teamwork." You won't understand.


u/Jolly_Schedule472 5d ago

You don't think she would've gotten shot here if one of them had a gun? I know I'm shooting her. Fuck a teamwork, I'm not getting stabbed with a butcher knife.


u/polo61965 5d ago

Yeah most credit goes to the guy who goes straight to the disarm. He knew what he was doing to stop her from wildly swinging, plus the lady who synced up with him and put the attacker on a choke hold helped a lot. But you can tell that even with that, the guy still got his hand cut by the way he held the knife to disarm the attacker. This had so much potential to have all 3 killed if the attacker had a plan going in. Good thing they don't have easy access to guns or the attacker would have started a bloodbath.


u/RevLoveJoy 5d ago

Spot on. Those people were VERY lucky. It's wildly hard to disarm a person with a knife. The only part of the weapon you can safely grasp is firmly in their grasp and to disarm them you have to get up close and personal. One lucky swing and you have a couple minutes to live without drastic medical intervention. Those folks are wildly lucky.


u/MoistDitto 5d ago

I've seen video of a guy who bled out and lost consciousness in under 7 seconds. Himself and those around him didn't really grasp how severe it was before it was too late. One little cut in your throath and you're gone.

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u/banditt2 5d ago edited 5d ago

This, hitting center mass until she stops moving, people don’t realize how dangerous someone can be with a knife and just because you just put two rounds into someones chest doesn’t make them stop immediately, only guarantee in a knife fight is your gonna get cut/stabbed, in a well placed part of the body your dead in 30 seconds. Hats to these people for stepping up to disarm a public threat especially Mr. Green shirt with the Leroy Jenkins method and a rear naked lol


u/Jolly_Schedule472 5d ago

The video of that dude stabbing people at a political rally in Germany a few weeks ago was horrifying. The one cop got stabbed in the head and died a few days after. So yeah, if anyone is sleeping on the damage that knives can do, just go and watch that.


u/banditt2 5d ago

Yeah that dude buried that knife into that cops neck but you’ll still have the people shouting “but why did they have to shoot him a dozen times why couldn’t they shoot him in the leg” because your obvious to reality, a downside of the human condition is if someone wants to hurt others they will find a way.


u/Ashley_H1985 5d ago

My bio father in full blooded Indian and I witnessed idk how many drunken knife fights but there was a time when I seen my dad get sliced and diced up n down his back and he looked like Edward Scissorhands had gotten a hold of him. Luckily we made it to the hospital in enough time n over 150 staples. My point is knives are just as dangerous as guns are and these folks handled this well.


u/banditt2 5d ago

wow! thanks for sharing, I could only imagine going through something like that.

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u/baithammer 5d ago

Russian police are total different story, as they don't have restrictions on use of force ...

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u/calebthebeam 5d ago

Big fax👍


u/Ashley_H1985 5d ago

Fk a teamwork 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m sorry that made me laugh but AGREED 💯💯💯💯💯💯I’m not taking any chances ima pop off before I let myself get stabbed tf


u/ways111 5d ago

You realize a knife can kill someone, right?


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 5d ago

Imagine if it was more of a sneak attack than a broadcasted wild rage, she would have probably been more successful before being taken down.

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u/Equal_Win 5d ago

Yeah I’m sure if any of these people were armed with a gun they still would have rushed this crazed knife wielding person and tried to subdue them with shopping carts and their bare hands. That surely would be the intelligent thing to do.


u/baithammer 5d ago

Nope, Russians are pragmatists and Russian cops look for excuses to shake down the average person to make up for the several months of no pay.


u/Zaphanathpaneah 5d ago

Well, unless the person is behind a closed door that may or may not be locked, shooting teachers and children. Gotta find that key first.

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u/Different-Version115 5d ago

You have seen just lately in Germany what happens when a cop tries this, it's not worth to risk your life over someone crazy, just shoot him and job done


u/MRGameAndShow 5d ago

Yep, that video was crazy. A bit of hesitation then bam. Few minutes of video and the guy is bleeding out, not pretty.

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u/Billych 5d ago

The cop in germany tackled the wrong guy so wouldn't he be shooting the wrong guy too?

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u/sneakyjesus33 5d ago

It also helped that she is tiny.

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u/UpstairsGreen6237 5d ago

Once in a lifetime occurrence for random people, too many a lifetime occurrence for cops. When you are put into those situations regularly, even just a couple times over your career, statistically you have a higher and higher chance of being on the losing end. Hence why police respond the way that they do. 

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u/WhyYouKickMyDog 5d ago

It helps that the attacker is a very small woman. Let's be real. Size means everything. Much less people in the public are going to try and help subdue someone that is capable of picking you up and yeeting you around.


u/jtnichol 5d ago

I think if I had a mess around with people like that day in and day out, I would use other tools as well.


u/CitizenKing1001 5d ago

Cops should carry shopping carts


u/topkrikrakin 5d ago

Yeah, and at least the dude in the black shirt got cut for it

There's a reason you use ranged attacks against a melee opponent

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u/Lazy_Platypus_6365 5d ago

*russian civilians. they grow up wrestling bears.


u/neuroticmuffins 5d ago

They call it, "Special military operations".


u/misterid 5d ago

so bold, so brave of you to say this


u/Brasi91Luca 5d ago

Ohh such a tragedy gunning down a lunatic trying to kill people with a butcher knife

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u/finkanfin 5d ago

Потому что это Чад Россия, а не Virgin USA.

Because this is chad Russia not Virgin USA

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u/RadenSahid 5d ago

Russia in a nutshell


u/VeIorum 5d ago

lmao you’re delusional. imagine thinking disarming someone with a knife isn’t hard.


u/cyrogyro527 5d ago

You wanna tackle someone wielding a knife? No u don’t . So stop making believe u wouldn’t drop her if you were carrying.


u/HeldDownTooLong 5d ago

That little fella just wandering into the scene like, “Hey mommy…what’s this mean girl doing?”

Thank goodness he wasn’t hurt, but it was kind of cute how he didn’t seem concerned about it.

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u/CR4ZY___PR0PH3T 5d ago

Great teamwork


u/Pacman35503 5d ago

Shopping cart was IQ900 move


u/wetbeef10 5d ago

It was the classic dual shopping cart approaching maneuver. Gets em every time


u/norsurfit 5d ago

I learned this day 2 in my local "Shopping Cart Self Defense" class


u/wetbeef10 5d ago

Very valuable knowledge. Can save life one day


u/De5perad0 5d ago

Seriously was. Keeps enough distance they can't cut you and it's hard to get around.


u/SeigneurDesMouches 5d ago

I want to see that in the next Mortal Kombat!


u/tswchristensen 5d ago

Would’ve sucked if it was one of those you need a coin to unlock…


u/Eastern-Mix9636 5d ago

This guy shops


u/Criffless 5d ago

It wasn't the shopping cart, look closely and someone whips an object at her head that drops her to the ground, you can see her look over like "wtf I'm trying to stab here"


u/turd_vinegar 5d ago

The mistake was not continuing to slam her with the cart until she lost consciousness or broke critical wielding bones.


u/ifoundyourtoad 5d ago

Seriously super smart. And throwing shit at her. Smart group.


u/Ohif0n1y 5d ago

I had the police officer for my workplace (college) tell me when I informed him about an incident in my office by my stalker to use the wheeled cart I work with as a way to force distance between me and my stalker. Good to see these folks showing how effective it can be.


u/lemonylol 5d ago

Yeah, surprisingly great response from the bystanders, especially the first guy who immediately grabbed the cart to keep her away and box her in.


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 5d ago

They do that with riot shields in eastern European prisons with uncooperative inmates

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u/unLtd88 5d ago

The little one was also ready to risk it.


u/Karpaty 5d ago

Plot twist: it’s her son and sees this on a daily basis so knows how to react


u/TheSlackJaw 5d ago

Maybe not one for you to get involved with, little man

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u/RandyMarshTegridy69 5d ago

Only problem was the guy who had her in a headlock nearly sabotaged everyone. You don’t just hold her in that position, you choke her to sleep. Could have ended way faster.

I get that he maybe didn’t know how but cmon man just squeeze, she still holding that knife.

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u/Duhcisive 5d ago

Holy shit, is there a follow story or context for this?

Big props to the customers for absolutely jumping straight into action as soon as she fell, & hope the dude who grabbed that knife didn’t get cut too badly.


u/wegqg 5d ago

He could have bent her wrist forward instead, everyone should learn that trick.


u/wetbeef10 5d ago

Also pressing your thumb as hard as you can into the inside of the wrist where the arteries meet your palm will make them drop anything


u/wegqg 5d ago edited 5d ago

I just tried it on myself, ow.

Edit: I tried it on myself when gripping a handle as hard as i can, and I can't press hard enough myself that it loosens my grip, with either hand, it just hurts.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/CompE-or-no-E 5d ago

Did you see what he said? He said it doesn't work, and just hurts.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/No_Size_1765 5d ago

Do you have a link of proper use?


u/wetbeef10 5d ago

Its not supposed to hurt lol it just deadens your hand for a second


u/ifoundyourtoad 5d ago

Best way to remove grip is to try and your four fingers into the meet of the thumb and the. Press your thumb into the back of their hand while twisting and creating distance.

It’s a form of jiujitsu, but when they are holding a knife or object it’s hard. Besides that honestly breaking the hand somehow is the best and safest way.


u/DroidLord 5d ago

Pain is the greatest motivator. The area between the thumb and the index finger is also a good spot.


u/wetbeef10 5d ago

Absolutely that actually does hurt if done right

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u/chinto30 5d ago

Or bend back the little finger and it will force your hand to open no matter what.


u/migvelio 5d ago

Also, putting his thumb up her asshole should have made her drop the knife. If it works on pitbulls it works on people.

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u/vassman86 5d ago

The fellow who had his arm around her neck should have rear-naked choked her to subdue her. She really didn't want to give up that knife

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u/Tea_and_crumpets_392 5d ago

Everyone too busy spewing shitty "jokes" and references.

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u/[deleted] 5d ago edited 5d ago



u/Yuri-Turned 5d ago

the "guns don't kill people" crowd is real quiet on this one

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u/BlueSonjo 5d ago

Yes but if there were good men with guns in that store they could have started shooting and the knife would have dropped faster, along with 2 people and that kid.

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u/V_es 5d ago

You can’t get a pistol for lethal ammo (only traumatic that shoots rubber bullets) and semi automatic assault rifle in Russia. Everything else you can buy.


u/brewedtealeaf122 5d ago

with a bump stock



u/nerojt 5d ago

People that know things know that aimed fire is more deadly.

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u/UnhappyLibrary1120 4d ago

And if she had a bomb…

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u/Moggy-Man 5d ago

Ah yes, a different take on 'the trolley problem'.


u/SeigneurDesMouches 5d ago

More of the litmus test with a shopping cart


u/RequirementGlum177 5d ago

Damn. Those people handled that well. It’s like they were like “oh god, another one?”


u/wetbeef10 5d ago

Fuck man thats the fourth one this week in this store


u/nilansh23 5d ago

The little kid is like let me help restraining her but her mom pull him away 😆😆😆


u/Fast-Hold-649 5d ago

the guy in flip flops lol - but really he knows the best thing to do is start chucking shit at the attacker, attack them with random everyday objects like youre I am Legend, whatever it takes. Start throwing chairs which are large unruly objects that will rattle even the attcker trying to move away from it. it can buy you seconds that mean life or death.


u/SeigneurDesMouches 5d ago

It's the grey shirt that tossed a grocery basket to her head


u/soulkeyy 5d ago

That headshot was the turning point in the battle imo

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u/MrStef85 5d ago

She will be drafted now.


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 5d ago

So will the helpful toddler


u/dohboy420 5d ago

Someone give it to me straight… have I been allowed to walk around with a fanny pack as a shirt this whole time?!



In russia? probably


u/Morphius79 5d ago

I'd call that Putin' her down


u/wetbeef10 5d ago



u/bmanley620 5d ago

Nobody else can come up with a response yet? Quit Stalin


u/DwarfKevin 5d ago

Why is the one guy shirtless


u/ThatDudeFromRF 5d ago

It's been pretty hot in Moscow these last few months

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u/mshkaji 5d ago

Its like these random people knew what to expect and once shit went down they were all in sync


u/Mysterious_Panda7780 5d ago

Bottle to the head as t 0:31 had her dazed and confused.


u/blac_sheep90 5d ago

That bottle took the fight outta her, rocked her to a system reset lol.

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u/SufficientSir2965 5d ago

God damn! That bottle thrown to her head followed by her falling and hitting her head on the cart was superb!!! Got her knocked stupid for a second there!


u/DroidLord 5d ago

Insanely impressive teamwork, everyone played an important part. That lady at the start blocked the door so the girl couldn't get out. Used the shopping carts to close some distance and block her in. The bag throw to distract the girl. The headlock and the arm grab at the same time. Could have gone a lot worse.


u/hankbaumbach 5d ago

That lady at the start blocked the door so the girl couldn't get out.

I'm in two minds on this one as she also locked everyone else in there with the knife wielding maniac.

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u/Fresh_Babyy 5d ago

Lmao notice how the kid rushes to the scene to join the fight, somehow shows up and then just freezes because even he didn't expect to make it all the way till there.


u/HuipDjons 5d ago

That first can throw knocked her silly. Very good aim.


u/Kanalratt 5d ago

I can fix her


u/irrealewunsche 5d ago

Now do that to Putin.

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u/BrainWrex 5d ago

Was hoping to see a good old fashion mudhole stomp from everyone to her into the ground.


u/Dantespawn666 5d ago

This is an example to the Murikans that say that gun control does nothing since people still have knives to attack with... If the girl had a gun, this would've ended in a blood bath.


u/Rude_Employ5367 5d ago edited 5d ago

You know it's Russia when a 5 year old jumps into the knife fight


u/999oneaboveall 5d ago

Handling terror with ease


u/PopeKevin45 5d ago

She'll probably get less of a sentence than the 15 year old who criticized Putin.


u/Ace_on_the_Turn 5d ago

Anything can be a weapon. Carts and whatever the guy winged at her.


u/mohishunder 5d ago

First guy was brave, and smart.

Send him to the front!


u/technotime 5d ago

Shopping cart to the shin definitely hurt.


u/notondope 5d ago

Big props at the person who threw the can at her head and caused her to fall. Homie emptied his basket and ultimately threw the basket at her too lol

Great team work!


u/Canonballran 5d ago

Never bring a knife to a trolley fight


u/Bean_Storm 5d ago

Nice job! Now get to the frontlines the grinder needs more meat


u/FrendChicken 5d ago

Bro Jackie Chaned that cart towards her.


u/_equestrienne_ 5d ago

Man. Bold. Best way to win a knife fight is by 100m.


u/snowfox_my 5d ago

Got to give it to that kid, bravely charging in to help.


u/StoneyMalon3y 5d ago

Damn the little kid wanted smoke too!!


u/InterrogativePterion 5d ago edited 5d ago

Awesome teamwork! The older lady locked her in, and the guys managed to disarm her. Pretty intense with the knife so close to them.

Once you commit, then there’s no turning back until job done. Well done boys


u/nathgilson 5d ago

russian girls...


u/Badger-Roy 5d ago

Even the little kid was trying to get involved.


u/robo-dragon 5d ago

Fantastic quick work by those civilians who restrained and disarmed her! Took care of a dangerous situation before authorities arrived.


u/letsgetthisbread2812 5d ago

Whats the story


u/kitjen 5d ago

It's a good job they were willing to work together in battling the threat here, because that woman at the beginning got herself to safety and then made sure everyone else was trapped with the danger.


u/Lumpy_Staff_2372 5d ago

Beautiful execution of using the carts to keep distance while trapping them against the wall. Perfection. Love to see it.


u/taco_swag 5d ago

Imagine being surrounded by a pack of shopping carts


u/ElMemeKing 5d ago

looks like the avengers taking the infinity gauntlet from Thanos lmaoooo


u/Enough-Staff-2976 5d ago

Easier way to disarm her is using shopping carts to block her and using can goods to pelt her with.

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u/SeaWolf24 5d ago

That many people to just throw a dr. Pepper at her head


u/readitreddit240 5d ago

Anyone know if there's a news article about it?


u/auslad9421 5d ago

Russian girl attempts to attack store customers


u/TheQuimmReaper 5d ago

Fuck Russia


u/HandyMan131 5d ago

So THATS why IKEA’s shopping carts have have those annoying rear swivel wheels. So you can use them to effectively defend yourself against a knife wielding attacker!


u/Right_Place_8442 5d ago

i would take that opportunity to punch her in liver as hard as i can to " stop her " .


u/deadlygr8ful 5d ago

From the grocery line to the front lines!


u/Many_Government_7448 5d ago

Deport that terrorist.


u/Icy_Cat4821 5d ago

Thank god she didn't have a gun, she would have probably shot so many people and it would have been alot harder to subdue her. Kudos to all those people stopping her and protecting innocents from her.


u/CameronsParadise 5d ago

That Australian guy needs to commentate this.



u/Mindless-Income3292 5d ago

I heard carts to the face is super effective.


u/outtayoleeg 5d ago

Who would've thought there are Russian girls in Moscow


u/Mitcheltree86 5d ago

Choke her out


u/Every_Tap8117 5d ago

Sorry but when 1 guy secured the knife, why didnt the other guy punch her as hard as he could straight in your face?


u/Pitiful-Tutor-3214 5d ago

Does he reach into the knife with his bare hand? Everything was under control and the lady was restrained by several people, he didn't have to do that🙈


u/NaoPb 5d ago

Well, we know one thing for sure. It's not Reese.


u/k815 5d ago

And no ass-kicking? I want equality.


u/warpfield 5d ago

"You bastards took the last of the Orange Citrus slushee, you will all pay."


u/pwisaab 5d ago

Knock her out. Some punches will be cool


u/trife_squad 5d ago

@0.19 what was that kid doing LOL


u/earthgarden 5d ago

That hand cart to the head was especially satisfying


u/your_actual_life 5d ago

Guns for show, knives for a pro.


u/heels_on_fire 5d ago

Vodka, one hell of a drink!


u/merlin8922g 5d ago

There's always a slightly out of shape shirtless guy sporting one of those cross body satchel type things, denim shorts and sliders in any video from Russia.

Why is that?


u/nobodyuknow99 5d ago

In Soviet Russia victim stabs you


u/sleebyeepy 5d ago

i can fix her


u/Silent-carcinogen 5d ago

If you have a sword they will shoot you with arrows.


u/Jack_Johnson_Trades 5d ago

I'm just here for the dude wearing a fanny pack as a shirt.


u/knowledgebass 5d ago

That's it! One star Yelp review...


u/Admirable_Let_441 5d ago

Would’ve whooped her ass frfr knocked her ass out that’s the day you hit a woman and I dnt hit women but that would be the day it went down


u/Doodleschmidt 5d ago

Why did he stop ramming her with the cart. Best part of the video. Now I'll have to put it on loop.


u/612god 5d ago

That kid was like “fuck that let me get some”


u/Eric-who 5d ago

2 mistakes were made. The person who got her in a headlock needed to do an ACTUAL headlock and choke her to sleep so she can drop the knife, and if that didnt work, someone should have knocked her out while she was in the headlock, dont freakin try to grab the knife


u/NoArtist2418 5d ago

The baby tryna get in on the action 😭🙏


u/icant_helpyou 5d ago

Dude launches 2 beer cans at her head, 1st one dazes her then she gets a face full of shopping basket! Well played General Public


u/Rebuild6190 5d ago

This just proves the old saying, "It takes a good guy with a gun shirtless Russian in sandals to handle a girl with a knife.


u/LocoPinocchio_ 5d ago

Yooo that little kid was ready to GO LMAO


u/94deejayripley 5d ago

its like a dance


u/not_likely_today 5d ago

kids are so dumb sometimes lol


u/JasonBaconStrips 5d ago

Can't use that in England, we have ours outside. We need trolleys indoors.


u/Electronic-Tank4256 5d ago

At that point the second guy just needs to press his thumbs into her eye balls. She will let go quickly.


u/Grand-Coconut-7147 5d ago

I'm dating one bro


u/Many-Tension-2431 5d ago

Snap her arm at the elbow. She’ll probably drop it.


u/Large-Measurement776 5d ago

Nice neighborhood.


u/Spoopy_Jofuxy 4d ago

That guy throwing a backpack on her face was on point


u/macgirthy 4d ago

The guy that put her in a headlock should have choked her ass out.


u/ProfessorDamselfly 4d ago

Russian woman requires 4 grown up men to tackle her OMG!


u/Fluffy_Exercise4276 4d ago

As an American if this was in America she would have been gunned down by cops sadly


u/Snoo69116 4d ago

Oof glad I wasn't there


u/Hot-Character7511 4d ago

The kids was well into throwing down if needed


u/JohnnyBprime21 4d ago

Even the baby was tryna get some smoke lol…they teach em young in Russia I like


u/mouthful_quest 4d ago

This is what happens when you bring a knife to a trolley fight


u/Ok_Guitar_7566 4d ago

Have you ever seen someone being so useless?


u/H1Eagle 4d ago

These people are insane and frankly extremely lucky, if somebody starts swinging a knife, don't be a hero and just run until the police arrive, any of these "heroes" could have been stabbed in an artery and died right there


u/Strange_Lynx_8635 4d ago

Luckily she had the coordination of a baby giraffe on ice skates.


u/Affectionate-Ant-894 4d ago

Anyone got a news article link? Can’t find this anywhere but here and on a YouTube short video.