r/ThatsInsane 7d ago

Russian Girl Attacks Store Customers With A Knife, Moscow

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u/banditt2 7d ago edited 7d ago

This, hitting center mass until she stops moving, people don’t realize how dangerous someone can be with a knife and just because you just put two rounds into someones chest doesn’t make them stop immediately, only guarantee in a knife fight is your gonna get cut/stabbed, in a well placed part of the body your dead in 30 seconds. Hats to these people for stepping up to disarm a public threat especially Mr. Green shirt with the Leroy Jenkins method and a rear naked lol


u/Jolly_Schedule472 7d ago

The video of that dude stabbing people at a political rally in Germany a few weeks ago was horrifying. The one cop got stabbed in the head and died a few days after. So yeah, if anyone is sleeping on the damage that knives can do, just go and watch that.


u/banditt2 7d ago

Yeah that dude buried that knife into that cops neck but you’ll still have the people shouting “but why did they have to shoot him a dozen times why couldn’t they shoot him in the leg” because your obvious to reality, a downside of the human condition is if someone wants to hurt others they will find a way.


u/Ashley_H1985 7d ago

My bio father in full blooded Indian and I witnessed idk how many drunken knife fights but there was a time when I seen my dad get sliced and diced up n down his back and he looked like Edward Scissorhands had gotten a hold of him. Luckily we made it to the hospital in enough time n over 150 staples. My point is knives are just as dangerous as guns are and these folks handled this well.


u/banditt2 7d ago

wow! thanks for sharing, I could only imagine going through something like that.


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 7d ago

You're right. Buckshot would do the trick.


u/banditt2 7d ago

One of my favorite quotes from Clint Smith a firearms instructor...

"Pistols put holes in people. Rifles put holes through people. Shotguns, the right load at the right range will physically remove a chunk from your opponent and throw it on the floor behind him, and you will have to get someone to come clean it up with a shovel"