r/ThatsInsane 7d ago

Russian Girl Attacks Store Customers With A Knife, Moscow

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u/student5320 7d ago

Look at random civilians doing what cops swear is too hard to do.


u/insanityzwolf 7d ago

Including a 5yo


u/Raixurz 7d ago

This had me crackling


u/Darebarsoom 7d ago

What was that kid doing?


u/GoT43894389 6d ago

Being a kid. I'm glad she was already subdued when he got close.


u/8--------D- 7d ago edited 7d ago

moral of the story is that 5 year olds make the best cops


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/8--------D- 7d ago

It actually doesn't. Try again.


u/rez_trentnor 7d ago

Yeah wtf that's a weird af conclusion


u/lostinfury 7d ago

Oh, I don't think cops think it's hard to do. They just have a far easier method. They surgically cut tiny holes in the person from 10 feet away until the person "stops resisting." The more of them doing it, the quicker the person stops resisting. I think they call it "teamwork." You won't understand.


u/Jolly_Schedule472 7d ago

You don't think she would've gotten shot here if one of them had a gun? I know I'm shooting her. Fuck a teamwork, I'm not getting stabbed with a butcher knife.


u/polo61965 7d ago

Yeah most credit goes to the guy who goes straight to the disarm. He knew what he was doing to stop her from wildly swinging, plus the lady who synced up with him and put the attacker on a choke hold helped a lot. But you can tell that even with that, the guy still got his hand cut by the way he held the knife to disarm the attacker. This had so much potential to have all 3 killed if the attacker had a plan going in. Good thing they don't have easy access to guns or the attacker would have started a bloodbath.


u/RevLoveJoy 7d ago

Spot on. Those people were VERY lucky. It's wildly hard to disarm a person with a knife. The only part of the weapon you can safely grasp is firmly in their grasp and to disarm them you have to get up close and personal. One lucky swing and you have a couple minutes to live without drastic medical intervention. Those folks are wildly lucky.


u/MoistDitto 7d ago

I've seen video of a guy who bled out and lost consciousness in under 7 seconds. Himself and those around him didn't really grasp how severe it was before it was too late. One little cut in your throath and you're gone.


u/Clear_Personality 7d ago

Russia has just as easy access to firearms as the US, and there are tens of millions of firearms in Russia


u/FrietjesFC 7d ago


A quick google search shows differently. List of Guns per capita (per 100) in different countries:

  1. Russia - 12.3


  1. Falkland Islands - 62.1

  2. USA - 120.5

Put number 2 in there as well to highlight the absurd gap in number of guns per capita in the US with the rest of the world.

Or if you prefer absolute numbers:

-USA: 393 million firearms for a population of 326 million people.

-Russia: 17.6 million firearms for a population of 143 million people.

One of these two is not like the other. American gun culture is insane compared to the rest of the world.


u/MembershipFeeling530 7d ago

Why would you just come here and pull some shit out of your ass and lie?


u/killsforsporks 7d ago

Because they project their laziness onto everyone else and therfore think that no one will bother to take the time/energy to look things up and refute them


u/Clear_Personality 7d ago

I looked it up, where am I wrong? How many guns are in Russia?


u/killsforsporks 7d ago

The above commenter already replied but here it is again

A quick google search shows differently. List of Guns per capita (per 100) in different countries:

  1. Russia - 12.3


  1. Falkland Islands - 62.1

  2. USA - 120.5

Put number 2 in there as well to highlight the absurd gap in number of guns per capita in the US with the rest of the world.

Or if you prefer absolute numbers:

-USA: 393 million firearms for a population of 326 million people.

-Russia: 17.6 million firearms for a population of 143 million people.

One of these two is not like the other. American gun culture is insane compared to the rest of the world.


u/Clear_Personality 7d ago

As of January 2020, the National Guard estimated that about four million Russians were legally permitted to own 6.6 million firearms. However, in October 2020, the Small Arms Survey estimated that Russia had 17.6 million civilian-held firearm


u/banditt2 7d ago edited 7d ago

This, hitting center mass until she stops moving, people don’t realize how dangerous someone can be with a knife and just because you just put two rounds into someones chest doesn’t make them stop immediately, only guarantee in a knife fight is your gonna get cut/stabbed, in a well placed part of the body your dead in 30 seconds. Hats to these people for stepping up to disarm a public threat especially Mr. Green shirt with the Leroy Jenkins method and a rear naked lol


u/Jolly_Schedule472 7d ago

The video of that dude stabbing people at a political rally in Germany a few weeks ago was horrifying. The one cop got stabbed in the head and died a few days after. So yeah, if anyone is sleeping on the damage that knives can do, just go and watch that.


u/banditt2 7d ago

Yeah that dude buried that knife into that cops neck but you’ll still have the people shouting “but why did they have to shoot him a dozen times why couldn’t they shoot him in the leg” because your obvious to reality, a downside of the human condition is if someone wants to hurt others they will find a way.


u/Ashley_H1985 7d ago

My bio father in full blooded Indian and I witnessed idk how many drunken knife fights but there was a time when I seen my dad get sliced and diced up n down his back and he looked like Edward Scissorhands had gotten a hold of him. Luckily we made it to the hospital in enough time n over 150 staples. My point is knives are just as dangerous as guns are and these folks handled this well.


u/banditt2 7d ago

wow! thanks for sharing, I could only imagine going through something like that.


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 7d ago

You're right. Buckshot would do the trick.


u/banditt2 7d ago

One of my favorite quotes from Clint Smith a firearms instructor...

"Pistols put holes in people. Rifles put holes through people. Shotguns, the right load at the right range will physically remove a chunk from your opponent and throw it on the floor behind him, and you will have to get someone to come clean it up with a shovel"


u/baithammer 7d ago

Russian police are total different story, as they don't have restrictions on use of force ...


u/Sensitive-Many-2610 5d ago

Then police would’ve shot anyone and f they don’t. Girl go watch some American comedy or smth.


u/calebthebeam 7d ago

Big fax👍


u/Ashley_H1985 7d ago

Fk a teamwork 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m sorry that made me laugh but AGREED 💯💯💯💯💯💯I’m not taking any chances ima pop off before I let myself get stabbed tf


u/ways111 7d ago

You realize a knife can kill someone, right?


u/ChrisDornerFanCorn3r 7d ago

Imagine if it was more of a sneak attack than a broadcasted wild rage, she would have probably been more successful before being taken down.


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

You realize there's other ways of dealing with someone who has a knife other than just killing them, right?


u/KezzardTheWizzard 7d ago

For example, I personally would have kept ramming her full speed with the shopping cart until she lost feeling in her extremities that were wielding the knife.


u/CitizenKing1001 7d ago

Here's a knife attack, involving police

Are you saying you wouldn't use a gun here? You have some better technique than the cop that gets stabbed? I like going home after my job.

Maybe police should carry shopping carts?


u/Imnotracistyouaree 7d ago


This is the one I remember. Four cops are stabbed and one killed.

Starts around 7:28.


u/CitizenKing1001 7d ago

Gosh, why didn't they just use a non lethal judo?? /s


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

The cop that unfortunately made a mistake and tackled a bystander? Yeah, I think if he knew who was actually a threat he'd have dealt with the threat without killing them, and still gone home alive.


u/CitizenKing1001 7d ago

Did you not notice the guy with the knife madly jumping at people with only fractions of a second ro react?? Attacking everyone around him?? Its important to save the lives of the victims.


u/pogedenguin 7d ago

Nobody would want to willingly deal with this kind of a risk tolerance... I mean, he made a single mistake and you die forever

Police should focus immediately on the quickest method of threat stoppage, which is unfortunately lethal.


u/alxtronics 7d ago

Bravest and smartest warriors are always behind a computer screen... What a waste!


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

Police should be able to handle someone with a knife without killing them.


u/alxtronics 7d ago

Bravest warrior everyone!


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

I'm not saying anything about myself. I said police should be able to handle someone with a knife without killing them.


u/SledgeH4mmer 7d ago

How? Tasers don't always stop people and you have to get relatively close to use them. So how are police going to stop a knife wielding maniac without risking their lives?

What you saw in the video above was basically the best possible outcome. She could have easily killed several people.

And it's not a cop's job to put their life in danger trying disarm a knife wielding maniac.


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

That is literally a cop's job

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u/notyumm 7d ago

Let's hear what YOU would do then


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

Dont you think trained police with access to less than lethal arms should be able to deal with this situation without just outright killing them?


u/notyumm 7d ago

Yes and they do try, but because those less than lethal options don't always work like they're supposed to, less and less trained police officers want to take the risk of getting slashed up


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

If someone becomes a police officer and doesnt want to take the risk of dealing with a knife without killing them, they shouldnt be a police officer.


u/SledgeH4mmer 7d ago

LOL no! Police are not expected to stupidly put their lives at risk trying to disarm maniacs with weapons.

If you're a maniac trying to kill people with a knife the cops are going to deal with you in a manner that doesn't risk their lives. As is appropriate.


u/RCAbsolutelyX_x 7d ago

If someone is trying to murder other people, they just gave up their right to life.

All of those people should be allowed to defend themselves with equal force and intention.

Circumstances change everything but if someone was viciously murdering and attacking random people in a parade or event, they don't deserve to be treated with any different method than eradication.


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

I agree with you for certain circumstances, but I think in most cases where the weapon is a knife, police should put more effort into trying to take them alive than just shooting and calling it a day


u/RCAbsolutelyX_x 7d ago

I agree with that, only If they haven't hurt anyone. Or are just trying to inflict an injury upon themselves.


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

That's a fair viewpoint


u/nerojt 7d ago

Half of stabbing victims die, only 25% of shooting victims die. Your judgement is suspect.


u/Hekkle01 7d ago

Where the fuck did you get 25%?


u/nerojt 7d ago

FBI statistics. Real life is no John Wick. Knives make a huge would channel compare to bullets.


u/Hekkle01 6d ago

What I've been able to find so far says that stabbings have a mortality less than 10%


u/Equal_Win 7d ago

Yeah I’m sure if any of these people were armed with a gun they still would have rushed this crazed knife wielding person and tried to subdue them with shopping carts and their bare hands. That surely would be the intelligent thing to do.


u/baithammer 7d ago

Nope, Russians are pragmatists and Russian cops look for excuses to shake down the average person to make up for the several months of no pay.


u/Zaphanathpaneah 7d ago

Well, unless the person is behind a closed door that may or may not be locked, shooting teachers and children. Gotta find that key first.


u/Zeratrem 7d ago

I, I, I.... learn some compassion dumbass.


u/AVALANCHE_CHUTES 7d ago edited 7d ago

Ah yes, who is going to think about the well being of the poor violent criminal? We wouldn’t want her to be hurt in her pursuit of stabbing people to death, now would we?


u/RobbSnow64 7d ago

...And if someone was running at you with a knife, and you had a gun you wouldn't use it?


u/cyberwicklow 7d ago

Found the American.


u/yeahokguy1331 7d ago

Isnt this reddit? An American social media platform.


u/cyberwicklow 7d ago

Oh bless, you really think the internet is limited to America.


u/Different-Version115 7d ago

You have seen just lately in Germany what happens when a cop tries this, it's not worth to risk your life over someone crazy, just shoot him and job done


u/MRGameAndShow 7d ago

Yep, that video was crazy. A bit of hesitation then bam. Few minutes of video and the guy is bleeding out, not pretty.


u/octopusbeakers 6d ago

Link? Haven’t seen it


u/Billych 7d ago

The cop in germany tackled the wrong guy so wouldn't he be shooting the wrong guy too?


u/Different-Version115 7d ago

If you would be allowed to shoot, you would keep more distance and have a second to think about what's happening, but in Germany you have really hard restrictions when it comes to cops and firearms, so he preferred to act ASAP and had not time to think about what's happening.


u/Heilanggang 7d ago

What happened in Germany?


u/octopusbeakers 6d ago

What happened? Have a link?


u/sneakyjesus33 7d ago

It also helped that she is tiny.


u/UpstairsGreen6237 7d ago

Once in a lifetime occurrence for random people, too many a lifetime occurrence for cops. When you are put into those situations regularly, even just a couple times over your career, statistically you have a higher and higher chance of being on the losing end. Hence why police respond the way that they do. 


u/davideo71 7d ago

The police in other Western countries don't respond in the same way as US cops and end up having statistically better outcomes for all involved.


u/realparkingbrake 7d ago

The police in other Western countries don't respond in the same way as US cops

Those other countries don't have 400 million firearms in private hands and a hundred of their cops don't die on the job every year.

The U.S. isn't even in the top five for police killings. Cops in the Philippines kill six times as many people as cops in the U.S. despite the population being a third that of America.


u/davideo71 7d ago

The philippines is hardly a Western country, their last president ran on allowing the police to kill any drug dealer on sight. But sure, if you want to compare the US to that, american cops are considerably 'better', i guess?

Also, for all the perceptions about the dangers of police work, there are many more dangerous jobs in the US. Tree trimmers, roofers, oil rig workers, etc etc. I'm not even sure police officer shows up in the top 25.

People choose to become cops, and they should understand that means handling sometimes difficult and aggressive people on their worst days. They should be trained to handle them in a way that balances personal safety with the protection of these people.

I think you're onto something with the 400 million guns though, maybe there would be a solution in somehow limiting that number?


u/SledgeH4mmer 7d ago

There is no safe way to disarm a knife wielding maniac. Real life isn't like a samurai movie.


u/sky-shard 7d ago

There is no safe way to disarm a knife wielding maniac.

The people in the video seemed to do a pretty good job. Maybe a few cuts and bruises, but no one died.


u/SledgeH4mmer 7d ago

Would you call that safe? They took a risk and someone could have died.

But don't take my word for it. Ask any martial arts expert about how to "safely" disarm someone with a knife.


u/UnhappyLibrary1120 7d ago

Of course they don’t face the same problems but ok.


u/davideo71 6d ago

I think the 'crazy person with knife' problem is pretty universal


u/davideo71 6d ago

I think the 'crazy person with knife' problem is pretty universal


u/UnhappyLibrary1120 6d ago

True, but if you’re willing to go around slashing people to death I’d rather the police deal with you once and for all.


u/WhyYouKickMyDog 7d ago

It helps that the attacker is a very small woman. Let's be real. Size means everything. Much less people in the public are going to try and help subdue someone that is capable of picking you up and yeeting you around.


u/jtnichol 7d ago

I think if I had a mess around with people like that day in and day out, I would use other tools as well.


u/CitizenKing1001 7d ago

Cops should carry shopping carts


u/topkrikrakin 7d ago

Yeah, and at least the dude in the black shirt got cut for it

There's a reason you use ranged attacks against a melee opponent


u/_st23 3d ago

We dont carry firearms in Russia


u/topkrikrakin 3d ago

Are we both referring to police officers?

I am, if that changes anything


u/Lazy_Platypus_6365 7d ago

*russian civilians. they grow up wrestling bears.


u/neuroticmuffins 7d ago

They call it, "Special military operations".


u/misterid 7d ago

so bold, so brave of you to say this


u/Brasi91Luca 7d ago

Ohh such a tragedy gunning down a lunatic trying to kill people with a butcher knife


u/German_Rival 7d ago

If you can, it's always better to save a human life


u/AuroraUnit117 7d ago

Is it? Human life is the most renewable resource on the planet. Id rather someone who attacks others with a knife is shot than them get a chance to do it again and kill someone else


u/German_Rival 7d ago

Saying humans are renewable is extremely dangerous and unhuman. I


u/finkanfin 7d ago

Потому что это Чад Россия, а не Virgin USA.

Because this is chad Russia not Virgin USA


u/_st23 3d ago

Туда их


u/RadenSahid 7d ago

Russia in a nutshell


u/VeIorum 7d ago

lmao you’re delusional. imagine thinking disarming someone with a knife isn’t hard.


u/cyrogyro527 7d ago

You wanna tackle someone wielding a knife? No u don’t . So stop making believe u wouldn’t drop her if you were carrying.


u/HeldDownTooLong 7d ago

That little fella just wandering into the scene like, “Hey mommy…what’s this mean girl doing?”

Thank goodness he wasn’t hurt, but it was kind of cute how he didn’t seem concerned about it.



If one of those civilians had a gun I would hope they would have used it here. This would be a justified use of force in self defense


u/trez63 7d ago

It’s only a US thing. No one here ever wants to get involved in conflict. We’ve been so conflict averse for so long that any altercation is too much to confront.


u/vand3lay1ndustries 7d ago

We should arm them with shopping carts apparently. 


u/Rehcraeser 7d ago

These guys risked their lives for this one interaction. The one dude even had to grab the blade with his hand just to get it out of her hand. Keep in mind, this is a tiny woman too. Now imagine doing that 100s of times, as a job. Obviously they are going to try to stay as safe as possible.


u/Helldiver_of_Mars 7d ago

Reminds me of the cop in New York who watched a man repeatedly get stabbed while watching through the train doors. After the guy getting stabbed beats the guy with the knife he shows up to take the credit.

Proceeds to get awarded for it.


u/nerojt 7d ago

Selection bias - the cop shootings make the news, the cops doing other things to disarm people are less likely to do so.


u/PleasantSpare4732 7d ago

Go have a dumb argument somewhere else


u/musicmonk1 7d ago

A cop has to deal with this stuff every other week and you want him to risk his life each time for some deranged criminals? You guys are actually delusional or just dumb.


u/Winter-Bee7099 6d ago

People would say it's excessive force and police brutality


u/Right-Ad2176 6d ago

Cops can not do this because they have so much stuff hanging off them like guns, pepper spray, flashlight, body cam, walkie-talkie, and lots of donuts.

Plus CYA

10-4 Dispatch we have a situation here

Copy- what is situation?

Knife attack at Walgreens over

Which Walgreens?

7th and Main

Describe suspect?

Hard to do surrounded by citizens

Request backup


u/Okoopewpew 6d ago

This is Russia, not USA/EU... People still have balls there...


u/MuscleMilki 3d ago

Why would ever expect someone (cop or not) to get into close combat against a psycho with a knife, when they can use a gun.


u/dano1066 7d ago

A diet of doughnuts would do that to a person


u/OderusOrungus 7d ago

Ramming carts and throwing shop items at the perp to distract and then strangling would get the police in trouble. Civilians are fighting for their safety, the police are trying not to get sued and criminalized

Edit: US police


u/TwistedBamboozler 7d ago

Just waiting for all the comments

“These people are stupid, not worth it!”

“I’d never get stabbed for someone else, fuck it!”


We could learn a lesson or two here in the states. This is what citizens standing up for themselves look like


u/SnooAdvice6126 7d ago

But they’re Russian, built different.


u/ImpenDoom 7d ago

Would you feel comfortable wrestling a knife away from someone looking to hurt you?


u/Lelnen 7d ago

In America her weapon wouldn't be a knife so all those people would be dead