r/Spiderman Classic-Spider-Man Jul 23 '23

We all know Hobie would Meme

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u/xzakit Jul 24 '23

Is nobody catching the “Mexicans love Coca Cola” joke here?


u/greentshirtman Classic-Spider-Man Jul 24 '23

.....no. That would require the either Miles or O'Hara to have the Mexican Coke. But Prabhakar has it.


u/xzakit Jul 24 '23

I thought that’s just a Coke in a glass bottle? And Miles is Puerto Rican and not Mexican? Why else would Miguel bring an extra large coke? Maybe I’m looking into it too much.


u/bjeebus Jul 24 '23

Mexicans love real coke, with the real sugar. Not the shit stuff we have to put up with with the corn syrup.


u/xzakit Jul 24 '23

Okay but in Europe where I’m from no Coke bottles have corn syrup regardless of size and it’s all made with sugar. Is this not the case in the US or Mexico?