r/Spiderman 4d ago

26/06/24 Comic Discussion Round-Up (The Spectacular Spider-Men #4 & MORE)


r/Spiderman 1d ago



Greetings everyone! A few announcements to make.

Clearing up the rules

A few days ago, we asked for your help on contributing to the new rules and for what is considered a tired post or not. After working it out, we are happy to announce our clearer streamlined rules! Now with a definitive answer to what exactly a tired post is.

  • 1. Civility and reddiquette
  • Please keep all posts civil and follow reddiquette. Any racism/homophobia/transphobia and anything of the sort will be met with bans as well as threats of violence and personal insults towards writers and fans. Critical discussion about comics and movies must be constructive.
  • 2. Pirated Content
  • No sharing or asking for links to download pirated content. This includes panels obviously taken from a pirate site (like ReadComicsOnline banners and screenshots of the link).
  • 3. Related
  • All posts must be related to Spider-Man, or any related characters. This does not include parody characters.
  • 4. Spoilers
  • Spoiler posts must be tagged and marked as such up to 2 weeks of release. Spoilers must never be in the thread title, this will lead to the post being removed.
  • 5. Memes/Shitposts/Circlejerking
  • Memes, shitposts, and other types of those posts are not allowed on the subreddit as they lead to too many low effort posts. These are now moved to r/SpiderManCirclejerk
  • 6. Artwork/Comic Panels
  • Credit the artist or mark as [OC], otherwise it will be removed. Please include the artist’s name in the title of the post. AI artwork is not allowed at all. If a post includes a comic panel/page, it must include the source of it in the comments or in the title, unless it is asking which comic the panel/page is from. If not, it will be removed.
  • 7. No Tired Posts/Overdone Subjects
  • Includes: Asking if a certain actor is underrated/the best/most accurate, "Am I the only one who liked", "Why do people hate on", “Who best love interest”, “How to fix 616”, “Muh big bad Marvel Studios/Sony”, all tier lists/polls, overdone topics like Zeb Wells’ poor treatment of characters and Morrigan shipping, bot reposts for karma farming, overdone comic panels such as Mcfarlane’s MJ, recent reposts, and posts that are just pictures with easily answered questions/opinions.
  • 8. No OnlyFans Promos
  • Cosplays are allowed unless they're mainly for OnlyFans promos.

A new home for the Spidey madness

As noted in the new rules, while memes are now banned from the sub, they will have a new home in r/SpiderManCirclejerk. Basically the BatmanArkham for the wallcrawler where all memes can be posted (and yes, THAT one as well, you know the one ya bloodsuckers). We decided on this as it seemed to be the best way to tackle on the plague of low effort posts that we've been dealing with while also allowing for memes to run wild without hampering actual discussion.

What a tangled web we weave.....

Also, we are also extremely proud to announce a new subreddit network for multiple Spider-Man related subreddits titled "Spider-Society"!

yeah yeah, we know but couldn't think of a better title currently.

These include:


















And still growing! You've probably already noticed it with the new Discussion Threads with it linking to many of these subreddits. We're happy to have this be the first step to a more interconnected community for all the webslingers out there. We also have plans to have a more consistent look throughout all the subreddits as well! If you have a Spidey subreddit that would like to join, please send us a modmail about it.

Finally, an reading update

Finally, you've probably heard before about our plans for a new reading order for Spider-Man. We're still working on it (60 years of comic appearences is a lot to organize) but we would love your input on which runs/stories to recommend and have it's own section. As well as input on which characters should specifically have a reading order beyond the ones with the subreddits

Feel free to comment them below and why they should be specifically noted!

We're exuberant to make these announcements and hope they are only the start of a new and better time!

TL;DR We've updated our rules which you guys should read and we have developed a Spider-Network of multiple subreddits including one for memes which we will not allow on our main sub anymore. And we would love for you to give input on the best of the best for Spidey comics to specifically note for our upcoming reading orders as well as different characters.

r/Spiderman 12h ago

Comics At Peter’s memorial, everyone imagines what would’ve happened if he lived


r/Spiderman 7h ago

Discussion The films should stick closer to the comics


In my opinion by being mostly entirely original stories independent from the comics the opportunity for some amazing stories to reach a wider audience is completely missed for example a story like if this be my destiny is practically begging to be brought into a live action film this also opens up the opportunity for more classic story adaptations that have never been shown the love they truly deserve

r/Spiderman 10h ago

Fan Made For The Fandom’s New Favorite


Earth 6160 Peter and MJ ACBA I whipped up. Hope Everyone likes It😅

r/Spiderman 9h ago

Discussion Who is The “Kingdom Come Superman”equivalent of Spider-Man?


Who’s The Best Version of Spider-Man that is the “seasoned pro, here to save the day, hero we need, too old for this shit” Spidey? The Spider-Man who, were he in the DC Universe, would’ve shown up in Kingdom Come? These are my contenders but I’m wondering what everyone else thinks.

r/Spiderman 23h ago

Fan Art Practising anatomy (not finished)

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There is totally nothing I am practising specifically and these totally don't have anything in common at all.


I didnt steal this, I also posted this to r/drawing and i downloaded the image to put it here too but reddit does that dumb thing where it watermarks it in the corner so tbats why its a cropped version of another post :)

r/Spiderman 15h ago

Movies Spider-Man 2 came out exactly 20 years ago, yes we're old...

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r/Spiderman 6h ago

Comics Peter deserves to have his perfect life from House of M in an alternate universe like how Ultimate is


I believe it would be an amazing run if he actually had his House Of M life played out in a positive way with Gwen like how Ultimate is giving us his perfect life with Mj. I like the concept of House of M but the randomly timed events within it like Bald Peter or whatnot were just poorly executed.

r/Spiderman 2h ago

Movies Why Tom Holland Is My Favorite Spider-Man


I grew up on Andrew's Spider-Man and I absolutely loved him. I remember watching his first film and immediately pretending to be a webslinging hero afterwards on the monkey bars. So obviously I was genuinely distraught when I learned that they were doing another Spider-Man reboot and replacing him.

And then I watched Spider-Man: Homecoming, and I immediately changed my mind. I LOVE Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man, but there was always this disconnect because he didn't really feel like a teenager to me--especially when I actually became one.

I grew up alongside Tom Holland's Peter, and I understood him because he was more relatable to me. Nowadays we have a world of resources at our fingertips, and I think it would be plain stupid not to explore that in this universe. So all the "Iron Man Jr." stuff is ridiculous to me. I like that they explore new suits and all that tech, because they do remind us, "Hey, yeah these are really flashy and cool. But they aren't what make Spider-Man." Like that's one of the central themes in the first film; "If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it."

Spider-Man was originally self-made. Tom made a sweet first Spidey suit and webs and was out on his own before Tony recruited him. Then he got the new suit, got a taste of being an avenger, and wanted to join. Who wouldn't? Those are his HEROES. He grew up idolizing them. And then he learns that maybe his place is with the little guy (I do wish we got more of Tom and New York interacting. I personally don't love the Tobey Maguire films, but his relationship with the citizens of New York was one of my favorite aspects of it). Anyway, he learns he doesn't need the suit or Stark's help.

In FFH, he thinks that because his mentor died, there needs to be a replacement. The responsibility (which is a huge aspect of Spider-Man's character) threatens to strangle him because how on Earth can he be like his idol? He barely even knew the guy. He finds a new Idol in Mysterio (kids are taught to trust their elders and role models) and is betrayed (adults aren't perfect and can hurt you). Peter learns to trust himself (seen with the learned Spidey-sense) and his intuition instead of what people say and what he sees. He learns to trust himself and be himself as well.

And then his identity gets exposed. Poor Peter; kid just can't catch a break.

Suddenly, his family and friends are being hurt just because they know him. Their opportunities are being withheld, people are throwing rocks through his window, etc etc. Peter goes to Dr. Strange for help (the, like, one superhero mentor he has left) because what's wrong with asking for help? Kids are supposed to have a support system--too bad the universe has it out for Peter. The spell is botched (which btw, why the heck did Dr. Strange not completely debrief Peter on the entire spell and its consequences, etc.? Though I will say, I think Peter should've just kept his mouth shut and retold Aunt May & Co.), bringing in villains, some of whom are going to die. Peter is hesitant because he doesn't think it's his responsibility, but Aunt May convinces him otherwise. At first I was like, "Shut UP Aunt May. They're villains and they honestly kind of deserved it. Their deaths were their fault." But these aren't the Joker (who should definitely be put down, because he's irredeemable). They have actual factors that are making them the way they are and second chances are important. So they try to make cures, things fall apart, and Aunt May and Peter pay the price. After all, "No good deed goes unpunished."

Peter wants to give up the responsibility. He just lost the last living relative, a fifth parent (if you consider Tony a near parent, and if Uncle Ben was an actual person in this universe). But the other Peters, who have suffered too, who have lived different but similar lives and have advice and help to give, step in to help cure their villains because they get a second chance too. Tobey's Peter gets to save Doc Ock and Sandman (and plays a big help in saving Green Goblin), and Andrew gets to save MJ like he couldn't save Gwen, and also save his respective villains (though he did help Curtis Conners already, he played a big part in Electro's fate).

And Peter pays for his small act of selfishness regarding the spell by having the only people he has left in his support system completely forget who he is. They've helped him, supported him, loved him--and they've all been hurt by him. Just because they know him.

So he decides the best course of action is to be totally independent. Everyone who helps him gets hurt. So no more. He's completely on his own, with no support, no records (as far as we can tell), and an entirely clean slate.

A second chance.

You can see the "Never give up" theme shine clearly in the end of the last film. Peter's lost everything. But he still has that glimmer of hope in his eyes when he's looking at his new shoddy apartment. He makes his own suit using the sewing machine from May, combining the suits from the other two Peter's.

We started out with a high school kid given powers in a world where superheroes are prevalent and have been for a while. We skip past the origin story because we already had it twice, why do it again? ((Though eventually, I would really like to know how it was, since there's no Oscorp and there's no actual confirmation that Uncle Ben existed, other than the suitcase in FFH that has his initials)). Peter's youth is excellently explored, and now he's at a spot where the Spider-Man we're more familiar with--the one with more experience, quips, loneliness, independence, and badassery. Plus, now he has a perfectly good reason to withhold his identity (if they choose to go down that route), since he learned that everyone who knows him gets hurt. Though maybe the next lesson in the 4th movie--if there is one--will be that letting people in is important and we don't have always control over bad things that happen.

Anyway, those are my (somewhat jumbled) thoughts on Tom Holland's Spider-Man, and why he's ultimately my favorite in live action.

r/Spiderman 3h ago

Fan Art Happy 20th anniversary, Spider-man 2 (@BackupBastian)

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r/Spiderman 13h ago

Question Is this comicbook worth buying?


The issue is ASM #74 LGY#875

I really want to get this issue but the Marco Checcetto Variant, and wanted to know how the story in it is, and is it worth spending money on

r/Spiderman 5h ago

Fan Art Might be my favorite piece I’ve made so far

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19x11 birch plywood

r/Spiderman 12h ago

Movies The only correct way to watch Spider-man

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r/Spiderman 3h ago

Movies Which version should I watch for the 20th anniversary?


r/Spiderman 8h ago

Fan Art Hey check my spider sona Teresa Parker ii art by @cr_chaves_18

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More Det down below.👇

r/Spiderman 9h ago

Fan Art Spider-Man 2 (2002) Poster Commission by Sketchatron

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r/Spiderman 18h ago

Movies On this day 20 years ago Spider-Man 2 was premiered in theaters. Who saw this in theaters ?

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I saw this movie in theaters the day it came out, it was pack that day.

r/Spiderman 2h ago

Cosplay More Ezekiel costume pics because feedback was positive


I took the last pic on accident and it turned out looking a little creepy, thought someone might like it

r/Spiderman 11h ago

Fan Art Mid 20’s Miles and Tiana (@haretchi)



r/Spiderman 19h ago

Cosplay Ezekiel Sims cosplay


Got it off eBay because I love the suit a lot. And yes, I know you can see my eyes sometimes

r/Spiderman 11h ago

Cosplay Happy 20th anniversary to Spider-Man 2! My costume from a 35mm screening

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r/Spiderman 4h ago

Comics I finally got Kravens Last Hunt

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I'm just now getting into the comics, and I heard this was good, so I got it

r/Spiderman 1h ago

Best non-comic adaptation of Spider-Man's supporting characters, Day 21: Spider-Girl

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r/Spiderman 1h ago

Comics Was told this belonged here - Just a 300 away from a full McFarlane ASM run

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r/Spiderman 21h ago

Fan Art This goes hard! (@marcianationn)On Instagram

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r/Spiderman 11h ago

Question With all the superhero films that came after, do you think Spider-Man 2 still withstood the test of time now that it’s 20 years old?

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In my opinion, I’d say yes. I would say this film is the pinnacle of superhero films. Everything still holds up incredibly well. I love Peter’s journey, the supporting characters are intriguing, the action sequences are some of the best I’ve seen, the music is stellar thanks to the great Danny Elfman, Alfred Molina is awesome as Doctor Octopus and the visual effects are still very impressive.

But what do you guys think?