r/BlackCat Jul 15 '23

New subreddit banner!

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Our favorite sexy, funny, and stylish Spider-Man love interest finally gets her own subreddit banner!

r/BlackCat 1d ago

Black Cat by Peach Momoko

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r/BlackCat 2d ago

Spectacular Spider-Men #6 Main Cover by Humberto Ramos and Edgar Delgado

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r/BlackCat 2d ago

Night-Spider (Fanart by me)

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the drawing of Night-Spider that I made today (without the background or the dialogues)

r/BlackCat 2d ago

NIGHT SPIDER HAS BEEN BORN!!!! (fanart made by me)

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Peter arrives at a rooftop at Felicia's call, but finds a big surprise. šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ•ø

fanart I made of Night-Spider šŸ’— I love this version of the character and I wanted to make this cartoon style drawing

What do you think???

r/BlackCat 6d ago

Jackpot & Black Cat #4 Review


r/BlackCat 6d ago

So... the Jackpot mini is over...No results or answers...


We have spent these months talking, debating or arguing (whatever). Regarding the nature of this mini, everyone has their own ideas...and after finishing it's like....Why, if in the end nothing is answered? The normal thing now would be to talk about being wrong or not about things but.... How exactly are you wrong or right with something that ignores absolutely everything and answers absolutely nothing?

-Felicia's two different attitudes are not explained.

-MJ doesn't ask questions about Felicia's double attitude.

-It is not explained how/when Amelia met Felicia.

-It is not explained what happened with the stolen app, nor with Amelia's revenge against her former boss. Nothing about the ending of number 2.

-It is not explained what happens/happened/will happen with Amelia. We do not see her fleeing, nor detained, nor dead. Just get away from a gunfight.

-There is no conversation about how Felicia feels or if she feels anything about this whole Amelia thing, as if she doesn't exist at all, although she confirms that she doesn't care about her and never tells her "I love you" or "I loved you." But there's also no conversation about the previous tension with MJ or Peter. Just two girls drinking champagne.

The story is simply improvised number by issue without plan or organization. Incomplete, rushed... It's not that it's bad in general but that one can't even say "I was wrong" or "I was right" because there are no answers to anything. Neither right nor wrong, there are simply no answers to anything.

r/BlackCat 6d ago

Jackpot & Black Cat (2024) #4 | Comic Discussion

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r/BlackCat 7d ago

Amazing Spider-Man #54 Variant by Sao Wee

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r/BlackCat 6d ago

Jackpot and Black Cat #4ā€¦a far to long review.


So I get Jackpot and Black Cat digitally and physicallyā€¦I know, I just want to support Feliciaā€™s book as best I canā€¦anyway, i reviewed last months issue and was disappointed by it. The whole MJ and Felicia talkā€¦the weird overly aggressive preachy tone and the art that made it look even worse, killed my enthusiasm for the mini series. They had subverted expectation to a degree by having Felicia in on the scheme with her girlfriend Amelia aka Bandwidth instead of the expected ā€œAmelia is conning her tooā€. It was at least interesting.

That combined with Marvel actually giving Felicia a full fledged girlfriend/love interest in current time made the book more interesting, more significant. Yes it was done in the weakest wayā€¦off panel but months. They were together monthsā€¦then issue 3ā€¦killed it. What a terrible scene that was. It still bothers me a month later. I can honestly say that it made me really dislike MJ for the first time. Just a cruel speech. Anywayā€¦I talked about that before and donā€™t want to talk about it again.

Amelia goes after MJ and everyoneā€™s favorite character Paul behind Feliciaā€™s back and forces her to choose, her current love or the woman who just brutally wrecked her current relationship like a wrecking ballā€¦.of course Felicia chose MJ, after all the promos imply theyā€™re best friends even though in issue 3, itā€™s hard to buy and Felicia didnā€™t seem to by the end. There brief summary doneā€¦letā€™s talk issue 4 aka back to where we were sort of.

Spoiler review, Iā€™ll redact of course. I donā€™t know if anyone cares about spoilers. If I knew how overall disappointing all of this would beā€¦I wouldnā€™t care. I know this wasnā€™t a well written mini seriesā€¦Iā€™ll talk about MJ later, but it gave Felicia an actual new all her own love interest. Not the one I wanted but it gave her one.

When I review Catwoman I try to avoid spoilers but honestly Iā€™ll just redact this one. Just the same spoiler summary and my thoughts after this point.

Preview showed the fight, preview showed that they were going to go after Bandwidth. The dialogue was off, weirdly banter heavy. More Felicia saying she put herself first, more MJ declaring her wrongā€¦itā€™s all in the preview and itā€™s just not well written. They heavy hand foreshadow the end of the issue here.

Paul just happens to have a way to stop Bandwidth. Briefly on Paulā€¦Celeste gives Paul the most character heā€™s had yetā€¦and heā€™s will bland and generic. Man bun is just not interesting.

Somehow Felicia gets to the safe house in time. This issue has problems with timeā€¦She convinces Amelia that they should go together. The talk they have isā€¦the high point because it gives you at least a little background on Amelia. The conclusion of which is that theyā€™re on the run togetherā€¦enter Jackpot to say a superheroā€™s one liner. Thereā€™s an interesting panel where you can actually see how this is affecting Felicia. Small digressionā€¦I read somewhere on the boards that ā€œthis was a con by Feliciaā€ and Iā€™m sorry but that just doesnā€™t line up with the story. The brief backstory for Amelia isnā€™t bothered with again. Sheā€™s not long for the story.

Anyway, you finally get Felicia and Amelia break upā€¦and itā€™s still the best writing in the issue. Everything focusing on Feliciaā€™s feelings, her hurt over the relationship endingā€¦is decent, or at least it is relative to the restā€¦.ending with Felicia admitting that their love isnā€™t enough to survive Ameliaā€™s willingness to kill to get what she wants. Felicia is willing to kill, just not people who donā€™t actually deserve itā€¦anyway, Paul magically stops Amelia from getting back up, then MJ I guess signs Ameliaā€™s death warrantā€¦like a hero, by leaking that sheā€™s obscuraā€¦.iā€™ll talk about MJ at the end.

Owl shows upā€¦all dialogue focused on Black Cat, her relationship with Owlā€¦could have been interesting but too little too late. Generic fight happens. How is a fight where one of the heroes can have any power so numbingly generic?

Black Cat is apparently unable to take out the goons that Owl brought so she has to be saved by the power of friendship. Peter gets a name drop. Guess heā€™s a raiders of the lost ark fanā€¦Oh, Amelia just vanishes. Just gone off with Paul who also just vanishes. Gone to the island of misfit ex loves for her. Shockingly Felicia and MJ are friends again, somehow. Even more ā€œshockingā€ they have breakfast together. Felicia donated most of the money but got pastries from France for their breakfastā€¦.apparently over nighted. How much of that 10mil did she actually donate? MJ should get a receipt. They highlight the two characters differing points of views, Jackpot is willing to be in the grey, Felicia appreciates thatā€¦thereā€™s a shot being taken here I thinkā€¦anyway, story ends with a ā€œMJ and Black Cat will returnā€ without having to actually say it.

Oh Felicia doesnā€™t comment on Amelia at all beyond a comment on emotional suffering in a banter-ie way. Sheā€™s just gone, served her purpose and poof away. Paul is also gone but who cares about Paul.

I was wondering why there had been no spoilers for this issue and itā€™s because there is nothing worth spoiling. God that sounds so harsh, I really enjoyed the first two issues overall but itā€™s just a by the numbers story.

MJ was replaced by stock super hero vigilante number 5. She talked like she was Batman. She said lines like ā€œI just want to make a differenceā€. She was holier than thou, the good one. She never read like MJ and she doesnā€™t hear either.

All this series in the end did was say that Black Cat and MJ are friends. Gave Felicia a love interest, took her away. All in service of the title characters being friends even though the mini series didnā€™t support that friendship all that well.

The art was great. Emilio Laiso for the most part kills it. The last issue is a bit more rushed looking but save the weird double peak collarā€¦his Black Cat is amazing. The art is a saving grace for the book. Laiso wonā€™t be my first pick for the hopefully next solo run for Black Cat but I wouldnā€™t upset if he was main artist.

Iā€™ve been writing this on and off for hours I thinkā€¦apparently I had a lot to say. Itā€™s 2:30 am and my sleep schedule is terrible so Iā€™ll make the end thoughts quick.

It wasnā€™t a terrible issue, it wasnā€™t a good issueā€¦it was just there. It was generic and disappointing so maybe thatā€™s worseā€¦but issue 3 started that trend. The series gave Felicia her own love interest and they didnā€™t feel off together. It then dropped the ball on it.

I hope that Felicia gets a new run after this though based on the afterword it doesnā€™t seem likely. Black Cat deserves better. If sheā€™s going to be a representative for LGBTQ+ then actually use that. Do something with it. Theyā€™re certainly putting her on every Pride cover or promotion they can.

I have my hope that MacKay will get her back. Iā€™ll hold onto that.

Please excuse the typos! I promise my reviews arenā€™t always this long!

r/BlackCat 9d ago

Felicia and Peter fanart by me

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r/BlackCat 9d ago

If you were Peter and it was Felicia's birthday...which of these three gifts would she like the most?


You're Peter, and she's the best girlfriend in the world. You tell her, and you give her gifts for the best girlfriend in the world. And since it's her birthday and she's the best girlfriend in the world, for just one night there's carte blanche to do whatever she wants, with no rules. But she can only have one of the three gifts...

-A stuffed animal of Garfield the cat to hug at night. He hates Mondays, we all identify with him.

-A date with Cheetara from Thundercat, all night. Without rules.

-A trip to Egypt with permission to rob the Cairo museum for one night, without the obligation to return anything. And being able to steal only one thing.

Of these 3, which would be Felicia's choice and why?

r/BlackCat 10d ago

Ada Wong x Black Cat (so, Catwoman?) by bishgnuette

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r/BlackCat 11d ago

Black Cat fanart (Joanna Casaje)

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r/BlackCat 11d ago

Marvel Preview: Jackpot and Black Cat #4


r/BlackCat 11d ago

Jackpot and Black Cat #4 Preview

Thumbnail aiptcomics.com

Never sure if this needs a spoiler but preview is up.

It looks fine, nothing amazing and after issue 3 my interest kind of died down a bit. The whole MJ and Felicia ā€œtalkā€ was so badly handled. Anyway, one issue to go. Iā€™d love to see some kind of twist but itā€™s reading a bit predictable.

Art remains beautiful though.

r/BlackCat 15d ago

Serious question: Is it "possible" that Felicia has feelings for MJ?


No jokes. Not necessarily now (or is it?) but maybe tomorrow, at some point... Could it be? Not on MJ's part but on Cat's part. After everything they have experienced together as rivals, going from animosity to tolerance and now friendship, and knowing more or less the real profile of people that Felicia attracts, there is the possibility that there is some kind of consciously or unconsciously repressed attraction for the redhead?

I'm not suggesting anything about a threesome or anything, just what would happen if those feelings were real. What would Felicia do? Can anyone imagine her in love and stable with Peter but confused by feelings for MJ? Would he confess those feelings to MJ? And how would she react? Would they hide this discovery from Peter? Is it in MJ's nature to accept or share those feelings? Would he run away and avoid Felicia out of discomfort, breaking up their friendship? Could Felicia live peacefully with the secret if she never confesses it, confusing both Peter and MJ?

DOES ANYONE believe something like this could really happen? Could Felicia relive the past again from such a radically opposite angle? Because I personally see this as the only thing that could cause problems and conflicts once it has become clear that the relationship between them is solid with or without Peter in the middle and that MJ has given them complete freedom to be together. So without jealousy or envy involved, this alone could cause problems...but could it "really" happen?

r/BlackCat 19d ago

Infinity Paws #8 Nao Fuji cover

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r/BlackCat 22d ago

Irina Meier

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r/BlackCat 23d ago

Felicia Luke cage hook up ?

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r/BlackCat 23d ago

How do you imagine Peter and Felicia's honeymoon if it ever happens?


Imagine that you are already married...what happens next? She attracts bad luck, he has Parker luck. And in a BlackCat story something ALWAYS goes wrong.

Where would they go on a trip? Paris? Rome? London? Hawaii? And what would happen once there, or in the middle of the road?

Personally, I think Peter would get tickets to Hawaii and Felicia would get tickets to Florida in a lottery prize without both deciding where to go. I think Peter could lose his ticket at the boarding gate of the plane while Felicia enters right in front and then, after separating to search and find the ticket in his pocket, a nervous Peter could take the wrong plane, leaving poor Felicia alone by accident. where, coincidentally, he would meet MJ on the plane. He would end up in Florida and she in Hawaii, where she basically spends half of her honeymoon in the company of MJ and he, desperate to find a plane to Hawaii, ends up involved in a case of jewelry and crocodile smuggling until Felicia and MJ get a guy handsome guy with a helicopter who they then leave stranded to take them to Florida. And Peter rests exhausted in his room while the girls make their fortune at the casino.

This is...believable as a classic Spiderman Story, I think.

r/BlackCat 25d ago

Thanks hot legs

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r/BlackCat 25d ago

Here to spread some more Night-Spider propaganda (art by Minchfox)

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r/BlackCat 25d ago

Reading Order for Mackay run?


I have Marvel Unlimited and read the 2019 run 1-12. I know there's at least 2 annuals and another 2020 run 1-10? But then isn't there some tie ins with King in Black?

What reading order should I do after the 2019 #12?

r/BlackCat 26d ago

If Felicia officially/unofficially joined the Avengers, what dynamic would she have with them?


Currently the kitten has ties to much of the Marvel universe including Cap and Stark, but also with Fury. Technically her constant achievements would allow her to be considered for the team and Peter would also endorse her....but what kind of dynamic could someone so overpowered have with so much charisma, energy and chaos orbiting around her?

If she hesitates to Strange and Stark right under their noses, what if she had to share a panel with Thor, ShelHulk or...omg...JANET!