r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 7d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/StrangerTex 7d ago

And a line of drunk assholes waiting after you looking at you like hurry up.


u/LittleFlank 7d ago

The nightmare moment when you have to pee so bad, but the activity of the room is keeping your valve completely locked up, so you stand there for 30 to 60 seconds begging your physiology for relief and you end up just shaking your dry dick, zipping back up, and humiliated because you KNOW the two cycles of dudes to either side of you SAW that you didn't piss at all and they're silently judging you about it.


u/noworriesisme 6d ago

I feel attacked.

What's been working for me is a trick I read on Reddit somewhere to count tiles in the bathroom (or count anything) something to distract your mind. Even in a crowded ass restroom with dudes waiting I get a flow going by 12 tiles.


u/cia218 6d ago

Mine is singing the Alphabet Song or Happy Birthday over and over til it comes out.