r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 7d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/-SandorClegane- 7d ago


Just like when you see a kid at the urinal (with or without his dad/male guardian) and the kid's pants are around his ankles. It's a normal thing that happens in a public restroom. Do not acknowledge it and do not make eye contact with either party.


u/Last_Gigolo 7d ago

Years ago, I was at the permit office in Houston. Fair size building. Couple hundred people there every hour or so.

Dude walks into the restroom to the urinal and drops his pants and just lets them soak in the dribble puddle.

Pulled them up and walked out. I finished and washed up, and wouldn't you know it, he's at the elevator holding the door for me. I took the stairs. That pee was from pockets to ankles. He might as well have just peed on himself instead of wasting a trip downstairs.


u/FarquaadsFuckDoll 7d ago

Every day I try and find the grossest thing on reddit to send to my friend and you just helped me complete my search. Thank you.


u/joe-clark 7d ago

When I was a freshman in college I remember this one kid in the dorm would walk down to the bathroom wearing socks and no shoes on his feet. I remember making an involuntary noise of disgust when I first saw him doing it, just buy a cheap pair of slides bro.


u/FarquaadsFuckDoll 7d ago

I also just made an involuntary noise of disgust. Thank you!