r/SipsTea Fave frog is a swing nose frog 7d ago

Urinal Code of Ethics Chugging tea

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u/Glimmertwinsfan1962 7d ago

Her mistake is she that asked “These are things you guys need to think about?” Guys don’t need to think about it at all, it comes instinctually.


u/No_Flight503 7d ago

He got 5 wrong. At that point, you stand there and wait for people to leave.


u/Shiny_Bidoof_Swag 7d ago

That just makes you weirder I thought


u/usernameabc124 7d ago

It definitely does, this post has taken this shit to an extreme. Context matters. I want to avoid peeing next to someone when possible but I think it’s significantly weirder to be so focused on avoiding standing next to another guy peeing when you need to pee.

For fucks sake, I have been to plenty of events where we are peeing in a fucking trough.

Etiquette should be as simple as follow the basic rules but never obsess over trivial shit like this to the point of awkward behavior. No issues if you go to a stall, I have, but standing and waiting is awkward as fuck.


u/Newfaceofrev 7d ago

The etiquette is you take the furthest available space. If there is only one space, then you take the space, nobody judges.


u/vorschact 7d ago

I try more to just keep the stall separation. There’s plenty of times where Oscar piss-Torius comes in and fucks up by moving 2 stalls away and now the courtesy stall is gone for someone. Either just keep the sacred stall, or allow for a middle man if needed.


u/theFlaccolantern 7d ago

Exactly lol, people in here are definitely weirder for not just going to pee when you have to pee. Seriously? Just stand there in the corner when there's an open urinal? Cmon. You're there for a utilitarian purpose that everyone has to do.

It almost brings it full circle, where you're trying so hard not to think about strangers dicks that you're just broadcasting to everyone that you're thinking about not thinking about strangers dicks.


u/ClassicDragon 7d ago

Its not about seeing other dicks, its about our dicks being seen. Big difference.


u/askiawnjka124 7d ago

Big difference



u/ClassicDragon 7d ago

Average difference


u/usernameabc124 7d ago

I can honestly say that isn’t a fear of mine… I just want to pee in peace with a little bit of space.


u/InvaderDJ 7d ago

Depends on the situation. You can just stare at the floor or ceiling or something until they leave.

Although obviously first in this scenario you see if there is an empty stall first. Hopefully by the time you do that, someone is finishing up and you can swap in.


u/Cory123125 7d ago

Nah, it depends on how close they are. If they are all in dick in face range, you wait, but if you can slightly lean to one side for some privacy its a good enough compromise.


u/Magic2424 7d ago

Yea that person is deranged. He had the correct spot but the wrong reasoning. No matter what the best you get is being next to 1 person and there is no edge available BUT you can save someone else the indignity of being sandwiched so you take that spot to be a homie


u/RainbowUniform 7d ago

lmao I remember kids doing this in elementary school and people would just laugh at them and say shrimp dick


u/MondayCleaner 7d ago

Naaah bro. I will wait till there’s comfortable space. One time I was peeing on an end urinal and for some a random pulls up next to me. This was a four urinal.

The moment I see him start, I stop my piss mid stream and just bounced. I was none too happy.


u/mytransthrow 7d ago

No you stand there but looking at the ceiling.

Its only weird if you look at them while they are peeing.

You can use op in videos choice if you really have to go but you have to mumble something about pissing like a race horse...

But I am trans I dont have to worry about that now.


u/HotFudgeFundae 7d ago

Just standing there with your arms folded staring at all the other guys

"Hurry up I have to piss!"


u/BJYeti 7d ago

Nah find a stall


u/KingTris187 7d ago

This is the way


u/boyerizm 7d ago

The Konami cheat code of public restrooms


u/Glimmertwinsfan1962 7d ago

I agree, however, under no circumstances do you stand too close, nor make any sort of eye contact nor acknowledgment of a man leaving the urinal.


u/ChainOut 7d ago

Go ahead and get a preliminary hand washing in


u/Da_Chi 7d ago

Oh yea, definitely the prewash right there!


u/AwarenessPotentially 7d ago

A buddy and I both suffer from bashful bladder. So when we're at the bar together, if we see the the other guy going to the can, we jump up and sneak up on them from behind, and stand there like a perv while we both laugh like hyenas. "Having trouble? Have you started yet".


u/No_Flight503 7d ago

Nope you stand as far back as possible. Preferably looking down at the ground or up at the ceiling.


u/Glimmertwinsfan1962 7d ago

Haha. Funny because it’s true.


u/WhiteElephant12 7d ago

But if you're in a long ass line with people behind you, you better choose a urinal quickly


u/Conchobair 7d ago

might as well give one guy a back rub while waiting in line


u/anti_incumbent 7d ago

For 4 and 5, I felt like we didn’t have enough information. Was the shitter full?


u/DrakonILD 7d ago

Shitter's full.


u/Asisreo1 7d ago

No time, you have to pee now. No stalls either. 


u/leshake 7d ago

Depends on the setting. If you're at a ball game you gotta keep that shit moving.


u/JamesBuffalkill 7d ago

Moving shit is for a stall but, I mean, in case of emergency a urinal will do.


u/stormscape10x 7d ago

Reminds me of a quiz about this from forever ago, and one of them shows all the urinals empty except a weirdo staring at you on the last urinal. The answer was to click on the door and leave. My friend was shocked that I got it right (he didn't think you could click on the door and I did it as a joke because I definitely wouldn't have wanted to be in a bathroom with the weirdo). Sometimes the answer is to just leave.


u/fishcado 7d ago

Or find an empty toilet


u/No_Flight503 7d ago

☝️this is correct


u/arbitrageME 7d ago

yeah, but what if someone else with less shame comes along and takes one of the urinals. then, when one guy is finished, you still might not have a spot


u/awesomefutureperfect 7d ago

No, he's right. Especially if you got to go. It would be bad form to box the guy on the left in. Worst comes to worst I'd turn around and find another bathroom.


u/SalvationSycamore 7d ago

No, at that point I piss in a stall


u/DrakonILD 7d ago

Nah. Proper answer is to turn around and leave, try again later.

Unless this is halftime at a ballgame or intermission at a theatre show, or something like that. Then you won't be getting any of these scenarios anyway, and you just slot in wherever someone leaves.


u/moo3heril 7d ago

5 doesn't usually happen unless there's a big rush or it's a busy venue, in which case waiting is rude.


u/thetburg 7d ago

Is the sink available though?


u/RacerX3888 7d ago edited 7d ago

If there's a sink, I run the water and wash my hands. I figure everyone using the urinals will get a little help hearing the water run. Speeds things up


u/Mistrblank 7d ago

5 is my ass looking for the open stall


u/jaywinner 7d ago

5 was correct but wrong reason. If you take the leftmost open urinal, you cause somebody to be next to 2 people. The correct choice limits everybody to only one person next to anybody.


u/Dom_Telong 7d ago

You go in the stalls in that situation. If your an anxious wreck, you pretend to wash your hands and leave.


u/DeadSeaGulls 7d ago

nah. waiters are baiters.


u/curtcolt95 7d ago

nah he chose right. You will look far weirder waiting


u/Neurotrace 7d ago

No way, that's super weird. At that point just take whichever of the pair of empty ones is closest to you. Squeezing in to that one where you'll be shoulder to shoulder is acceptable if it's the closest and there's people coming in behind you


u/KonigSteve 7d ago

Nah man you're too concerned with other people's dicks at that point. Just piss.