r/PetiteFitness 4d ago

Someone called me a “thicker girl” when describing me today - got me feeling a bit discouraged with where I’m at in my journey (5’4” 130lbs) Rant

How do you you guys handle stuff like this? I didn’t say anything to the person because I don’t think they necessarily were saying it negatively, but idk I hate when people comment on women’s bodies like that.

I’m probably being overly sensitive but hearing that made me feel like I’m kinda failing in my fitness journey. I’ve plateaued here at the 130 mark (goal weight is 120) and this comment has gotten in my head a bit. I kinda thought I looked average right now, but didn’t really considered myself to be “thick”

I definitely carry my weight in my waist and hips unfortunately. But we all know you can’t do “spot” weight loss.

Any encouragement is welcome. How do you handle these situations? What do you tell yourself?


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u/Potential_Soup_6469 4d ago

I was a total menace at 130 5’4 and from the pics it seems you are too!!!! I now miss my menacing days so enjoy your body!


u/SolarSurfer7 4d ago

What do you mean when you say you were a menace?


u/AdChemical1663 3d ago

I was smoking hot at that height and weight and never paid my own bar tab.  My friends were equally hot, and we successfully instituted a rule that if the table was approached during Ladies Night at the bar, the gentleman had to buy a round for the entire table before talking to one of us.  We successfully bamboozled a dude and his wingman into picking up dinner for five in order to have dessert with us.  

The early 2000s in the military was a crazy time and place. 

I would not have called myself a menace, but only because I didn’t know it as a descriptor. 


u/SolarSurfer7 3d ago

Ah the best of times, the worst of times.


u/AdChemical1663 3d ago

They were pretty damn good times at the time. And with the haze of reverie and nostalgia, they weren’t too bad in retrospect, either.