r/PetiteFitness Jan 04 '24

Friendly Reminder to All


This is NOT a place to come and ask if you’re fat, if your body “looks ok”, or post a picture of yourself at an apparent already healthy weight asking how to get even more tiny. My heart goes out to those who suffer from Body Dysmorphia symptoms but this is not the place for body checks. Not only will I remove your post, you will be banned. Please remember to read the rules of this sub before posting. Thank you to all who report such posts.

r/PetiteFitness Feb 08 '24

What I’ve learned from this sub (feel free to add your own)


Protein: a lot

My posture: bad

BMI: useless

TDEE: important

Step count: many

Lifting: heavy

Squats: barefoot

Comparisons: thief of joy

Body: acceptance

Belly pouch: normal

Progress: patience

Motivation: fleeting

Routine: discipline

Community/Support: 🫶🏻

r/PetiteFitness 11h ago

4’11 Before and After During lockdown I hit 130 lb and gave myself abs with makeup. Three years later and I have real abs (110 lb)


LOL idk if this counts as a true before and after but I only dreamt of being muscular before and here I am with the real deal.

r/PetiteFitness 8h ago

Rant Someone called me a “thicker girl” when describing me today - got me feeling a bit discouraged with where I’m at in my journey (5’4” 130lbs)


How do you you guys handle stuff like this? I didn’t say anything to the person because I don’t think they necessarily were saying it negatively, but idk I hate when people comment on women’s bodies like that.

I’m probably being overly sensitive but hearing that made me feel like I’m kinda failing in my fitness journey. I’ve plateaued here at the 130 mark (goal weight is 120) and this comment has gotten in my head a bit. I kinda thought I looked average right now, but didn’t really considered myself to be “thick”

I definitely carry my weight in my waist and hips unfortunately. But we all know you can’t do “spot” weight loss.

Any encouragement is welcome. How do you handle these situations? What do you tell yourself?

r/PetiteFitness 16h ago

Little Wins Moving more and snacking less

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I haven’t been paying a lot of attention to the scale but I can see some changes. I’m still a way off from where I want to be, but happy now I can notice some difference. Almost 3 months ago I moved countries and I’m living with my in laws. It’s meant that I’m snacking less and eating my MIL’s delicious healthier meals rather than a quick, lazy option. I’m also taking a lot more walks in forests or fields. (Ps sorry for the mess behind me 🫠)

r/PetiteFitness 2h ago

Consistent exercise and eating as clean as possible:)


r/PetiteFitness 14h ago

5’2 Before and After 6 month progress, 6 days a week gym (weight lifting & cardio), calorie deficit but no strict calorie counting — 160cm/5"2, 70kg/154lb → 59kg/130lb — Frustrated w the tummy fat holding on, and I feel like the progress could have been better but feeling much better overall. What do you think?


r/PetiteFitness 41m ago

5’0 Before and After Beating Skinny Fat - 5’0 from 49kg to 45kg


1st three photos were taken 1.5yrs ago during my first 2 months of going to the gym.

I wasn't really overweight back then but I wasn't lean either. When I started lifting weights, I was so afraid to go heavy because of the notion that I may grow bulky. But I was so wrong. Didnt see that much progress during my first year at the gym because I went at max 2x/week and went for really light weights + cardio.

Only saw real progress in the last 3 months when I started to go heavier and really tried to stick to a program. I don't do heavy cardio but I try to reach 10k steps a day with my walking pad.

Weight loss wasn't that big but I can really see a big process with my body composition do so for short gurlies out there trying to beat skinny fat, strength training is a must! Of crz eating healthy is still very important but I don't really restrict myself that much.

My calorie intake is at maintenance (1.4k - 1.6k) plus I tend to treat myself a little during weekends but the extra muscle has definitely helped in improving my metabolism 🥹💪

r/PetiteFitness 8h ago

Those of you who maintain eating 2,000 calories or more


I’ve seen a lot of people here maintain active lifestyles eating 1,300-1,500 calories which to me seems way too low. I maintain 110 lbs on 2,000-2,200 calories and yes, I’m definitely active (15-16 k steps daily and Pilates plus stair walking four days week) but nothing too crazy. Would love to hear from those of you who also maintain on 2 k or more calories - your routine, intake and opinions.

r/PetiteFitness 1h ago

It’s not much but it feels like it is working?


r/PetiteFitness 5h ago

Seeking Advice Advice/feedback on calorie deficit and progress


1st pic is posed in my usual attire Pictures 2-4 in my new swim suit Pic 5 is what my macros look like Last one is what I used before starting my deficit to give me timeline

My issue is: I started this calorie deficit on May 27th at 150 lbs, and I’ve been tracking everything I eat by weight, including butter and condiments. I’ve had 2 cheat days but still remained in a deficit. Sometimes my macros slightly change as long as I stay under my calorie intake goal. I lift heavy 4/5 days a week with progressive overload. I get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Yet somehow, the lowest I’ve seen the scale hit is 148. Two. Pounds. What even is that? What’s happening? Is there something I’m missing or do I just need to stick it out longer and be more patient? I just feel like I should’ve lost more weight by now.

r/PetiteFitness 23h ago

consistent lifting, slight calorie deficit, and whole foods🩷 I feel like a new person


5 foot 4 from 125-130 lbs to 120-125 lbs, depending on the day for six months. there isn’t an extreme difference but i’m incredibly happy with the results i have so far

r/PetiteFitness 19h ago

a lot can change in 2 years

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not sure how much i weighed on the left, but it was between 215-230 lbs. now i’m weighing in at 163 lbs, and the lowest i’ve seen is 161.

i’m 5’0 and i’ve struggled with my weight since i was a little girl. i’m a few months shy of turning 30 and i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

i stopped in american eagle today with my friend, and decided to try a size 12 in jeans. too big. tried a size 10. showed my friend, and she says, “they’re a little big, i think you could try an 8.” what?! i was hesitant, but grabbed them anyway. and they fit. they were stretchy, but holy shit, i cannot remember the last time i could fit into a size 8 in jeans. it was probably middle school.

tomorrow i’m going shopping for new sports bras because the only two that “fit” me are big. this is insanity. i don’t wanna buy too much now, as i’ve got about 30-40 more i’d like to lose, but this still feels amazing 💖

r/PetiteFitness 5h ago

Low-Calorie Recipe Fairlife core power + instant pudding mix = heaven


So thanks to this sub I tried Fairlife Core power and was surprised how much I liked it. I've never been a big fan of milkshake style protein drinks but really enjoyed the regular 26g and 42g elite styles.

But I thought the vanilla flavor was just ok. And I had another bottle of it so I figured I would mix it into some instant pudding mix and see what happens.

It's absolutely amazing. Its admittedly very thick and probably would be better if I used some additional milk to thin it out next time. It has the consistency of brownie batter and tastes absolutely incredible.

Fairlife elite is 230 calories. Sugar free instant pudding is 30 calories. So 2 cups of chocolate pudding for 260 calories and 42g of protein.

r/PetiteFitness 11h ago

Petite girl problems It’s so hard having small hands T_T


As the title, I’m 5”2’ (157) and 84.5 kg and my hands are small. Everything feels awkward and uncomfortable … so why I’m posting this here? Because gym weights hurt so much when you cant grip them strongly! I had a power pump class we mainly used barbells and my wrists been hurting me for a week now, my thumbs hurt too. I can’t do exercises like mountain climbers (core exercises with face facing down)I’m top heavy and It’s just too much weight on my small hands! Anyone else started with this and worked around it?

r/PetiteFitness 9h ago

New Journey, looking for friends


Hi! I am 5'2 and currently obese. I struggle with major depressive disorder that I was diagnosed with as a child. I was raised in a household that made fun of exercise, being healthy, etc. I was never taught healthy nutrition, how to live healthy as a small woman in general. A couple years ago I lost a significant amount in one year, however I experienced trauma that left me bedridden for months beyond just going to work. My current goal is to move my body 30 minutes a day or more. I've been going to the gym again and my mood is improving! Hooray! I'm looking to hopefully make some friends that will encourage me to keep showing up and to learn from.

r/PetiteFitness 1d ago

5’3 Before and After 140 --> 123 lbs in 7 months, 5'3"

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r/PetiteFitness 2m ago

Is this bread loafing?


I can’t tell if these are “bread loaf” or “doming” abs, meaning I need to improve core activation while exercising, or if it’s a stubborn layer of abdominal fat. It feels soft and more like fat but it doesn’t seem to want to go away. Any input or advice on how to better engage deep core and/or lean out stubborn belly fat is appreciated!

r/PetiteFitness 23h ago

4’11 Before and After A little over halfway to my goal! 137 to 122!


4’11, SW: ~137 CW: 122.2, GW: ~110-115! First photo is before and second is after! I’m a bit closer to the camera in the first photo.

After what feels like my whole life of crash diets and fitness challenges that I never finished, I finally talked to my doctor and started phentermine at the end of May! It has been such a helpful tool for me and helped me to lower my portion sizes and turn off the food noise. I also got a peloton and learning to use that has been a good way to prioritize movement and make it more fun. When I first saw these photos I was disappointed because I didn’t see the difference I feel, but got some feedback from friends that they do see it! (Also a little annoyed at the red stretch mark on my lower abdomen that appeared that I didn’t have before but I guess that’s the price you pay.) Trying to work out how exactly to start incorporating strength training while getting enough protein for gaining muscle while also eating in a deficit 🤪 but yay for progress!

r/PetiteFitness 10m ago

tips on losing weight - tried for years & I want this time to be a success.


Hi everyone! I am 5’3 and currently 120 lbs. I usually stay around 118 lbs for the most part but it fluctuates.

A little background information, for probably 7 years I have been trying to get toned & lose around 8-10 lbs and every time I get close or make progress, I seem to self sabotage and revert back to bad habits. Back in 2022 I reached my highest at 130 lbs when I became super unmotivated during an extremely stressful period of my life & within a few months managed to lose 12 lbs and get down to 118 which I have been able to maintain. For the most part I stay at around 118 but depending on work schedule & life situations I can drop to 115 but always get back up to 118-120 somehow.

My goal is to maintain 110-112 lbs scale wise. On the other hand, I do also want to build muscle but I feel like I need to see the scale drop in order to get the motivation to keep at weights & strength training. I feel like I’m constantly at a calorie deficit, eating my protein and also fast 16:8 everyday. Drinking water, always hitting 10-20k steps a day, boxing classes 6x a week and don’t drink alcohol other than a maybe once every couple months on a night out due to hating the taste. After doing everything & trying all the hacks/following all the advice I still find it so sooo difficult to lose weight & most importantly keep the weight off.

I’m coming on here for advice & tips on how to stay consistent. Have had problems with binge/stress eating in the past but much better now & haven’t truly binged since back in 2022. If anyone has had similar issues, how have you overcome the mental blocks and when did you start to see progress? Thanks for any advice or tips, all is appreciated.

r/PetiteFitness 1d ago

Running again. Barely lol.

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First run in a long time. Sooooo slow. Planning to sign up for a 5k and hope to get to a 10 min mile.

r/PetiteFitness 59m ago

trying not to lose productivity after gaining weight


I had an old post around here where I reported how I lost 22 lbs, and with my amazing luck I gained back 10 pounds of it so now I'm from 108 lbs to 118 lbs 5'2.

I understand what I need to eat for my diet protein wise, but it's the workouts that are kicking me.

What I realized is I put myself on such restrictive diets that it became practically impossible for me to stick with forever. I stuck with 1200 or even less on days, and realized it wasn't suitable (took me 4 years but that's on me).

I've been recently trying to kick up the calories to potentially 1500-1700 and have been trying to hit the gym with the goal of weight loss.

I have limited amenities being;
- leg compress, pull down machine, chess compress, elipticals, bike, treadmill, and dumbbell shelf

Yeah, it's very limited, but it makes sense since it's a community gym. I can't really head on over to a local gym due to its expenses and the second reason being I don't get my license till late August.

I really want to keep the goal of being under 110 where I was still average weight and as I was before but with the goal of actually get toned in the process. I find that at 118 lbs I'm not built at all, and the same with 108 lbs, but just more fat than muscle.

I don't know how to really work with these materials, and I feel that if I wake up anything after 6 am, it isn't productive to do anymore. How do you early birds try and stick with your workout? It's 99 percent likely just my incompetence of an excuse for not working out but I don't know how to find a viable solution to get myself to stick to something permanently. Whenever I don't do a workout I just have the urge to quit the diet and call it a day.

any tips? it'd be much appreciated, thank you.

r/PetiteFitness 9h ago

Working out in the office? Simple equipment to have?


I have been moving up at work which is great but as I do so the roles are becoming more sedentary. My weight is a direct reflection of how active I stay at work. I do stuff outside of work for being fit but the more I can do at work the better.

I am moving to a new role where I will have an shared office. It is adjacent to a larger room that is part of my department. Next to that will be an even larger space. I get 3 breaks and one is an unpaid lunch. That is my window that I plan to workout during. If I eat a large meal at the first break I am not hungry at lunch anyways and I can drink a protein shake after lunch period while I work.

As we have larger dedicated space for our department and only a few people in it space won't be an issue.

I was thinking of bringing hand weights and maybe a macebell (never used one but it seems super versatile).

Has anyone done anything similar at work?

r/PetiteFitness 10h ago

Petite girl problems Sugar withdrawal


Hi, I think I need to cut out sugary carbs and coffein. I’ve noticed that I’m getting bad headaches whenever I’m trying to eat cleaner. My belly measurement is growing and I really don’t want to end up with insulin resistance or diabetes because of bad habits.

Have anyone cut out sugar? How did you deal with the fatigue, tiredness and headaches?

r/PetiteFitness 3h ago

Seeking Advice Is there any hope for a recomp when I'm injured and can't fully lift?


5'1", sw 165 cw 150

I'm 5 months pp and I've been using CICO to lose weight since April, which is when I hit my pre pregnancy weight. My pre pregnancy weight was already elevated from my true normal because of IVF.

I loved to lift before I started IVF a few years ago so I was excited to jump back in like a month ago. Literally in my first session I pinched a nerve in my neck in an area where I have scoliosis. I'm about to see a specialist, but I can imagine I won't be able to use any of my right arm/trap for a while out of an abundance of caution (and I need to lift my baby!)

So at most I can do lower body and core for strength, but i may not be able to load my spine at all or hold much in my right hand (for things like goblet squats). Any hope of recomping in this situation, or should I CICO it out for strictly fat loss until I'm ready to fully return to lifting? I have a pretty severe apron belly and I was hoping to recomp at this point.

r/PetiteFitness 9h ago

Weights and leaning out


I’ve been doing weights along with cardio 5-6 days a week for almost a year. Although I’m not toned in my legs I’m not as lean as when I worked out less and stuck to walks - anyone else experience this? Or have suggestions to get a more lean figure ?

r/PetiteFitness 7h ago

Question for my big chested girlies who’s weight has changed multiple times


Hey yall. This is probably a bit of a vain question but I’m curious.

I’ve always hovered on the heavier side so some years ago during college I lost about thirty pounds and got down to 115ish and I went from 36DD to about 32DD. They were very saggy looking and deflated as a result but I understood that was just the woes of weight lost.

Fast forward to now and between relationship weight, pandemic weight, and first office job weight, I’m now at the highest weight I’ve ever been. My boobs have stayed pretty saggy but they’re fuller too so they don’t look as sad as before.

I want to lose weight again and get down to about 125-135 as I felt like that was my happy range. I’m a bit worried though that this amount of weight loss will make my boobs look even worse than what they looked like at my previous lower weight.

Any one who’s experienced similar weight fluctuations willing to share how the look of their boobs changed when you lost weight again?