r/PetiteFitness Sep 21 '23

What is One small change you made to your workout/diet/whatever that has made a big difference? Little Wins

We aren’t all built the same mentally and physically, so I thought it would be fun to see what little change you made in your life that has made a bigger difference than you thought


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u/AdequateTaco Sep 22 '23

For weight loss- using smaller plates and bowls. I straight up have a different set of dishes than my husband now because that’s the easiest way to keep my portions in check without actually weighing everything.

For muscle/strength gain- creatine + extra protein. Not that it immediately increased my lifts, but it drastically shortened my recovery time so I was able to exercise more without feeling exhausted every day and walking around constantly sore. I don’t want to demonize carbs, but I was such a carb fiend that I really wasn’t getting enough protein in. Protein shakes and bars have really helped redirect my sweet tooth.