r/PetiteFitness Sep 21 '23

What is One small change you made to your workout/diet/whatever that has made a big difference? Little Wins

We aren’t all built the same mentally and physically, so I thought it would be fun to see what little change you made in your life that has made a bigger difference than you thought


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u/mermaidunderwater Sep 21 '23

Making sure I get enough fiber. I don’t get as bloated anymore and my high cholesterol went down to a healthy level at my last physical.


u/trashconnaisseur Sep 21 '23

Yes! And probiotics have also helped my bloating a lot.


u/funsizedaisy Sep 21 '23

i was just considering adding these to my daily routine. i get so bloated. have they helped a lot? which ones do you use?


u/trashconnaisseur Sep 21 '23 edited Sep 21 '23

I only use the pill kind for a month, every few /two months or so. Idk where you live but I find these in the pharmacy. But i also eat probiotic yogurt every day —that is the easiest way for me to add protein and probiotics while still satisfying that dessert craving.


u/theeyesdontlie Sep 21 '23

This is so awesome and underrated! If anyone has a hard time getting enough fiber, see if you can find Carbonauts bread. 1 slice is like half your daily recommended amount of fiber.


u/m0neymochi Sep 21 '23

I also recommend Benefiber (or Costco's equivalent Optifiber)! I add it to my water/drink everyday and it's tasteless.


u/Previous_Form_22 Sep 21 '23

I love benefiber (also the drugstore generic brand).


u/Peachytesla Sep 21 '23

What foods did you start eating .


u/mermaidunderwater Sep 21 '23

My go-to ways to get my fiber in: - fruit and veggie smoothie (~9g fiber) - high fiber fruit as a snack (pear, apple, mango) - Inked Keto bread. 45 calories and 10g fiber in 1 slice! I like to add avocado to it, which adds another 10g fiber. Just the toast with avocado alone gets me almost fully to my fiber goal for the day. - veggie sides with meals - hot chocolate - Metamucil supplements if it’s towards the end of the day and I haven’t reached my goal. The gummies taste like candy and their fiber thins are good with a cup of tea. - And also drinking enough water to push the fiber out in combination with enough exercise to keep things moving!