r/Invincible Science Dog Apr 23 '24

Was Watching Gameplay of TWD: The Final Chapter and Spotted An Invincible Reference GAMING

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I thought this was rather cool and searched it, seems no one has spotted this. Or at least pointed it out on the Internet lol. I know it's an old game but I think it's still pretty cool.


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u/Natural-Produce-6270 Doug Cheston Apr 23 '24

Science Dog was another comic Kirkman wrote, and Carl wears it during S1 of TWD. I don’t think it has anything to do with Invincible, other than Sèance Dog is a reference/rename


u/Acesofbases Apr 23 '24

Science Dog is a comic book in Invincible comics instead of Seanse Dog (they changed it for the tv series because lol copyrights)


u/IAmInDangerHelp Apr 23 '24

How is they’re copyright issues if they’re both Kirkman’s creation?


u/Acesofbases Apr 23 '24

They may be Kirkmans creation but the copyrights belong to Imagine publishing. Even though Kirkman is also one of the higher-ups there, Amazon bought the lincence to Invincible and related characters and Science Dog, since he has his own comic, is considered a separate licence.

As far as I know comic licencing, especially the american comics, with all their interconnections, crossovers and cameos, is quite the headache.