r/Invincible Science Dog Apr 23 '24

Was Watching Gameplay of TWD: The Final Chapter and Spotted An Invincible Reference GAMING

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I thought this was rather cool and searched it, seems no one has spotted this. Or at least pointed it out on the Internet lol. I know it's an old game but I think it's still pretty cool.


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u/Natural-Produce-6270 Doug Cheston Apr 23 '24

Science Dog was another comic Kirkman wrote, and Carl wears it during S1 of TWD. I don’t think it has anything to do with Invincible, other than Sèance Dog is a reference/rename


u/CXC_Opexyc Apr 23 '24

Science Dog is in the Invincible comics, as a comic itself that Mark read. They changed it to Seance Dog in the show.


u/cchoe1 Apr 23 '24

According to IMDB:

The change from Science Dog to Séance Dog in the show was due to retaining rights for a potential spin-off series continuity. In the animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman's groundbreaking comic series, Invincible, viewers were treated to a delightful twist on Mark Grayson's preferred comic book saga; Séance Dog.

So basically Kirkman didn't want to sign away any rights to Science Dog to Amazon while doing Invincible. It seems he might have plans to do more with that comic separately


u/Acesofbases Apr 23 '24

Science Dog is a comic book in Invincible comics instead of Seanse Dog (they changed it for the tv series because lol copyrights)


u/IAmInDangerHelp Apr 23 '24

How is they’re copyright issues if they’re both Kirkman’s creation?


u/Acesofbases Apr 23 '24

They may be Kirkmans creation but the copyrights belong to Imagine publishing. Even though Kirkman is also one of the higher-ups there, Amazon bought the lincence to Invincible and related characters and Science Dog, since he has his own comic, is considered a separate licence.

As far as I know comic licencing, especially the american comics, with all their interconnections, crossovers and cameos, is quite the headache.


u/chichihehe Science Dog Apr 23 '24

Oh, really? I never noticed that nod, that's pretty cool. Whether it does or doesn't, I'd like to imagine it does. I thought the Science Dog comic was a spin off of Invincible though. When I researched the comic, it had the same art style and all. And ok so I'm not crazy, they did change it to Sèance Dog in the show. When I watched the show I saw his character then when I read the comics, I saw him and was like is his name different in this?


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

It’s an invincible reference my brother, science dog is from invincible before its own series


u/cchoe1 Apr 23 '24

I don’t think it has anything to do with Invincible,

Science Dog was actually conceived during the creation of Invincible, it wasn't a real comic book when it was first brought up in the Invincible comics. Originally, Science Dog was just a fun self-insert for Kirkman to make commentary on the superhero comic book genre as a whole, but it eventually turned into its own comic book series. He often poses as either the writer/penciler of Science Dog or the clerk at the comic book store that Mark picks his comics up from. I believe he and Ryan Ottley came up with the idea of Science Dog when they were first working together and eventually decided to spin it off into a real comic.

The first publication of Science Dog, in the real world, was in 2011. Invincible was first published in 2003 and the first few Science Dog references pre-dates that. Now that Science Dog is a real comic, some might say that this is a Science Dog reference and not an Invincible reference but I think by the commutative property, it checks out lol