r/Invincible Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

Here a quick question what is your opinion on Shrinking Ray being a girl in the show COMIC SPOILERS

I honestly don’t care but I’ve seen people complaining about in online


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u/Tarmac-Chris Mar 29 '24

Sex/race swapping is highly dependent on the character writing and placement. But in this case, a nothing character was race swapped into a female almost nothing character. Makes almost no difference.

I will say though, her being a woman in the show made her (almost) demise a little more visceral. Might be sexist to feel that way, but it was effective.


u/OkDingo4956 Mar 29 '24

Nah it's not cause she's a woman, it's cause of the specific woman VAing for her. Gray Delisle is incredibly talented and experienced and between the animation of her expanding before being crushed and decompressing and her guttural crunchy sounds it just really sold the moment.

  • comics Ray just got swallowed, no crunch at all. I'm show only so I can't say that much but largely having seen the comic scenes that inspired the show scenes so far I much prefer show Rae. She seems to have more to do, more to suffer and learn from, and again, Gray Delisle (VA for monster girl, Kate, Azula from ATLA amoung other things).