r/Invincible Green Ghost Mar 29 '24

Here a quick question what is your opinion on Shrinking Ray being a girl in the show COMIC SPOILERS

I honestly don’t care but I’ve seen people complaining about in online


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u/Tarmac-Chris Mar 29 '24

Sex/race swapping is highly dependent on the character writing and placement. But in this case, a nothing character was race swapped into a female almost nothing character. Makes almost no difference.

I will say though, her being a woman in the show made her (almost) demise a little more visceral. Might be sexist to feel that way, but it was effective.


u/Broken_drum_64 Mar 29 '24

Basically this... to my mind it doesn't matter if character is race, gender or sexuality swapped unless part of character arc is dependent upon what they change (or if they fail to consider the implications of them).

It can also help if they change the character slightly to add extra detail based upon what they've changed but only if it doesn't overshadow/significantly alter the original text. e.g. changing amber to be black might have informed their decision to have her help out at a soup kitchen in Titan's neighbourhood and it simply adds detail rather than removing anything from the adaptation.


u/LexeComplexe Mar 29 '24

This is exactly how I feel about it. It isn't inherently a bad or good change on its own. It all depends on how it does or doesn't inform the story