r/Invincible Dec 16 '23

Do you think the Guardians Of The Globe could have won if Red Rush had stuck to just bailing the others out of death and hadn't attacked himself, or do you think everyone was doomed no matter what? They did put up a great fight even after he was removed, so I think it's plausible they could have. DISCUSSION

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u/Gerry-Cann Dec 16 '23

If green ghost went intangible then there was nothing Nolan could do


u/Ezenthar THINK, MARK! THINK! Dec 16 '23

Part of me wonders how her powers work, like can she keep up beintg intangible for a really long time or does it use up considerable energy/resources? If she could only do so for say like, a few solid minutes at most before becoming exhausted and needing to recharge, Nolan could essentially stalk her until she became vulnerable.


u/ChemicalBasis9838 Dec 16 '23

By that time she could expose him, and how can he stalk her when she can just phase and go anywhere in the world probably underground


u/AlexArtsHere Dec 16 '23

I’m inclined to ask “so what?”. From everything with seen in the show so far, the only thing capable of getting any damage to stick to Nolan is another Viltrumite. If anything, being exposed early probably would’ve made things worse since Mark wouldn’t have had time to get to grips with his powers before Nolan just goes nuclear on the place.


u/ChemicalBasis9838 Dec 16 '23

You’re think as someone watching the show, not as someone in it, or as someone in the guardians


u/AlexArtsHere Dec 16 '23

I don’t really understand how that would change the process of events that would follow. I’m not saying it’s illogical for the Guardians to try and expose Nolan given what they know but I just think it would’ve made things a lot worse than how they ended up being.


u/ChemicalBasis9838 Dec 16 '23

My point is about what she could’ve done about her situation, how tf would I be arguing as if she knows the grander scheme of things?


u/AlexArtsHere Dec 16 '23

I’m not expecting you to? Just saying that I don’t think things would’ve changed for the better if she’d managed to get away from Nolan.


u/ChemicalBasis9838 Dec 16 '23

Ok, and my argument is about what she could’ve done in her situation with what she knows


u/ChemicalBasis9838 Dec 16 '23

Ok and? she would’ve still survived the fight, idk why tf you’re arguing about something else. If the viltrumites conquer earth so what? The universe would still be extinguished in a heat death or something?


u/JB_Big_Bear Dec 17 '23

But when asking ‘what if…?’ we still need to take into account what we know about the show. Otherwise we won't come to the proper conclusion.


u/hurtlingtooblivion The Mauler Twins Dec 17 '23

The guardians put him in a coma. War women's mace alone absolutely rung his bell.


u/AlexArtsHere Dec 17 '23

Aight I'll cop to that, I never went back to rewatch S1