r/GenZ 7h ago

Rant anyone else noticing the "passport bro" trend increasingly gaining popularity among western men and younger gen z?


like, it's really concerning. it's all over tiktok and youtube. it's like our young men are being hive minded into becoming misogynists who hate western women and view women as dominatable property. it's increasingly all over social media and more so in real life. is anyone else noticing this? as a Gen Z woman, this is pretty horrifying.

r/GenZ 6h ago

Advice Gen Z needs to get over it's hang up over sex.


No, sexy ads online are not "sexualizing children" because someone under 18 happens to see a lingerie ad. It's so frustrating because this pearl clutching about ads that may be a little risqué diverts energy and focus from actually dangerous CSA material that actually hurts actual people.

Just because you're uncomfortable with an underwear ad doesn't mean you're being "sexualized". Give me a break.

r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion if you hate voter apathy.....FIX IT


the reason voter apathy exists is because ever since the 70s, people vote to put politicians in power, and then get fucked when said politicians serve the interests of corporations while doing nothing to directly and materially affect positive change in peoples everyday lives.

if you hate apathy, then give people something to vote FOR rather than against

because....and i hate to say it but I think this year will prove it......voting "against" isnt going to work anymore

r/GenZ 20h ago

Political Policy, not candidates


People need to realise that we aren’t just voting for a candidate, we’re voting for policy that will be enacted over the next four years.

I’m going to let my bias show through and admit I’m voting for Biden, not because I like him, not because I want him to be president, but he represents the policies I want enacted. He’s running on a platform I agree with.

If a paper bag was the nominee running on the Democratic platform, I’d vote for the paper bag.

People need to acknowledge that voting in the presidential election isn’t just about the face of the executive branch, but what the winning party will get to do.

Edit: this will get me downvoted, but I urge people to vote for the democrats in the 2024 election because Trump will destroy America as we know it. This past week alone we’ve seen what his right wing super majority SCOTUS has done with bribery, homelessness, and Chevron.

r/GenZ 19h ago

Discussion Just wanna post this, as I’m annoyed at how many bot accounts, ragebait, radicalized propaganda there’s been recently (that I’ve noticed)


Im not subscribed to this sub, but I constantly get posts from here on my home feed, so I look in and read em, alongside some comments here and there and I’ve noticed that a lot of commentators/posters are bots/trolls or people who’ve been radicalized and obsess over the “vibes and emotions” rather than the facts about whatever they’re ranting about, no matter the political angle they take

This includes anything ranting about, “project 2025”, “fascism”, “threat to democracy” and similar buzzwords

They don’t give a shit about who you vote for, they don’t have a point, or ideal they’re arguing. Their only goal is to goad you to respond in order to farm karma/interactions, so they can sell the account to companies/governments/other bad actors to spread whatever under “legitimate” accounts.

For the bots it’s a little different, their goal is to distract and exhaust you to the point of apathy divide whatever group you’re a part of, so you’re too busy hating the “other side” and too apathetic to participate in your local/national politics that you ignore the Ukraine war, or better yet vote to enact policies that stop your country’s funding and supplying Ukraine, as that’s the only way that Russia is going to “win”.

So basically ignore and report these posts and accounts(even though the mods don’t do shit about em)

This sub is filled with em, so honestly you’re probably better off blocking this sub anyway.

Sorry it’s long/Incoherent

r/GenZ 4h ago

Serious Why is everyone chill w racism now


People will say somut or make a stupid joke then I'm like bro was that racist and they just like ye and carries on unfazed like do you not give a fuck or you so self absorbed and you think you're so funny that there's no possible way it's racist and I can't be offended. Or is it cus I'm mixed race 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇯🇲 so people don't think I'm really black so it doesn't really count. It seems to only be our generation as well like it don't make sense no more.

r/GenZ 15h ago

Political If you don’t like the candidates we have then you have to participate in the primaries. Showing up in August for the general election is how we got here

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r/GenZ 11h ago

Discussion America's fucked, thats not even debatable now. What matters is what can Gen-z do to help repair it?


There are countless staggering issues in our country, we're all more divided than since the civil war, and our 2 best presidential options are terrible and could (and likley will) lead to the collapse of our nation if either gets elected.

It's way too easy to feel hopeless and like giving up, heck I honestly feel that way right now. But there are so many great things about this country worth fighting for, and there has to be some things we can do to restore some sense of unity and sanity in this fucked up country.

So, what do we do?

r/GenZ 7h ago

Discussion Things are better than ya think.


The fact that over 20% of adult Gen Z owns their own house in US shocked me when I heard that. Us Millennials never had that kind of homeownership rates when we were your age. Perhaps things are better than the media and perception makes the world out to be?

“In 2023, the homeownership rate among 24-year-old Gen Zers was 27.8 percent. When millennials were 24, their homeownership rate was 24.5 percent. And 23.5 percent of Gen Xers were homeowners at age 24.

When millennials were in their 20s, many struggled to find employment following the Great Recession, the financial crisis of 2007-2008, making it harder to save enough to buy a home. When Gen Xers were in their 20s, the U.S. housing market was navigating some of the highest mortgage rates in history. In 1989, rates were around 11 percent, Redfin reported.”


r/GenZ 6h ago

Discussion Dating


Does anyone find dating super hard? Im doing ok for myself im in uni got internships make decent money for being in uni and i aint traumatised or got any mental health issues. It seems like every girl i talk to has some mental health issue and has been traumatised by men 💀. I understand your trauma but that dont mean that I wanna take on your baggage.

EDIT: My bad i worded this poorly and was very insensitive. I meant to say many ppl got unaddressed trauma and mental health issues and they let it seep into social interactions, affecting others in the process. I have seen this with BPD and incels.

r/GenZ 6h ago

Political After the debate debacle: Biden gives inspiring speech without (!) the use of teleprompters:

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r/GenZ 14h ago

Political Poll shows Gen Z is increasingly more homophobic than previous generations in Spain

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r/GenZ 5h ago

Discussion Why do so many "feminist" hate white guys.


Feminism is supposed to be about equality, not hatred

r/GenZ 21h ago

Discussion fuck politics and people who post unintelligent political rage bait. What is some good news that has happened to you in the last 7 days?


fuck you political posters!

r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion Would you rather date someone who’s very physically attracted to you, or someone you’re very physically attracted to?


Would you rather be someone else's 10/10, while they're a 7/10 to you, or be someone else's 7/10, while they're your 10/10?

7/10 means you're moderately physically attracted to them.

r/GenZ 6h ago

Advice Where do I meet people my age?


I don't have many friends and i'm looking to expand my friend group, how do I go about meeting fellow gen z's, I never see anyone my age when I go out and i'm wondering where are y'all lol.

r/GenZ 16h ago

Advice What If SpongeBob SquarePants Meet Regular Show?

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r/GenZ 4h ago

Political We must love each other as much as we hate the bourgeoisie.

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r/GenZ 4h ago

Discussion The fact that you can't just build your own little house in America really locks a lot of families in poverty


So you CAN build your own house in America. BUT the caveat is that you have to follow a ton of building regulations, get permits, etc. which gets extremely expensive - so much so that the working class basically can't do it anymore.

The fact that you can't just buy a $2000 plot of land and build a concrete house on it is a travesty and locks a lot of families into poverty. Like you're literally FORCED to pay $1200/month in rent (which is on the cheaper side!) for an apartment , instead of just building your own house and saving literally millions over the course of your life. It's also something that partially fucks over a ton of homeless people or vagrants who would otherwise just get a little cabin in the woods going.

I understand why those regulations exist in the first place to an EXTENT. The biggest one I think is absolutely necessary is plumbing. However anything else is a free-for-all. A lot of people don't need or even want A/C, electricity, multiple bedrooms etc. If you're planning on selling your house as-is then 100% it has to be up-to-code but if you want just a place to live in, why can't you build your own home?

r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion The Economy Is Fake, the Jobs Are Fake, the Money Is Fake


r/GenZ 1h ago

Political Okay, but what's with Gen Z simping for foreign dictators!?


r/GenZ 11h ago

Discussion Will this win back your vote?

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r/GenZ 14h ago

Political Instead of complaining about the two party system and the candidates, why don’t we just change the way we vote?


Like, Biden is old, Trump is bad, but if we didn’t vote with a plurality voting system, this wouldn’t happen. There wouldn’t be a one size fits all for voters, and chances are you can like more than one candidate (not in this case but still), or you like someone (say, for example, rfk jr or jill stein) but you dont wanna waste your vote. What’s stopping us from using a ranked choice voting system, where you rank the candidates from worst to best. It will likely lead to more turnout, more candidates would run, and they’d run on actual issues. Like, Trump 5, Biden 4, (insert libertarian here) 3, jill stein 2, and rfk 1 would be so much better than just “vote for biden or trump or waste your vote.” It’ll lead to better candidates running on policy, and plus, it’s already used in several states on the state legislature side, so why don’t we try to do it on a national scale, or at least try it with representatives and work our way up to presidential elections. Additionally, this way of voting would make us better off without the electoral college, and we could go off a popular vote based off the ranked choice voting system.

Anyway, Mr. Beat (not Mr. Beast) has a good video on this it you wish to learn more: https://youtu.be/oFqV2OtJOOg?si=foNpVXb9zLK_XjcH

r/GenZ 1h ago

Political Do you support abolishing political parties?


The Founding Fathers didn't want political parties because they were worried that they'd end up competing rather then promoting the greater good. Would you support a constitutional amendment abolishing political parties?

27 votes, 2d left

r/GenZ 2h ago

Advice Hello I am a old sibling who has a younger brother and sister. They are worrying me.


My younger brother and sister both are glued to scrolling on yt shorts and tiktok. Most of the time they watch Brain rotting content on there Like Skibidi Toilet Rizz. What worries me more is that they yell out sing and talk about stuff like this they yell out Ohio Gyatt and a bunch of other stupid brain rotting words. It concerns me to much and I want to do something to stop this. I want to make my siblings more mature and make them stop watching content like this. Any tips or suggestions would help very much >3