r/GenZ 1999 4d ago

if you hate voter apathy.....FIX IT Discussion

the reason voter apathy exists is because ever since the 70s, people vote to put politicians in power, and then get fucked when said politicians serve the interests of corporations while doing nothing to directly and materially affect positive change in peoples everyday lives.

if you hate apathy, then give people something to vote FOR rather than against

because....and i hate to say it but I think this year will prove it......voting "against" isnt going to work anymore


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u/Coolpanda558 4d ago

Don’t be engaged in politics, it’s your choice. Just don’t complain when we have a conservative SCOTUS for the rest of our lives because you weren’t jazzed by Biden.


u/saberzerqx 4d ago

What I am saying: if you want people to vote for biden, calling them stupid and ignoring their grievances is ineffective and borders on counteractive.

What I'm not saying: don't engage in politics.


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 3d ago

Move to Idaho and other states like mine and it'll sure influence your vote.


u/saberzerqx 3d ago

I don’t have the money. I wish i could. I want out of FL


u/seattleseahawks2014 2000 3d ago

ID is like FL, just slightly less crazy.