r/GenZ 4d ago

Just wanna post this, as I’m annoyed at how many bot accounts, ragebait, radicalized propaganda there’s been recently (that I’ve noticed) Discussion

Im not subscribed to this sub, but I constantly get posts from here on my home feed, so I look in and read em, alongside some comments here and there and I’ve noticed that a lot of commentators/posters are bots/trolls or people who’ve been radicalized and obsess over the “vibes and emotions” rather than the facts about whatever they’re ranting about, no matter the political angle they take

This includes anything ranting about, “project 2025”, “fascism”, “threat to democracy” and similar buzzwords

They don’t give a shit about who you vote for, they don’t have a point, or ideal they’re arguing. Their only goal is to goad you to respond in order to farm karma/interactions, so they can sell the account to companies/governments/other bad actors to spread whatever under “legitimate” accounts.

For the bots it’s a little different, their goal is to distract and exhaust you to the point of apathy divide whatever group you’re a part of, so you’re too busy hating the “other side” and too apathetic to participate in your local/national politics that you ignore the Ukraine war, or better yet vote to enact policies that stop your country’s funding and supplying Ukraine, as that’s the only way that Russia is going to “win”.

So basically ignore and report these posts and accounts(even though the mods don’t do shit about em)

This sub is filled with em, so honestly you’re probably better off blocking this sub anyway.

Sorry it’s long/Incoherent


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u/baggagebug 2007 4d ago

“Ranting about ‘Project 2025’, ‘fascism’, ‘threat to democracy’ and similar buzzwords’”.

I think people should have the right to “rant” about policies and mindsets that would take away their rights.

Meanwhile, certain alt-right accounts are trying their best to invalidate people’s concerns and emotions by essentially saying “this is fine”…


u/Impressive_Heron_897 4d ago

OP is a troll posting about troll posts.

My opinion on their point.