r/GenZ 4d ago

Do you think Andrew Yang would have done better in the fumbled first presidential debate this year, if they had swapped Andrew Yang in to replace Biden? Political

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u/waffleslaw 4d ago

Well, it's not really politics that unite the right. Not in the same way as the left sees politics anyway.


u/BosnianSerb31 1997 4d ago

Given the low approval ratings of both candidates while they spent time in office, I'm pretty sure both parties are motivated out of a fear of the other taking office

Republicans think Democrats are going to make every kid LGBT in school and prioritize equity based outcomes over equality of opportunity, while Democrats think Republicans want to make being LGBT illegal with forced conversion for anyone who isn't straight cis

Polling of both voter bases shows a slightly different story though, with the most extreme groups on either end driving the fears of their opposition


u/East-Preference-3049 4d ago

Republicans think Democrats are going to make every kid LGBT in school and prioritize equity based outcomes over equality of opportunity

And Republicans would be right to do so with respect to the last part. "We’re providing for equity, equity, and making sure people have a shot to make it." That is a direct quote of Biden from the debate last night. Democrats have made it quite clear through their words and through their policy that they believe in equity over equality.


u/BosnianSerb31 1997 4d ago

Correct, but my point was that neither the opinions of democrat voters nor republican voters are represented by their candidates, as shown by opinion polling and low approval ratings

In reality the average republican voter and average democrat voter probably agree on more stuff than they disagree on, but they both disagree with a very substantial amount of things that their candidates push

Especially with the silly and pointless focus on domestic issues almost certainly pushed by Russian and Chinese public manipulation campaigns to take everyone's attention off of the serious moves the pair have been making over the last few years.

Nobody knows that Russia is now China's primary supplier of oil as of 6 months ago, no one knows that Russia and China have agreed on 2025 as the deadline to drop the USD in favor of a shared global reserve currency, no one knows about China's 2027 deadline for the Taiwan invasion estimated by intelligence agencies around the globe, no one knows that China stopped exporting nitro-cellulose to NATO countries dealing a huge blow to our gunpowder production, no one knows that China is now supplying Russia with several times more steel, circuits, ceramics, and gunpowder than ever before, etc. etc.

Yet everyone knows about the latest trans bathroom scandal for some reason? Have we gone absolutely insane?