r/GenZ 4d ago

Does it bother you that Reddit Shutdown comments during last nights debate? Discussion

Curious if it bothers you that Reddit shutdown comments during last nights debate. I'm not super sure of how the internals of Reddit work ie did Reddit hide comments or did moderators, I do know a handful of mods control most of Reddit but it was intersting to see a megathread on r/politics with 1800 comments showing 0 comments, even threads on here, r/millenials and numerous other subreddits would show minimal comments of those posted or none at all.

What's the justification for this? Does it bother you?


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u/Smart_Culture384 1999 4d ago edited 3d ago

Incredibly convenient for Reddit to shit the bed last night…


PSA: Reddit is dominated by bots. Everything and anything on Reddit should be considered (insert here) government generated propaganda unless proven otherwise. Nothing you see on this website is what the majority of human beings believe.

If you believe this to be false: describe the colors of an old growth forrest.


u/thesuppplugg 4d ago

I saw Reddit tweeted they were having comment issues but it only affected debate threads so clearly that wans't the issue. I'm not on Tiktok but heard Tiktok comments went down as well. Regardless of where you stand politically nobody should be for shutting down discussions


u/xeio87 4d ago

It wasn't only debate threads. It was literally every sub.


u/Sy-lo 4d ago

I was on here and threads that were not about the debate were working for me. Posts in r/miata and r/armwrestling and random shit. I took a bunch of videos for posterity - it was interesting. Couldnt open the comments in any thread about the debate though - even it if had like 3 comments and was just posted.