r/FluentInFinance 9d ago

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u/SAGry 8d ago

The people on the top are paid for different things. Somebody has to take the risk of setting up the factory, buying equipment, risk getting sued, etc. rich people are compensated for taking risk, not for doing manual labor. How much risk deserves how much compensation? Is there a world where things work differently? I have no idea and people will argue here for hours but that’s the basic logic it.


u/DavidisLaughing 8d ago

I think the point many here are trying to make is that those who have the money and power are earning vast amounts of profits while paying workers below living wages. We as the people should collectively be saying that’s enough, you can have your profits after you pay living wages to all your workers.

The greed of the owner / investor class has gotten out of control. It doesn’t take a scholar to see this. If a position requires a human to dedicate 30-40 hours a week to complete then that human should make enough money to sustain themselves comfortably.


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

I’m just curious, when you get a haircut, do you pay them enough for a living wage, including the cost of business operation?


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

I actually do even though you weren’t asking me lol, I pay my barber what most people make in a day but he does a good job and deserves a tip 9/10


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

And how much is that?

I find it curious that you say “but he does a good job and deserves a tip.” It sounds like you put a qualifier on it.

If said barber does a poor job, shouldn’t you still pay them a living wage?


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Well you’d still pay for the fee of the haircut cause he provided a service to you lmao, but I sure wouldn’t tip him for doing an unsatisfactory job, haircuts at my barbershop are around 50, and I’ll give him that in a tip so most of the time my haircuts are 90-100


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

It’s interesting that you’d be willing to exploit his labor for a subjective judgement of their work. If someone put’s in the work, they should be paid a living wage.

$50 post operating expenses is below livable wages.


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

$50 for 45 minutes worth of work is below livable? So he at that rate he could do 6 haircuts in 6 hours and make $400 not including his tips in a day and you say that’s not livable wages lmao be real, he could make upwards too $800 a day depending on business and how hard he works, 5 days a week shit 4, that’s $1600 in a week that’s $51,200 my guy not amazing but definitely livable lmao


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

You obviously don’t know how the business works.

If you’re the owner barber, you have to pay for the lease, cap expenditures, materials, utilities, and legal fees.

If you’re not the owner, you pay a percentage to the owner, as you are “renting the chair.”

Either way, that $50 is not coming back to the barber in totality.


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Make a better argument stop baiting


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

It’s called logic. You made the premise but do not live by it.


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Your argument has no legs.


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

That’s funny because you fail to counter the argument so you just jump to saying it has no legs.


u/ForeverWandered 8d ago

Because you’ve squarely caught them in their hypocrisy.

We all know every single person here crying about rich people would act exactly how they hate rich people to act the moment they get their own bag.

It’s really obnoxious when people are so blatantly self service about their moral philosophy 


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Not in this context, lmao good try though

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u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Not sure what your argument is though, I don’t make the price for the haircut? Lol I just have too abide by that price and if I really like the cut I’ll give him some extra, I’m sure he’ll do more haircuts then just me, so why should that bourdon come down on me, I just need a hair cut.


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

You buy labor just as any other employer.

You pay them for the labor of cutting your hair. If you don’t pay them a living wage, you are exploiting them. Regardless, of who set the price, you are either complicit in exploitation or being blind to your own hypocrisy.

You should pay a living wage if you hold true to your standards. Because if you say you can determine if someone’s work is worth a living wage, then you have no ground to say someone else doesn’t.


u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Bro at I’m a customer not a fucker employer, he runs the business with his wife lmao I wouldn’t have too tell you this whole thing, well cause I have reason too but I’m sure he’s doing fine for himself, been cutting my hair for 15 years + always does great, and has many employees on payroll, I’m sure he makes more then what I said for sure, that’s just in cuts for himself lol and I’m most likely being modest, remember smart guy, the hair cut I get is $50 not every hair cut, and not also including the fact it’s a damn salon as well, you don’t know everything and every situation my guy lmao If he “couldn’t make a living” he would’ve been packed up many years ago and not cutting my hair and many others in such a populated city with a lot of competition


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago edited 8d ago

Now you’re making a red herring.

It doesn’t matter how well off that person is. You basically said you determine if his work is worth a livable wage. And that regardless of work put in, he may or may not be paid depending on whether he did a good job.

An employer is also a customer. An employer buys labor from the open market. Just as you buy labor in the open market for a haircut.


u/nCubed21 8d ago

Looks like someone doesnt know what a red herring is.

You can work harder and accomplish less. Work is definitely a results based pay.

But isn't that the exploitation he's talking about?

People work efficiently and aren't rewarded more for better work performed because they are all minimum wage workers.

That should be the end of the discussion.

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u/cuhdeee 8d ago

Not a big deal bro, you just didn’t get the grasp of the situation, because I don’t have too explain it all too you but I did anyway, my barber probably makes more money then both us while we argue in a Reddit Thread, good day sir, I have things too do


u/AvatarReiko 8d ago

But the difference between him and employers is that we don’t have millions of profit. Employers can afford to pay more, they just won’t


u/OcclusalEmbrasure 8d ago

So only businesses with a lot of profit should pay a living wage?

So an employee at a yet to be profitable startup should not expect to be paid a living wage?