r/FluentInFinance 13d ago

“Medicare for All” would save the U.S $5.1 Trillion over 10 years Discussion/ Debate


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u/Pickle_ninja 13d ago

In America:

Person with a fever of 99.0F (37.2C): Get back to work.

Person with a fever of 100.0F (37.7C): Stay home take some cough syrup.

Person with a fever of 101.0F (38.3C): Stay home take some cough syrup.

Person with a fever of 102.0F (38.9C): Stay home take some cough syrup.

Person with a fever of 103.0F (39.44C): I'm going to try cooling down with a bath.

Person with a fever of 104.0F (40C): I think I should go to the hospital.

Person coming across a Person convulsing on the ground with a fever of 105.0F (40.55C): "OMG! CALL A $10,000 AMBULANCE!"

In Countries with Universal Health Care:

Person with a fever of 99.0F (37.2C): I'm going to see a doctor.


u/xThe_Maestro 13d ago

In cartoon reddit America maybe. In real life America routine doctor visits are covered if you're one of the rare 95% of Americans with health insurance coverage.


u/butthole_surferr 13d ago

You realize that 5% is FIFTEEN MILLION PEOPLE, right? Also, 95% have health insurance but there's no fucking way most of those people have FUNCTIONAL insurance. At least half of those plans are near-worthless and have deductibles so high the policy holder couldn't afford most treatment anyway. Not to mention that if you're insured and need emergency treatment or surgery you're probably getting billed for out of network care they elected for while you were unconscious.

I happen to have public insurance in my state. It's fucking AWESOME. My daily medicine is free, my hospital bills after my car accident were free, I've NEVER waited more than a month for anything, and I never have to worry about getting hit with out of network charges. My only complaint is that they frequently grumble and try to dodge refilling my prescriptions for no clear reason, but whenever that happens I make 2 or 3 unpleasant phone calls and then go pick up my fucking prescription for free.

It ain't perfect but it sure beats medical bankruptcy, and if it works at scale where I live it can work at scale anywhere.


u/xThe_Maestro 12d ago

Tell that to Cali, they looked into it and realized it would bankrupt the state. Every state that looks into it comes to the same conclusion.