r/DunderMifflin 5d ago

Just listened to some Office Ladies podcast episodes and thought…

Please don’t jump me. The general commentary is that it’s bland with irrelevant deep dives, but what also puts me off of it is the fact that it seems like sometimes they… don’t get why the office is funny? Like of course they know it’s a funny show, but at times I don’t even feel like they “get” the humor and the core appeal of the show.

Like, when Jenna talks about the healthcare episode, and how at the end when Michael just stands there after claiming he had a surprise for them, that she thinks the scene was just awkward and long for television and might not make the cut to the final episode. For ppl who like the office’s humor, that scene is simply hilarious—the show at its MOST hilarious, actually. One of the first few scenes that truly hooked me on the show. She didn’t say anything about it being funny, just that it was weird. Suggesting not having that scene is sort of like not understanding what makes this show funny, idk.

And also, skipping over the “offensive” humor or ignorant jokes & basically acting like they don’t exist, also gives me that impression as well that they don’t “get” them and the ironic style of them in the way I would’ve thought they would, seeing as they played their characters amazingly. Does anyone have any similar thoughts? No attacking pls


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u/Express-Olive6547 and I never got caught neitha 5d ago

Aww. As a big fan of the podcast, waiting every Wednesday for the newest episode to drop since 2019, this thread kinda breaks my heart! 😂 I didn’t expect to see so many people disliking it in the comments!

I actually do understand some of the reasons being posted here. But it’s just my comfort show - both tv and podcast :)


u/Enty-Ann 5d ago edited 5d ago

I love it, and I love them.

I just like the way they structure it. Sure, they go on tangents but they have a fixed frame for each episode with fast facts at the top, then an interview if there's a guest and then actually going through the episode pretty much scene by scene. I've tried listening to other rewatch podcasts where the hosts barely touch on the episode and just talk about random things. I think it was the Charmed rewatch where one of the hosts said he didn't even watch the episode they were supposed to be talking about🤷🏼‍♀️