r/Dexter 2d ago

Spoiler Surprisingly Season 8 is the best out of the post s4 parts


This is a hackneyed subject at this point so feel free to skip but i wanna finally be on here and talk about this show now that ive finished the og series

I constantly heard everyone hating on season 8 before I even finished season 2 so I was dreading it, but now that i’ve finished it (please dont spoil as ive only seen up to s8), it was pretty good?

Season 5 was kind of… it felt like a filler season. It doesnt matter in the grand scheme of the show (other than dex kind of but not really getting through rita’s death) and like it was fine but i wouldnt rewatch it, it was dex going on side quests

Season 6 was a huge drag the whole religion angle was a bad take imo especially since they didnt do anything with it after and the twist was kind of like eh.. who cares

Season 7 was horrible. I cant believe people say it was one of the better ones. Like here’s dexter, always ready with cold logic and self preservation above all else, now imagine he gets pussy-matized! Btw shes a killer who kind of deserves to die but oh well shes hot and for the first time ever dex starts to think with his dick instead how fun!

Season 8 actually was very interesting from a character perspective, other than masuka’s donor daughter ordeals everyone feels like family and their problems feel very realistic, ironically slice of life. I loved the focus on deb and dexter’s relationship, considering for once we got to put the spotlight on the relationship with the one person he actually loves and cares about and not some new friend where he deludes himself into thinking “bUt WhAt If ThEy AcCEpT me”

Also the ending (spoilers) wasnt that bad. Guy wrenching and sad to watch deb go like that but im glad we finally got to the crescendo of dexter realising over and over again that everything around him dies. The whole time I kept thinking his mom, his dad, rita, miguel, lila, zach, his step kids arent with him and now even deb is gone, how long until harrison and hannah drop like flies too? It finally snapped him out of this death cycle that he falls back in every season.

It also helps that i wasnt constantly reminded that hannah killed some people in cold blood, shes much more likeable as a stepmom with a troubled past, i can pretend she didnt actually kill her greenhouse boss lady for shits and giggles

The writing of the last 4 seasons was VERY rough with loose ends overall (like quinn dropping his suspicion on dexter after his P.I. died was something I thought of till the very end, it was so silly)so I’m surprised it had as decent of an ending as it did

Idk I just binged it im probably missing some parts or need to let it simmer more but let me know who else agrees!! Or if you disagree, all is fun I just wanna talk about this show lol

r/Dexter 2d ago

Spoiler Lila my beloved


I didnt rlly know what to thinl of Lila until now, but seeing her blow up Doakes kind of made my love her lol She a bpd baddie fr fbsldksk I already spoilered myself and know her and Dexter arent gonna be endgame, but I kinda wish they would be Im sure it wouldve been interesting to see

r/Dexter 3d ago

purpleflair Such realism!


I just love how every time Dexter needs information, which is nearly every episode, he breaks into a place and there's the computer, always on, never a password required... I leave my laptop or phone unattended for a minute 15 seconds and I have to give a password, 2FA, and sometimes a fingerprint.

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler I just finished Dexter for the first time ever.


Just a few minutes ago I finished the series and I need to get a few things off my chest.

  • The eight season itself was pretty fucking solid, but I understand how the ending may make people hate it altogether.

  • Speaking of the ending, I... liked it? I didn't love it and I'm pretty angry for multiple reasons but Dexter taking Deb off life support seemed pretty fitting to me. She would've hated "living" that way. I'm not saying it was a good ending for her, because after all she's been through - a fucking blood clot????? Be ffr.

  • I was heartbroken when Rita died. Her and Dexter are my otp, she loved him so much, she was making him "human". I hated how he immediately jumped into a relationship (?) with Lumen, and I hated how she miraculously got better and left, to be frank I hated S5 completely. I'm probably gonna get hate for it but I can't help it. That being said, Dexter and Hannah were fucking perfect for each other. She did have the caring, human side that Rita had and at the same time she understood and accepted (and loved) the dark side of Dexter, not really seeing it as one though. Maybe because it sort of justified, validated her own dark side. But you all know that.

  • At the same time, I've been thinking... The Dexter that seemed almost repulsed by sex... I liked him. It seemed fitting. Him hooking up/sleeping with random women later in the show felt.. odd? But I understand it was a way to make him more human.

  • Deb&Quinn, God, they were so perfect for each other. I'm so heartbroken rn, he finally got her back and then... Anyway, I like to think Quinn quit the force and went into a spiral, eventually drinking himself to death (or worse). I liked his character, I liked how dramatic he was, I liked how flawed he was. I've seen a lot of hate towards him, so that's why I'm saying that.

  • Masuka is in my top 5 characters for sure. He's so hilarious! How can people dislike him??

  • Laguerta could go fuck herself from the very beginning. Didn't like her then, smiled when she died. That's all I have to say about her.

  • Angel is exactly the kind of friend I need in my life. He was always there when somebody needed him. Never gave up on Quinn even though he was fucking up constantly. Actually, I want to be the Angel friend.

  • After working with psychopaths pretty much the majority of her life, Dr. Vogel should've known there was no hope for her son. I understand she was blinded by her motherly love but come on.

  • First season remains superior to me. And probably always will. It was absolutely perfect.

  • A part of me wants to hate Harry for how he treated both Dexter and Debra, a part of me understands why he treated them the way he did. He was terrified of what Dexter could become, forgetting he let his fear control him and forgetting about his daughter that couldn't understand why was her dad so focused on her brother.

  • Also the whole "Deb is in love with Dexter" thing??? What the fuck! I get that they made it so her feelings were even more complex and conflicted but that???? And the psychiatrist that came up with it in the first place??? No, that was just simply off-putting. Some may argue it could resemble a "falling in love with your childhood best friend" type of trope, but no. They grew up together in the same house, they are family, even if not by blood. This (pseudo)incest thingy.. just no.

  • I'm gonna watch New Blood now. Seeing how I disagree with a lot of the fandom's opinions (S5 and Lumen, S8, hating Quinn and/or Debra,...), maybe I'll like it more than I'd expect.

So these were only some of my thoughts. If you made it this far, congrats and thanks for reading! Hope I didn't piss you off too much.

EDIT: I also wanted to tell you guys that I saw Princess Goes last week. And they were pretty fucking awesome.

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler Why did Quinn get suspicious of Dexter after what happened with Rita.


At the beginning of Season 5, Quinn asks Masuka if Trinity has ever killed a married woman in a tub. Masuka says “first time for everything” which makes him suspicious of Dexter.

But Vicky Noonan (who was married) was killed in a tub in the same manner.

r/Dexter 2d ago

Spoiler Dexter Series Finale Alternative Ending and Concise Critical Analysis


Over a decade later! after its last season aired, I started watching Dexter for the first time, and last night I finished season 8. For me, this show is a must-watch, and I would give it a 9/10 for its overall entertainment value. Here is my alternative series finale and critical analysis of the show.

To save Dr. Vogel, Dexter kills Saxon in never-before-seen bloodiest-ever style, leaving body in a killing room with a message written on the wall with Saxon's blood saying this was the last kill of the Bay Harbour butcher and confirming that he is still alive but retired from killing the criminals. Later, Dr. Vogel joins the Miami Metro.

Dexter teaches the code completely to Zach Hamilton. They kill together initially and have a good time by partying together for a brief time to show they get along well with their own kind. Later, Zach starts killing alone, following Dexter's process. Portraying him like the next Dexter in Miami. Finally, Dexter gives his knife kit to him, showing a passing torch kind of moment.

Elway and U.S. Marshal Cooper stop looking for Hannah, considering she's left Miami and can't be found.

Fast forward: Debra and Quinn get married. Angel retires and runs his restaurant. Debra becomes lieutenant and Quinn Sergent. Masuka and his daughter live together as father-daughter.

Lastly, Dexter retires, and with Debra knowing the real truth, he, along with Hannah and Harrison, make a successful escape to Argentina or whatever place to start a new life.

The series ends here, and instead of a new blood series, a new spin-off series can be made about the mature serial killer Zach Hamilton, who kills in his own style following Dexter's code.

I do think following characters was wasted, and more could have been done with them rather than killing them.

  1. Rita

  2. Doakes

  3. Mike Anderson

  4. Zach Hamilton

The following characters should have been part of multiple seasons:

  1. Dr. Vogle

  2. Mike Anderson

  3. Zach Hamilton

  4. Arthur Mitchel (Trinity)

The following characters should have been killed or sent away earlier:

  1. Masuka

  2. Cody

  3. Aster

  4. Paul Bennett

  5. Miguel Prado

  6. Jamie

I was expecting a more detailed conversation between Dexter and Debra after she knew the truth regarding major killings that happened by Dexter and those associated with him. Adding more shocks to Debra.

For example, killing brother Brian, Rita's death, Lumen and Dexter's killings, Doakes killing, etc.

There should have been a few episodes in which Matthews, after LaGuarta died, came closer to knowing that Dexter is the Bay Harbor butcher who also turned out to be like his serial killer brother Brian, but ended up not being able to prove it.


Honestly, for me, in the last two seasons, which are seasons 7 and 8, the show Dexter became The Debra Morgan Show because of her amazing acting and character development. IMO, no one came close to acting the way she did in the last two seasons. Now, I am on to New Blood.

Overall, it was still one of the greatest shows I ever watched and will re-watch someday. Share your opinion and let me know what you think of this analysis.

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler Could they have worked as a duo ? If James had accepted Dexter ?

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If Lila didn't kill him. ( ik they wouldn't be a duo but this is a what if )

r/Dexter 3d ago

Meme Me to the nail salesmen after telling him to get out of my driveway for the third time this week.

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r/Dexter 4d ago

Actor Fluff Opinions on Jennifer Carpenter and Debra Morgan?


r/Dexter 2d ago

purpleflair Why is nobody in Dexter attractive?


So the title might sound extraordinarily shallow and everyone has different tastes, but what I mean is watching other shows there's at least 1 or 2 classically beautiful people.

I'm aware makeup and clothes were selected as they are characters. I'm not saying that some of their personalities aren't awesome; I'd love to get down with a number of characters. Just physically, there's nobody that is beautiful. I feel like you'd accidentally have at least one or two in a show full of actors. Even guest actors or extras or actors that joined later. I mean John Lithgow was a guest actor. He is awesome in everything, but an attractive person he is not.

So was this a choice, a demand, a metaphor for life? I know there are going to be people who want to defend their favorite character/actor that they're attracted to, I'm not singling anybody out.

r/Dexter 3d ago

Actor Fluff Looks like ray speltzer is on the opposite side of the law in this one

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Movie name- shot caller

r/Dexter 3d ago

Fan Art Dexter Edit (21 Pilots - Routines in the Night)


r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler Season 4 and a quick 1-5


Am I the only one that didn't really like season 4? I feel like the pacing was absolutely horrendous and that Dexter getting so involved with trinity kind of killed his character for me as we saw him get weaker and weaker. The only thing that season 4 did right in my opinion were the side characters. Holy shit. The development they had during season 4 was absolutely absurd. If I had to rate it I'd say it goes like this 7/10 MC(Dexter isn't at his most enjoyable imo) 6/10 Villain (yeah yeah ik) 9.5/10 Side characters (as I said I quite liked them in this season) 7/10 Overall Plot 8.5/10 Ending

I've only watched up to season 5 so far but if I had to rate the seasons it would go like this

  1. Season 2 (I fucking love doakes + dexter is arguably at his best + Lundy is also a G)
  2. Season 1 (Honestly incredibly close to season 2 and I consider them interchangeable cause Rudy is definitely the best villain in the show)
  3. Season 3 ( Miguel's and Dexter's dynamic was insanely well done, really showed us a Dexter with no morals and remorse, and what he could bring to the world.)
  4. Season 4 (Not amazing but not bad)
  5. Season 5 (honestly didn't have many flaws but it was just shallow and boring)

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler Do you think Dexter can learn to get the same satisfaction in his random killings as he does with his ritual one?


I was watching season 2 of Dexter and I was on the scene where he kills Oscar Prado and he didn’t get to do the same due diligence as his other kills with making sure he was a killer. Do you think when he killed Oscar prado he felt a similar sense of “joy” that he gets from his other planned killings or is the code so engrained in him that he can’t even enjoy it? Do you think if his brother Brian was alive longer he could have broken the code out of him and he could have enjoyed killing without his code?

r/Dexter 4d ago

Meme I would live in Miami if it was real

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r/Dexter 4d ago

Meme Debra Morgan in a nutshell

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r/Dexter 3d ago

purpleflair Am I the only one who wished Doakes had made a surprise (motherfûcker) appearance in New Blood?


Like Dexter gets hit and passes out. When he comes to, he started hallucinating, and all of the sudden, Doakes came popping over saying his famous line & mess with Dexter’s head and he (Doakes) started to harass him again…. Which makes sense “SiNcE dOaKeS iS tHe BaY HaRbEr BuTcHeR aNd AlL” 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

That would’ve been a perfect opportunity for them to have some fun together and calling him a lab geek again lol 😂

That and allows them to make a few jokes by having him and Deb actually get to talk to each other again. I mean, there would nothing preventing this as both of them would be all in Dexter’s head at this point. 🤷🏻‍♂️

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler The ending of season 8, do you think they…


…should have just ended it with them finding his boat and axed the lumberjack scene? Or do you think it’s good we knew they left him alive?

Either scenario, I think new blood was still an option.

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler Opinion on Hannah


Am I the only one who doesn’t like Hannah? I’m only at 7x11 as of now, but she seems so untrustworthy and she never really lets Dexter get really close to her and I feel like she has to hide something. On the other hand, Dexter can be himself around her which positively impacts him. However, I think Dexter also didn’t 100% trust Hannah and it seems as he will lay her off soon. I’m excited what you guys think.!

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler Dexter pudo ser el mejor detective de Miami

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Se que el objetivo de la serie es mostrar a un asesino en serie, pero si Dexter se hubiese limitado a asesinar a aquellos asesinos en serie que no habia manera de condenar por falta de evidencia (Jordan Chase,Oliver Saxon) y hubiese revelado la identidad de Trinidad y el Asesino del Fin del Mundo a la Policia cuando los descubrio, probablemente hubiesen sido condenados a muerte y se salvarian muchas personas inocentes. En la temporada 7 Debra le recrimina a Dex que haya interferido en investigaciones policiales al no dar informacion que podria haber sido de ayuda Literalmente podria haber tenido tiempo para pasar con su familia, una gran reputacion y una vida mucho mejor si no pasara el 80% de su tiempo en intentar cazar asesinos Ustedes que opinan?

r/Dexter 3d ago

purpleflair the intro


so I didn’t watch Dexter till after all the seasons came out. in season one the intro is him getting ready in the morning whatever, & then the second season they actually show those shots as part of the episode… when the show first aired originally was this the intro? anyone know ?

r/Dexter 4d ago

Meme Just Finished Season Four

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I am going to go all the way through. It is a well written and fantastically acted show. But, this just sort of sprang to my mind as I was putting the coffee on this morning.

r/Dexter 3d ago

Spoiler This conversation, from S7E6. I thought Deb closed that case…? Time stamp 1:10

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r/Dexter 3d ago

purpleflair What a journey!


I started watching about 3-4 weeks ago and binged all 8 seasons. I cant believe how amazing it was, so many emotions throughout. The writing was so fkn amazing 99% of the time and you felt a strong connection with the main characters. Bitter sweet moment to finish such an amazing series 🥺🥹