r/Dexter 5h ago

Meme I can’t with this 😭

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r/Dexter 4h ago

Meme I wonder how much blood this mosquito has harvested

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r/Dexter 5h ago

Spoiler worst scene in the show?


i’m rewatching and just saw the scene where deb and dex kiss in her dream and god, that was horrible.

i know they were together irl but they were siblings in the show! wtf is even that storyline?!

r/Dexter 7h ago

Meme Rdr2 Dexter Killing The Saint Dennis Butcher


r/Dexter 5h ago

Fan Art Made a Lego figure of our favorite serial killer

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r/Dexter 4h ago

purpleflair Dexter shirt


Anybody know where I can get the Dexter kill shirt from in the UK or something very similar?

r/Dexter 2h ago

Fan Art 🥷Dexter💉🐊prod tranquilliser Skills😵


r/Dexter 3h ago

Spoiler Season 6


One thing thats good with this season is Batista and Quinn, these guys are comedic gold man and actually make the season good

r/Dexter 3h ago

Spoiler Any diehard fans that would make a list for me?


I'm on another rewatch probably like many of you are since it's been added back to Netflix. I'm on season 2 and if I remember correctly doakes finds out about him towards the finale. SO finally getting to the point i was wondering if one of you would be able to list all the people (aside from his irrelevant victims) who have found out about dexters true identity? (Brian, Trinity, Doakes, etc)

r/Dexter 1d ago

purpleflair Yall agree with me?


r/Dexter 5h ago

purpleflair Finished rewatching s1-8 what a ride


Just finished rewatching the whole series again. What a ride..

I'll take a few weeks off to watch new blood and then the new series just announced..

r/Dexter 5h ago

Spoiler Is it worthwatching at this point ?


I watched first 6 seasons and now im at s7 e4( dibra knew he is a killer etc..) is it worth watching after because i think it's getting a bit boring and i don't wanna miss anything great at the same time

r/Dexter 15h ago

Fan Art Dexter’s Dual💉💉Crafted Skills


r/Dexter 2h ago

Spoiler How did Dexter help Quin


How did Dexter made the bloodwork clear Quin in S5E12 I don't get it

r/Dexter 11m ago

Spoiler I was watching the third season of Dexter and made a very important discovery


Dexter doesn’t eat the crust of his pizza, this is a disaster.

r/Dexter 19h ago

Actor Fluff How did i not know sooner that Deb and Dexter were married in real life?


That some suits level relationship.

r/Dexter 36m ago

Fan Art Dexter🌇💉Vs. Mick🏜️🔨Cat🐈and mouse🐁Death Match😵💀Winner?!🏆

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r/Dexter 50m ago

Spoiler The books finale


Oh boy, these books fell off hard with these last two. I thought the finale of the 2 series was bad and Jeff matched that disappointment with the books. I’m guessing he died (not totally sure) but fuck me was that a shitty way to describe it happening.

r/Dexter 1h ago

Spoiler Surprisingly Season 8 is the best out of the post s4 parts


This is a hackneyed subject at this point so feel free to skip but i wanna finally be on here and talk about this show now that ive finished the og series

I constantly heard everyone hating on season 8 before I even finished season 2 so I was dreading it, but now that i’ve finished it (please dont spoil as ive only seen up to s8), it was pretty good?

Season 5 was kind of… it felt like a filler season. It doesnt matter in the grand scheme of the show (other than dex kind of but not really getting through rita’s death) and like it was fine but i wouldnt rewatch it, it was dex going on side quests

Season 6 was a huge drag the whole religion angle was a bad take imo especially since they didnt do anything with it after and the twist was kind of like eh.. who cares

Season 7 was horrible. I cant believe people say it was one of the better ones. Like here’s dexter, always ready with cold logic and self preservation above all else, now imagine he gets pussy-matized! Btw shes a killer who kind of deserves to die but oh well shes hot and for the first time ever dex starts to think with his dick instead how fun!

Season 8 actually was very interesting from a character perspective, other than masuka’s donor daughter ordeals everyone feels like family and their problems feel very realistic, ironically slice of life. I loved the focus on deb and dexter’s relationship, considering for once we got to put the spotlight on the relationship with the one person he actually loves and cares about and not some new friend where he deludes himself into thinking “bUt WhAt If ThEy AcCEpT me”

Also the ending (spoilers) wasnt that bad. Guy wrenching and sad to watch deb go like that but im glad we finally got to the crescendo of dexter realising over and over again that everything around him dies. The whole time I kept thinking his mom, his dad, rita, miguel, lila, zach, his step kids arent with him and now even deb is gone, how long until harrison and hannah drop like flies too? It finally snapped him out of this death cycle that he falls back in every season.

It also helps that i wasnt constantly reminded that hannah killed some people in cold blood, shes much more likeable as a stepmom with a troubled past, i can pretend she didnt actually kill her greenhouse boss lady for shits and giggles

The writing of the last 4 seasons was VERY rough with loose ends overall (like quinn dropping his suspicion on dexter after his P.I. died was something I thought of till the very end, it was so silly)so I’m surprised it had as decent of an ending as it did

Idk I just binged it im probably missing some parts or need to let it simmer more but let me know who else agrees!! Or if you disagree, all is fun I just wanna talk about this show lol

r/Dexter 1h ago

purpleflair How often are there injections shown??


Don’t know abt that flair system but wtv. I’ve been REALLY trying to start watching Dexter but I’m weary abt injections and stuff. I have rly bad mental issues related to needles and such and would like to know when to be cautious of it.

r/Dexter 1h ago

purpleflair Season 8 Plot Alternative


Hey guys. So I finished a complete watch of the original Dexter series. Like most of you, I felt like Season 8 was by far the worst season. Particularly the latter half. So I thought about ways to improve upon it.

Truthfully, I thought the first four episodes of the season were rather good. Mainly because it does attempt to deal with the aftermath of Deb choosing Dexter over LaGuerta in the S7 finale.

The problem is after Deb tried to kill both her and Dexter in the river, they really backpedaled hard from that subplot. And I think that was a mistake.

Season 8 should have been a full on face off between Deb and Dexter. Deb was slowly becoming someone she hated and started to see Dexter as a monster and herself as a bad person that was lost.

They should have pushed that more. Force Deb to confront that she has this in her too and force BOTH Morgan siblings to have to face the possibility of cutting off the one person that always cared about them.

The last season should have been Dexter and Deb trying to kill the other. Dexter would then become a fully unhinged monster like the beginning of the season hinted and Deb would become the "killer with a code" like Dexter was trying to be. Only Debs code would result in her believing Dexter would need to be put down.

As for who kills who, I honestly think either way could work. But I think Angel Bautista needed to discover that the Morgans were bad because from Day 1, he was presented to us as the moral good of Miami Metro. He had to be the one to collapse the house of cards and at least force the surviving Morgan to go on the run.

What do you guys think? Is this better or is S8 just not salvageable lol.

r/Dexter 1d ago

Spoiler What in the world is happening?? This was a wild pair of scenes

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Any one else think that this was a bit off character? I get his brother bringing out something else in him but this was bananas

r/Dexter 1d ago

purpleflair Do you think Dexter would get away with everything he did in this day & age?


Does anyone think Dexter would get away with anything he did in 2024? With ring/nest camera everywhere, more traffic cameras, iPhones/devices that listen constantly?

r/Dexter 3h ago

Spoiler Trinity


I'm watching this show for the first time and I have to get this out of my chest.

Trinity has to be the worst villain. He manages to kill people during his lifetime, appear to be a good person to any community he joins, but his wife and kids all dread him without being able to escape/run. I remember when Deb was dating the ice truck killer, that was creepy and scary, but imagine subduing Deb or other girlfriend in a way that Arthur does. Idk, him as a character scares me in ways the ice truck killer didn't

r/Dexter 1d ago

Spoiler LUNDY AND DEBRA?!?!?!!?


omg I cant believe that just happened S2E7 rn and I cant blieve Ludy and Debra just kissed 😭 I thought he was becoming like a father to her 😭 I thought they were having a nice father daughter moment and then it happaned out of nowhere 😭 Mom pick me up Im scared