r/Dexter 10h ago

Actor Fluff Best Adversary

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Isaac Sirko

r/Dexter 13h ago

Meme Dexter being an absolute model in this scene

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Hollow cheek bones deep asf

r/Dexter 9h ago

purpleflair Could you have live is this neighborhood ?

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Felt like everyone was in their personal lives . Too neighborly. I personally would lose my mind having to see my neighbors daily and doing to do block parties or whatever the hell you call it .

r/Dexter 22h ago

Actor Fluff Who is objectively the worst character throughout all the seasons?


The one character that genuienly has no redeemable qualities. My pick would be LaGuerta but i really wanna know other opinions.

r/Dexter 8h ago

Spoiler Ever think about this?

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If it wasn’t for this guy, Rita would still be alive

r/Dexter 21h ago

purpleflair Should I watch DEXTER?


Hey! 👋🏼

Thinking of starting Dexter, but not sure if it’s a good idea. People who like the show, what do you like about it? (Without spoilers) I love shows like YOU, How To Get Away With Murder, Mindhunter etc.

r/Dexter 10h ago

Spoiler Finished season 8 and it was so hard to watch!!! Disappointed with the end of the series


It was so hard to follow about 263663 story lines and plot twists. It seemed like they tried to put 2 seasons in 1. Some don t even make sense, like I have enjoyed Masuka with his daughter but I am not sure what was the point!?

Than the end is just.. not making sense. Deb was loved by her colleagues and Quinn and Dexter taking her on the boat and throwing her over just like he does with all of his victims did not make sense to me. I understand not letting her suffer, but she deserved a proper send off. I don’t know just weird the way he takes her out…

I hate that he left Harrison, I don’t mind is with Hannah, many comment on the fact that she is a serial killer, but well he is too. What I don’t understand is why he left Harrison when he knows how important it was to have a “Harry” in your life, he should have been there for his son.

Please tell me I am not only one that feels this way.

r/Dexter 7h ago

Spoiler I am rewatching this show and I’m having major issues right now.


Spoilers for Breaking Bad ha.

Im rewatching the show after not seeing it fully since release. I’m enjoying it enough to keep going BUT….I’m sure this has been brought up, but this show BLEW IT by doing Season 2 in the second season. You have the best antagonist with Doakes figuring out what Dexter is. He’s super smart, ruthless, dangerous, and plays outside of the rules but not in a way that makes him unlikable (or better yet being morally worse than Dexter). He’s also highly entertaining and the actor is fucking fantastic…the show lost a big piece of it with his departure. They kinda tried doing the suspicious coworker again with Quinn (lol).

Then you have the biggest obstacle of them all with the FBI coming to town. You honestly could not be in a worse spot as a killer than having the FBI up your crack. It just makes the following seasons feel really really low key after that. It would be like Breaking Bad having Walter defeat Gus in Season 2 and having three more seasons with random drug dealers. Like, you can’t replicate Gus and The FBI can’t really be replicated here, especially with Lundy who they hyped up as the Jimi Hendrix of FBI profiling. The dude talked more about SANDWICHES than killers and spent more time tapping ass than working. The FBI came across as a bunch of dumbasses here and I think in part is because the writers knew Dexter couldn’t be caught. You then have the LYLA PROBLEM. You have Doakes in a cage and present Dexter with his biggest moral quandary: Do you kill someone outside the code to cover your ass?. Dexter never really has to grapple with this long because Deus Ex Machina Lyla blows him across the Everglades. It was one of the lamest ways a show got rid of an antagonist imo.

I feel like much of this season, and especially the end of it, got watered down so much cause we needed this show to go on and on. If this was the final season, or even penultimate season it could have been done in a way more dramatic manner. I’m watching Season 3 and the ENTIRE thing feels like B plot in terms of stakes. How could it get any crazier than Doakes/FBI? If I was rewriting this show I’d rearrange the major plot lines of each season and do them like season 4,3,1,2, and then a final season. You’d obviously need major reworks with Rita/Lundy and scrap good characters in later seasons (sorry Ray Stevenson/Mos Def) but damn….the first two season are monumental and they happen right off the bat season wise….I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a show do something like this and if you do seasons 1-2 later and with more urgency I feel like you’d solve the biggest issue with Dexter and thats the show going on for too long with little happening with the stakes.

Anyways, it’s been really interesting to watch this show again after all these years!

r/Dexter 4h ago

Spoiler Why is Dexter trying to get ahead of the detectives?


Initially Dexter was sort of cleaning up after the homicide detectives when they fail to convict etc? Then at some point he started actively trying to get ahead of them and I feel like it’s just a big part of why things started to fall apart even for people close to him like Deb. Because after Trinity, he was killing most of the criminals for cases the department was investigating which meant they had more open cases and he was less useful and just tensions were high. Bad move on his part but I feel as though it’s neglected, Harry never points it out to him.

r/Dexter 6h ago

Meme Seasons after 1 become less and less bloody... doesnt make any sense


r/Dexter 7h ago

Spoiler Shows really messing with me *SEASON 4 SPOILER*


Just saw rita dead in a fucking bathtub with harrison crawling around in her blood just like dexter as a child. I watched this episode last night and I cant shake it. Rita was so important and her kids and dexter. Even though dexter is the reason for her death it still hurt him you can tell. Im guessing harrison will grow up and be just like dex.

r/Dexter 7h ago

purpleflair Would you ever...?

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r/Dexter 9h ago

Actor Fluff Mazuka rules!


“I could really go for some hookers and cocaine right now.

But since this isn’t the 90s, caffeine it is.”

r/Dexter 8h ago

Spoiler seriously how did harrison dissapear like that?

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this kid has some incredible hiding skills.

r/Dexter 13h ago

Spoiler dexter: new blood


hey everybody,

so i finished dexter yesterday & honestly the ending was stupid to me. i feel like everything was rushed, it was very patchy, & i wish there would have been more to the story. definitely would’ve wanted a different ending for deb i mean was it really necessary to take her out?

nonetheless, im starting new blood today but i noticed its a single season so im wondering if i should watch it in a “this is going to close dexter’s story” perspective or if i should watch it as “there’s going to be more”. because its been 3 years since season 1 came out so i feel like there might not be anything else to come but id like to hear some of your opinions without new blood spoilers please & thank you 😊

r/Dexter 9h ago

Fan Art Dexter💉Speedy⚡️⚡️Fast🔪


r/Dexter 2h ago

Spoiler S3 E3 Milk


doing a rewatch and while Dexter is dragging the pedo through his kitchen he stops and checks the fridge for milk, which Rita asked him to grab for the kids.

🤣 that shit had me laughing so hard.

r/Dexter 3h ago

Spoiler Lundy!


Am I the only one that thinks Lundy is kinda a creeper? lol He literally went after Deb who could be his daughter knowing she was vulnerable because of the ice truck killer. And the whole time he had no intention of ever being serious which is fine but he should have been more up front about it. Idk he just always kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Poor Deb she deserved better. Most the guys she dated were losers. But it makes sense with her daddy issues haha.

Edit: to the people saying Deb went after him: Deb may have gone after him but he opened the door and manipulated her into liking him. Seems like even adults can be groomed(for lack of a better term). There was a huge power imbalance and the whole relationship was completely inappropriate. Once you’ve seen the way an older man in a position of power manipulates young women it’s easy to recognize, even if it’s really subtle.

r/Dexter 16h ago

purpleflair favorite season/antagonist?


Hi all!

Like a lot of us right now, I’m rewatching Dexter. I’m currently wrapping up season 3 and ready to get on with season 4 as Trinity might be my favorite villain.

I’ve always enjoyed the first three seasons of Dexter, but on this rewatch I love them even more. I’m debating watching seasons 5-8 again. I’ve only seen the later seasons once because I think we can all agree the show goes downhill sooo fast.

I’m just curious to know, who’s your favorite antagonist? What’s your favorite season? And are you rewatching the second half of the show?

r/Dexter 3h ago

Spoiler Just finished Dexter + New Blood. Why does everyone hate the end of New Blood? (+ my thoughts)


First of all, WOW! I don't think I have ever seen a season that's better than any of the first four seasons of Dexter (except maybe Prison Break S1). I didn't really binge any of the first four seasons, but I absolutely binged the last four seasons plus New Blood. I'm still heartbroken about Rita's death to the point where it almost feels cringe, lmao. I only got this feeling a few times before (Prison Break and 13 Reasons Why spoiler)>! when I saw Michael's tombstone, when Justin Foley died, and after Bridge to Terabithia 😭💀!<.

I'm so disappointed by the last four seasons because one of the things that really made the first four seasons so fun was the forensics part and Dexter trying to make room in his social life to control his "dark passenger." Having to deal with Miguel and Syl, Rita, Astor, and Cody, an open investigation into his killings, or even just random cases that came up made it challenging. But in the later seasons, he never had a crime scene to go to, he could randomly leave work without anyone caring about it, and for every case that did come up, he was trying to kill the suspect himself?

Even though I like S5 and S7, I HATED that Dexter wasn't even able to fake sad feelings for Rita's death in S5. But the overall storyline was fine and kinda felt like this season could have fitted somewhere before S4 so that the show could have ended with the Trinity Killer, etc. S6 was straight trash, but I'm a big believer in the non-existence of a god, so this whole season was just hard to get through except for some Brother Sam parts. S7 was OK. I didn't like Hannah, the Ukrainian mob antagonist story felt pretty weak, and LaGuerta was kinda annoying with the whole BHB investigation. But it's fair considering the plot armor Dexter had in the previous seasons.

I didn't like that Dexter fell so easily for Hannah again in S8. Even though Dr. Vogel was kinda bland and boring, and the whole son and teacher of Zach thing wasn't needed, I still liked the backstory of Harry. But I will never get why Deb had to die. She accepted Dexter, obviously not entirely fine with knowing, but seemed like she could handle it, so there was no reason for her to die. The way Dex killed Saxon didn't seem like self-defense either, but hey, at least he didn't abandon his kid and TURN INTO A LUMBERJACK... I think only The 100 had a worse final than this one.

New Blood was very fun and felt like a Christmas special, although I'm not sure if it was Harrison or LJ from Prison Break, LOL (tell me I'm not the only one who thinks they look alike). Kinda sad we never saw Dexter and Batista reunite.

So here's the main question:

Why was the final that bad according to many? In my opinion, Dexter had to die for the whole Dexter story to end. But I do have a problem with Harrison being the one who killed him since it makes it look like Harrison doesn't actually want to kill/hurt people while he literally said he does. So why not just run away together and let him get killed by Angela, for example?

Even if nobody ends up reading this i'm still glad i could express my thoughts and potentially discuss this amazing show because somehow nobody around me except my Dad watched Dexter...

r/Dexter 6h ago

Meme Is there like an okbuddymurder subreddit or something for unhinged Dexter memes?


Watching the show again and I like unhinged memes

r/Dexter 7h ago

Spoiler I miss old dexter


Doing a rewatch of random episodes. Season 5 was the last good season. The storyline with lumen was soo well written, i dont get why they had to "make her leave"

r/Dexter 45m ago

Spoiler original sin is going to be really difficult to watch knowing how it all ends


when i watched the young sheldon i did so because it was connected to the big bang theory, original sin is going to be a show that you basically know the ending of, dexters fate is sealed so watching any of it is just going to feel pointless you know how it ends already you can't imagine anything for that show as you know you know with absolute certainty what happens in the end

I hated the ending of new blood more than most do I just hated it so much as it ruined the entire franchise to me

r/Dexter 1h ago

purpleflair He’s your brother bro..like how did you not know something was wrong with Dexter? It’s like super obvious that he’s weird. She’s acting like he ruined her life. She’s so worried about what he’s doing, yet her life is falling apart.


Dude Deb is really making me mad..

r/Dexter 2h ago

purpleflair Can anyone identify this song in born free? It's also used in season 2. Can't find it anywhere