r/DetroitPistons 4d ago

Before anyone asks.. News


NOOOOOOO TO BEN SIMMONS. Cam Johnson and DFS I am more than fine with, trust me. You know Brooklyn is going to be stingy with their picks because they’re in a full rebuild. If it’s 2 first round picks unprotected then MAYBE. I do not want Ben Simmons period. If you’re going to absorb bad contracts and a bad player, then Ben Simmons is quite literally the epitome of that. He’s unplayable.


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u/AkronIBM Joe Dumars 3d ago

Ben Simmons has one year left. If the former all star is ever going to play well, it’ll be for his next contract. If he doesn’t play well, then it’s this year. I’d worry more about his attitude and how he impacts team culture.