r/Damnthatsinteresting 2d ago

Ship caught in a terrifying storm at night Video

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148 comments sorted by


u/Pixelslinger9 2d ago

That's pretty incredible! Now imagine sailing the seas 300 years ago without our current tech.


u/DanyeelsAnulmint 2d ago

Exactly my thought as well.


u/EagerToLearnMore 2d ago

And when there were titans, mermaids, kraken, and sirens in the waters.


u/Xcav8 1d ago

2 of those things aren't even real


u/stamper2495 1d ago



u/albatross_ed 1d ago

I hope you mean sirens/mermaids


u/certainlynotacoyote 8h ago

The mean sirens and water


u/I_Always_3_putt 2d ago

I used to work on ocean tugs, and I would be gone for up to 6 months at a time. I once watched a short film on one of my trips called "Around Cape Horn." it was filmed in 1929, and it followed one of the last ships to sail around Cape Horn. That short film made me feel like such a little bitch. Sleeping in my nice warm bunk, while these guys were often soaked for months on end, and sleeping in hammocks.

You can watch it on youtube.



u/EyyyyyyMacarena 2d ago

Nice movie! Thanks!


u/I_Always_3_putt 2d ago

No problem! It's a great representation on how they had it back in the sailing days. I was very grateful for our current water travel technologies šŸ¤£


u/Jaloon40 1d ago

Mystic Seaport Representing! Letā€™s goooooo


u/Buddy-Lov 1d ago

I spent a week at the docks there last summerā€¦.loved it! I lived in a museum for a weekšŸ˜‚


u/TaintYet 1d ago

Speechless. Simply amazing - thanks for sharing!


u/treemeizer 1d ago

You've just put me on an amazing rabbit hole, thank you!


u/RCT2man 1d ago

I watched this whole thing. Absolutely fantastic. It makes me sad I didnā€™t do something crazy when I was 20 :(.


u/I_Always_3_putt 1d ago

That's when I worked the tugs, 19 to 26. Got tired of being away all the time. But I definitely got to see some great places.


u/YouEffOhh1 2d ago

Also with scurvy


u/baked-stonewater 2d ago

Not in the British navy...


u/Eurasia_4002 2d ago

Aside from the lights and the resued dump truck engines. Filipino fishing boats still have the same design as their ancestors' Trimaran design made of wood.

So many do still kinda have the same feel in these kinds of rough situations on a rough boat.


u/Kafshak 2d ago

Same as Persian Lench. But we don't have such storms there.


u/jeicam_the_pirate 2d ago

GPS was only added in 1993 (or, 30 years ago).


u/Environmental-Wear41 2d ago

And to think men on wooden ships sailed through this. Utterly terrifying


u/Osos137 2d ago

Imagine having to hype yourself up to fight directly after that šŸ’€


u/Bisexual_Sherrif 2d ago

Donā€™t worry, I heard disease is pretty effective after a few days


u/SenorLvzbell 2d ago

it's getting harder

To describe


To the underfed


u/kiddcherry 1d ago

Iā€™ve never thought of those lyrics in that way


u/sirbruce 2d ago

Fellas itā€™s been good to know ya!


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

To know what


u/cwhitt5 2d ago

He said it. ā€œyaā€


u/TXOgre09 2d ago

Itā€™s a line from Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald


u/ziaiz 2d ago

I can think of at least 4 things I would rather do before being in this ship.


u/Statertater 2d ago

Iā€™d love to be on board during this storm


u/Motor_Menu_1632 2d ago

I use to work summers on a fishing boat and man do I somewhat miss these times. A mix of shitting your pants and being totally enthralled by the sheer force of nature. Lot of good memories


u/Statertater 2d ago

Makes you feel alive! I too worked on fishing boats during summer. Alaska?


u/Motor_Menu_1632 2d ago



u/Statertater 2d ago

What part? I did a tour of the south east and south central - sitka and cordova were where i worked


u/listerbmx 2d ago

Yeah agreed. i dont know why, but with lighting and the safe shelter of the ships cabin combined with navigation equipment, it seems soooo cosy.

Now, just imagine being in the same situation but the electricity cuts off randomly.


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

What would those be


u/ziaiz 2d ago

They all involve not being in this ship.


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

Ocean is scary and dark


u/No-Definition1474 2d ago

And full of terrors


u/spaaackle 2d ago

The ocean is dark and full of terrors!


u/louiegumba 2d ago

I only have 2. Man I gotta get out more.


u/vinnybawbaw 2d ago

I thought th camera was glitchy or something. Turns out itā€™s lightning.


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

Me too bro


u/Own-Bed2045 2d ago

You saw lightning flashes and first thought was the camera was fucking up?


u/Brewmaster92785 2d ago

I'm so happy that I'm watching this from a nice comfortable bed and the thermostat set at 72.



Baller, 74 here.


u/Washtali 2d ago

I love storms and rain, but I think I would feel pretty uncomfortable in a ship on the water in those conditions.

Way to be courageous!


u/maddogg312 2d ago

My apologies and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get downvoted for thisā€¦ but was this a Great Lakes ship or ocean going? Or, to not get crapped on furtherā€¦ did it happen in an ocean or on one of the Great Lakes? I know the GL can be extremely dangerous and unforgiving.


u/Gramma_Hattie 2d ago

I think the waves would be bigger if it were an ocean storm, looks like gitche gumee


u/Sir_Lemming 2d ago

Does anyone know where the love of god goes when the waves turn the minutes into hours?


u/maddogg312 2d ago

I was waiting for a Gordon Lightfoot lyric lol. Absolutely love him. Had the pleasure of seeing him 3 times and have a lot of his vinyl records.


u/maddogg312 2d ago

Exactly, and I know this is reaching but the minimal view of the deck looks like it has the iron ore color painted deck.


u/HenriettaSyndrome 2d ago

My apologies

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get downvoted for this

to not get crapped on further

It's sad how toxic reddit is that someone can be hesitant to ask a genuinely good question due to fear of attack


u/maddogg312 2d ago

Generally I do ok, but the last few days I have been eviscerated for genuine questions and asking for other peopleā€™s experiences. Itā€™s Reddit so I expect it, but damn lol. One wrong thing and you are considered a jackass with no brain.


u/HenriettaSyndrome 2d ago

I hear ya. It's not a super forgiving place to be caught not knowing something.


u/Jackmerius-CNC 2d ago

Hard to know where it is for sure. The Great lakes can have storms with 80mph plus winds and 20 foot swells so it could be there or the ocean or like the north sea


u/maddogg312 2d ago

I live in Michigan so I am very aware of how crazy it gets. I live about a mile from Lake Saint Clair and am often on it every weekend. It isnā€™t Superior but sometimes that chop gets super nasty. If you arenā€™t on the right boat you are toast. Just this past week 4 people had to be rescued.


u/BinaryPear 2d ago

Itā€™s surprising stable. Iā€™d expect more swaying


u/everydayasl 2d ago

Glad you are safe inside that bridge.


u/brokefixfux 2d ago

Can you imagine being in a storm like this during the Age of Sail and losing your VRU unit due to a lightning strike?


u/franchisedfeelings 2d ago

Nope - dry land for me.


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

Men are brave


u/LJ37tokes 2d ago edited 1d ago

The seas were angry that day my friend.


u/77Queenie77 2d ago

So how big is the ship? It doesnā€™t appear to be too affected by what are likely to be huge waves?


u/Occupationalupside 2d ago

They must be on the outskirts of the storm, thatā€™s what captains and mates are trained to do.

The commercial ship I sailed on for six months, we hit the outskirts of a hurricane in the Atlantic and the outskirts had 25+ ft waves for close to a whole day.

Imagine what that storm would like if they hadnā€™t changed their course and went right through the storm. They would be to busy trying not to shit their pants to take a video like this.


u/evoaer 2d ago

el faro has entered the chatā€¦


u/BlackberryBoy2_0 2d ago


u/xithbaby 2d ago

Wow that sub is way off the mark, I scrolled for like 10 minutes and didnā€™t see anything that should be on that sub


u/Responsible-Gap9760 2d ago

Iā€™d be shitting my pants waiting for that one wave to come and swallow us


u/AnyCheesecake4068 2d ago

If i was on this ship id blast the wreck of the edmund Fitzgerald of the intercom just to fuck with people šŸ˜„


u/Efficient-Spirit-380 2d ago

Looks like the gales of November came early.


u/MixedFellaz 2d ago

Used to fish tuna commercially. Just last year a guy I used to fish with decided he had enough of life and jumped overboard during a storm like this. Tried to save him for 40 minutes. Got him to the side on a rope. Told him next time the boat rocked to pull up. Said he was done and let go and got swallowed by the sea. Coast guard told the captain to leave him and head in. Can't imagine how scary that must've been. I was shaking after just jumping into the sea to cut line out of the propeller.


u/Luckpast 2d ago

Yup. Fetal position for me.


u/DICneedle 2d ago

Nope. no. No thank you šŸ„°


u/OpeningAccountant5 2d ago

Other side of the sea


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago



u/bluedaytona392 Interested 1d ago

I'm cummin


u/9LivesChris 2d ago

The real heroes


u/BigPurpleBlob 2d ago

How thick is the window glass? Is it toughened or laminated?


u/Glacierpark-19 2d ago

The legend lives on from the Chippewa on downā€¦


u/Mdhinflfl 2d ago

Been there. Done that. March 1993 crossing the Atlantic heading to the Med.


u/JohnnyLovesData 2d ago

I say, fellas, these are the kinds of jobs the Robot Labour Unions should be all over. Hell, we'll even let the humans have a couple of fancy carnival rides just for the experience. r/futurama


u/Sasselhoff 2d ago

Does anyone know what kind of ship this is? That's a pretty big bridge.


u/Ridge_Hunter 1d ago

Looking at this, with everything we know about the world today, you start to understand why our ancient ancestors thought there were sea monsters and angry gods/goddesses controlling the seas/weather. That's a terrifying situation in today's world, imagine what that would've been like on a wooden ship...no thanks.


u/ohgeekayvee 2d ago

I would rather this than watch the new Star Wars series.


u/Clearly_Voyant 2d ago

Doesnā€™t this happen all the time? My first thought (assuming I was some sort of deckhand) is to get into some comfy dry clothes, grab a snack, and get all cozy in my bunk with a movie or book. No? This could be prime cozy.


u/MetalVase 2d ago

If you really got that Inshallah attitude, you can be comfy anywhere.


u/Clearly_Voyant 2d ago

Huh. . .ya, I suppose thatā€™s true


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

The intention to post here is this is different from our regular experience,it could be cozy if not for waves as big as your ship crashes it


u/Clearly_Voyant 2d ago

Makes sense. Fair enough āœŒļø


u/navharjo 2d ago



u/Vince1128 2d ago

Yeah, that's definitely a big no for me, I hate the sea at night, now with a storm included I hate it even more.


u/Velvet_Re 2d ago

Ngl, I thought the first half was the intro to a game.
You wake up on a deserted ship in the middle of a storm.


u/BredYourWoman 2d ago

Poor Richard Parker :(


u/Otjahe 2d ago

Makes me miss it. Did the dude say 60? Thatā€™s insanešŸ˜


u/OneYogurtcloset1769 2d ago

Hoist the colors song comes in my mind!

Esp the folllowing lyrics:
Yo-ho, all hands
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die


u/Flimsy_Piglet_1980 2d ago

That's quite awesome


u/Significant_Age_4657 2d ago

Itā€™s amazing how any radar can preform in these conditions.


u/Boojum2k 2d ago

I would be useless on that bridge. All that pouring rain, lightning and thunder, and the rocking of the sea?

I'd be fast asleep in seconds.


u/bob_nugget_the_3rd 2d ago

Bet the captain still makes the crew do deck work, because scraping and painting never stops


u/TheOriginalSpartak 2d ago

Better be building those Mars Habitats sturdy like this!


u/kpikid3 2d ago

Was it in a Nordhavn?


u/VegetableProject4383 2d ago

How do they keep heading into the waves when they can't see the waves


u/Bratanel 2d ago

Cant see shit


u/Colebert_W 2d ago

Moments before encountering a Great Old One šŸ™


u/Detail_Some4599 2d ago

Ha bro that's nothing compared to deadliest catch


u/regr8 2d ago

Hey junior go outside and fix the flag


u/LazloNibble 2d ago

The soundproofing on the bridge is impressive as hell. Lightning strikes literally feet away and you donā€™t even need to raise your voice to be heard over them.


u/pineapplejuniors 2d ago

For some reason this reminded me of the space shuttle columbia reentry video.


u/woodrax 2d ago

We had to move through a storm like this recently. We were on an 80,000gt vessel, so did not get thrown around, but the captain cleared the deck, and had to blow the horn every couple of minutes due to lack of visibility.


u/2into4 2d ago

Mother Nature doesnt fuck around


u/666GoatW 2d ago

Almost too breezy for afternoon badminton practice on the Litto deck...Almost.


u/jeicam_the_pirate 2d ago

what 1000% humidity looks like


u/TennisBallTesticles 2d ago

The absolute BALLS on sailors, 200-300-400 years ago. They were just going blind, and pretty much had to accept they were going to die during one of these. And if they didn't, "oh cool."


u/Go1gotha Expert 2d ago

terrifying storm

Try February near Cape Wrath in Scotland.


u/Janq55 1d ago

Imagine seeing the silhouette of a mermaid suddenly appear on the deck in this violent storm šŸ’€


u/jordanevans09 1d ago

Lightening terrifies me. Seems like a floating piece of metal on water with a bunch of lightening is a shocking recipe. I wonder if thereā€™s something to divert/absorb a shock similar to that in homes/buildingsā€¦


u/ericemc 1d ago

In the 90s I was in the navy. We caught the outside of a hurricane. It was awesome. Every 5 minutes or so the bow would would go under water. Huge wave would hit the bridge. Whole ship would shake. Don't fuck with mother nature she gives 0 fucks.


u/SlashEssImplied 1d ago

Your seat doubles as a flotation device.


u/theresites 1d ago

Damn me but I miss that


u/Traveling_Man_383_PA 1d ago

Why isn't there rain on the windows? Why aren't the windshield wipers on?


u/Electronic_Nature869 17h ago

Make some ramen and sit back, Godzillas about to attack


u/HolyFlapjackBatman 2d ago

Is this what it means when the news says Gail warning?


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

No, gale warning is issued at the coast but this is in the sea


u/HolyFlapjackBatman 2d ago

Thank you. Do you know what this is called or is it just referred to as a storm? Like if the news was to give a warning for this does it have a name?


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

News don't give warning for this, they just inform, because storms(small scale) won't effect us severely


u/HolyFlapjackBatman 2d ago

Thanks I learned something today that I would have probably never asked about or known.


u/Additional-Rhubarb-8 2d ago

If I'm not mistaken there's a special weather report for ships, I think the coast guard does it but I could be wrong. The captain of this ship would get a weather report. Example, heavy rain expected time and coordinates, wind gusts up to 5 knots etc..


u/Disastrous_Encounter 2d ago

No, that Gail is a psycho ex-girlfriend.


u/crapinator2000 2d ago edited 2d ago

I wonder if this isnā€™t all something that was done on a sound stage?

  • The cameras seem too steady, even if they were gimballed or fastened down.

  • In the real world, at sea, in a storm, no mattter how big the ship, things move. Often a lot. There are no pounding waves messing with objects or even the people. Everything seems rock solid. Notice at :43-:46 the papers, the keyboards, everything just sits still.

  • Finally, the seas and winds seem too steady. IRL even within a storm things ebb and flow.

Finally.. really finallyā€¦ look at the postersā€™ history. A lot of movie/cinema stuff.

Convince me otherwise, but I fear this is done on a soundstage.


u/Jano67 1d ago

I was thinking the same thing. The windows seem like a/v screens. And the people aren't getting tossed? Maybe it's a training bridge?


u/GeraintLlanfrechfa 2d ago

Apparently the fries are ready, beep came 2 times :)


u/shadowkirby90 2d ago

I read it as shrimp, not ship. I was looking for the giant shrimpy


u/Quiet-Turn4491 2d ago

Big šŸ¦, here it's for you


u/shadowkirby90 2d ago

Thanks for my big shrimp. Much appreciated ;)


u/Dotternetta 2d ago

A ship is built for this. A house usually not. I'd rather be in a ship (on dry land)


u/TheEleventhDoctorWho 1d ago

Umm so this is a movie set right? The radar screen is not moving. If it was it would show a lot more sea clutter up close. Also the boat is not moving. I mean it is a big boat but in that wind it would be moving more. At one point when they are showing the starboard window it seems like you can see the rain machine. Maybe it is just me.


u/Jano67 1d ago

It's not just you. I feel like this is for training or something


u/Dark__Money 2d ago

Lt. Dan would like to have words with that storm.