r/chuck 9d ago

Questionable opinions about Chuck’s TV show


I have vivid memories of my afternoons spent watching Chuck on the TV. In Italy every tv show and movie is dubbed in Italian, so I only started watching stuff in English in college. I recently got reminded of Chuck, so I watched it trying both languages. And I gotta say, that surprisingly, Italian dubbers surpassed my very low expectations because in Italian FOR ONCE it was SO much better.

Please I need to find other people that agree, I need support.

13 votes, 6d ago
5 agreed
8 no.

r/chuck 10d ago

United We Fan — Official Trailer


r/chuck 10d ago

[S5 SPOILERS] When should I stop watching?


I’ve already been recommended to not watch the final 3 episodes of season 5, but I’ve also seen that Morgan will get the Intersect and I really hate the idea. Is season 5 worth watching?

r/chuck 11d ago

What would you say at their roast - Day 12

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Roast finale! I’m scared for this one. Thank you all for playing along over the last week and a half. ❤️

r/chuck 10d ago

[SPOILERS] What Happened to the Governor?


Why is the Governor never mentioned following the end of season 3? Season 3’s final third is the first part of Chuck to introduce the Intersect’s negative effects on the brain, and the story also provides the solution: the Governor.

Fast forward to beginning of season 5 where Morgan has the Intersect. Even before his mind starts to go, why does Chuck not make sure to give Morgan his Governor to protect his brain from the weight of the Intersect? Then after Morgan begins losing his mind, WHY DOESN’T CHUCK MAKE SURE TO GIVE MORGAN HIS GOVERNOR TO PROTECT HIS BRAIN?

Then of course, Sarah later gets the intersect and everyone is very concerned about her mental state. There’s even a scene in Castle where Ellie, Devon, and Morgan are brainstorming causes and solutions to the “deleterious effects” of the Intersect. But no one mentions the Governor!

Even if the show were to establish that Morgan and Sarah’s cases are different from Chuck’s and the Governor wouldn’t be enough to solve the problem, the topic should at least be discussed.

I personally dismiss this as an error in the show, but I’m curious what people’s thoughts are.

r/chuck 11d ago

Your top kick-ass female characters in Chuck?


r/chuck 12d ago

Chuck accepts Sarah as she is

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At the end of 2.4 (Chuck Versus the Cougars), Sarah rewards Chuck with the offer to answer one question about her past. He considers for a second but then declines the offer. "No thanks. I don't need to know more about who you were, because as much as you don't think so, Sarah Walker, I know who you are." Sarah's face registers surprise, relief, gratitude, and a genuine warmth at Chuck's response, and then they share a cheeseburger as the scene fades.

Chuck doesn't ask more than Sarah can give. It's what she needs to hear and unlocks the next stage of their relationship. Sarah now trusts Chuck and is open to him and the possibilities.

Similarly, in the end of 5.13 (Chuck Versus the Goodbye), Chuck finds Sarah at their beach and shares several important things with her. One of the most important is that he doesn't want or need anything from her. She had already expressed that she doesn't know how to be the woman they all remember (certainly not the wife Chuck remembers). That expectation would have weighed heavily on her, and it would likely have made her hesitant to embrace a relationship with Chuck again even after she knew how much she had loved him (and was starting to feel it again). Chuck's assurance that all he wanted to do was be there for her allowed Sarah to let her guard down and ask to hear their story.

In both cases, Chuck's message is clear.
He accepts Sarah as she is.
He loves her for who she is.
She is enough - always has been, always will be.
That's a powerful message no matter what stage the relationship is in.

It makes the ending of 2.4 one of the most special.
It makes the series finale hopeful.

r/chuck 12d ago

How did you find Chuck?


I remember when I was younger my mom would always leave the TV on and one night there was an episode of chuck on that just sucked me into the TV, but that had been the only episode I had seen at the time. Then I found it on Netflix and said why not give it a try and I've been hooked ever since.

r/chuck 12d ago

What would you say at their roast - Day 11

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r/chuck 12d ago

Where Are They Now?


It has been 12 years since we last saw the Chuck family. Each of us probably has an idea of where they are today. Let’s hear what you think.

Chuck and Sarah - Own Carmichael Industries, one of the leading cybersecurity firms in the world. They have contracts with most of the Fortune 500 and US Government agencies. They still live in the white house with the red door and the picket fence with their two kids, Stephen and Samantha. They are good parents and make sure that their kids have the life that Sarah missed out on growing up.

Morgan and Alex - Morgan is the head of HR at Carmichael Industries and Alex is an investigator for the FBI at their LA office. They have one daughter, Kasey.

Ellie and Devon - They returned to LA with Devon the head of Cardiology at Westside and Ellie heading a research team at USC to find uses of the intersect with people dealing with brain trauma and memory loss. Along with Clara, they have another daughter, Grunka, I mean Jennifer.

John Casey - Back in LA and acts as grandfather to all of the kids. Does occasional work for Carmichael and Verbanski. Had a difficult time not telling FBI jokes after his daughter joined the FBI.

Jeff and Lester - Touring Europe as part of a one hit wonder revue. Their hit was a very minor hit. Women and men do not adore them as they were told they would.

Big Mike - Owns a number of Subway’s. The stores still use the old Subway menu and sell five dollar footlongs.

Mary Bartowski - Grandma and part time CIA agent.

Anna Wu - CIA agent doing what Sarah used to do before Chuck. You do not want to mess with her.

Skip, Fernando, Bunny, and the rest of Buy Morons - Buy More goes the way of Comp USA, Circuit City, and Computer City. The Burbank store becomes a Sprouts Market.

r/chuck 13d ago

What would you say at their roast - Day 10

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r/chuck 13d ago

Are the menus on Blu-Ray releases identical to the DVDs?


Blu-Ray releases are known to use lazily-made template menus instead of the fun ones in the DVDs. I’m curious if Chuck’s Blu-ray release uses the same menu as the DVD or did they change it?

r/chuck 13d ago

Scorpion and Chuck


Anyone else watch both shows and see the same connection with both shows? Both have a crappy ending. Yes one had enough time to plan for an ending the other and the other one found out but when they did it was too late. They both had a nerd falling in love with the main female lead. They both had dangerous missions as well as missions where they had to think quick. Watching both shows I see so many similarities. What is your thought?

r/chuck 12d ago

Chuck and Sarah versus Global Warming


(Why we should never allow the real world to enter Sarah and Chuck’s world))

So after the third round of severe flooding in their Burbank neighborhood in as many years, with water levels reaching halfway up the beloved picket fence, and which also included the Burbank River raging through the town again, Chuck and Sarah decided they had had enough. There was clearly nothing they could do about the increasingly frequent atmospheric rivers that were drenching California regularly. And as much affection they had for their charming little house (well protected electronically, but not from flooding), they decided they didn’t want little Ellie and Stephen growing up with the constant threat of having the house washed out from under them. And those insurance costs! Whoa, through the roof with each 40% annual increase for flood and property insurance, and even more for auto insurance. 

Plus the two feet of water in the Buy More parking lot was now becoming a regular feature. Insurance costs there were through the roof, given the size of the electric fleet of nerd herd autos, and the frequency of stock losses. These were at least cheap to run, when the power stayed on. But PG&E turned out to be as hapless about floodplain management as they had been about wildfire management earlier in the century. And as convenient as the Castle was for running the business, its flood defenses were being tested regularly, and were probably not going to last forever. Morgan and Alex, and their brood, have pretty much had it as well.

Since they were spies and not morons, they had seen this coming. But the speed with which the changes were coming was faster than they expected—pretty much what happened to the scientific community earlier in the century, in fact. They had been building up a business line in climate-related financial fraud, and were consulted regularly on it. But like many Americans, climate impacts were pretty abstract, except for those poor folks in Louisiana and the rest of the Gulf Coast, which had by now nearly disappeared. They realized, belatedly, that the real signal should have been when they couldn’t send the kids outside in the middle of the day. It wasn’t Delhi, but it was still pretty darn hot.

What to do, what to do? Since they had recovered some of the Volkov money, they didn’t really need to be concerned about selling the house—especially since mortgage lending in floodplains was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. But where to go? They would need to move not just themselves, but the entire Castle operation as well. So they needed room. Plus how should the business evolve? They were pretty good at identifying money trails, which is why they became sought after by agencies and clients trying to deal with issues like cybercrime. But cybercrime itself had evolved, and there was now plenty of crime relating to areas such as carbon trading—not to mention outright scams like those involving carbon offsets and other false valuation issues. They had been involved in some of these cases, so they had a general idea about the territory. And regulatory agencies, the ones still functioning at the national level, appreciate their work, and seem to be happy to fund it indefinitely. There were plenty of business opportunities, actually. And they’re smart, resourceful, and connected.

So a move to higher ground is called for—or at least away from the coast. But there are problems here. First, if they move to forested areas of the California hills, or pretty much anywhere, really, there is the now-constant risk of wildfires coming along and wiping everything out. This is now a regular event in Canada and the Pacific Northwest. And if they move to an area with no trees, there’s the water problem. States are nearly at war with each other over water, particularly southwestern states where the rivers are drying up—and real countries actually are. Places like New Zealand may be appealing, but those places have banned all immigration. 

Plus they’re not about to become Preppers and move to some underground bunker in Nebraska. If nothing else, what a weird way to bring up the kids, and if there’s anything these two believe, it’s providing as normal a childhood for their kids as they can, even with the world falling apart. It’s what they didn’t have, so they’re trying to try to make sure their kids get the opportunities for a “normal” childhood. However, that’s getting harder to do when the little league and soccer games have to start at 9AM because playing later in the day is a health risk.

So what they want is a community. But not a gated community—it’s full of the kind of people who worked with Dekker or the Belgian, or are ex-military, and after their experiences with Beckman, they’re not about to start hanging around with retired generals. And not a cult, like the group hiding the computer virus guy where no one wore clothes. Lovely grounds, but these sorts of places tend to attract a rather bizarre group of people—and increasingly they all have guns. What they want is what each one has always wanted—family.

But there must be something out there that could work, some sort of community they could plug into. Chuck, if nothing else knows how to fix computers, and Sarah, if nothing else, knows something about martial arts. Someplace with a growing season that can accommodate higher temperatures, but the same amount of daylight. And they need access to water, not just for the usual reasons, but also because their business is still pretty computational heavy, which means high energy consumption. Some hydro would be good, but it’s chancy—increasing droughts are seeing to that, including in the midwest, where Ellie and Awesome are trying to get Chuck and Sarah to move to. The midwest also has tornadoes, more of them all the time.

Still, the idea of a university town, say, in an area surrounded by farmland, with lakes, looks like a pretty attractive option. Some place where farmers’ markets are really that, because there are actual farmers nearby. But also a place where the local civil defense group stays busy making sure nothing gets out of hand. Ellie and Awesome can be doctors anywhere. Morgan and Alex are up for it. 

So they start looking for a communal area where several families can live, perhaps with some open ground for vegetables. Animals too. Chuck never really thought about farming, but he does now. Maybe the upper midwest. Maybe western Pennsylvania. Maybe even New England or upstate New York, in spite of the shorter growing season--someplace with lakes. A place where they can have not only their extended family of Ellie and Morgan and everyone (even Casey and Gertrude if they decide to leave Europe,) but also a place to have friends. Sarah has always wanted real friends. Now that Carina and Zondra astonishingly both have partners, they might come along as well.

And adventures? Nope, absolutely not. Sarah was right—that was already a former life way back in 2012, one she was ready to leave then, and it still is one. Chuck agrees. The past is another country, as they say--they do things differently there. Besides, who can fly anywhere anyway? Way too much turbulence these days. They’re just a family, living their lives, and very happy to be just that. And the kids will love the sheep.

r/chuck 14d ago

What would you say at their roast - Day 9

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r/chuck 14d ago



What's everyone's age in season 4 & 5

r/chuck 15d ago

What would you say at their roast - Day 7

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r/chuck 15d ago

Did Chuck get paid by the government?


r/chuck 15d ago

Favorite Season of Chuck


What is your favorite season of Chuck?

112 votes, 12d ago
15 Season 1
44 Season 2
32 Season 3
20 Season 4
1 Season 5

r/chuck 16d ago

What would you say at their roast? Day 6

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r/chuck 17d ago

Which character on Chuck never had to answer for something they did that you still are mad at?


I LOVE Casey, but the one thing I am still annoyed at is that he never had to answer for abandoning his fiancee. Alex never even asked him why.

Kathleen finally found out he was alive and accepted that he left her but she never pushed the issue on why he did what he did. What was the real reason Casey left his fiancee and why didn't he never have to answer for it?

It's still a huge issue for me that he was never pushed to give Kathleen a real answer. She and Alex never even asked him if he regretted what he did. Still to this day it annoys me that they spent 2 seasons building up this storyline only to have Kathleen just accept it in one episode, and everyone to move on.

The young Casey we saw was quiet, and subdued, and he never seemed like the type that wanted to be a hero but Kathleen in her speech, when she mentioned he got everything he ever wanted mentioned that this is what he wanted, and I always felt like casey was Patriotic and not in this to be a hero. There was some suspect writing in this sense.

r/chuck 17d ago

What would you say at their roast - Day 5

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r/chuck 17d ago

Casey's childhood


I really wish Casey's childhood was something Chuck explored. We know nothing about Casey's childhood but that he had a mother. We don't know if he had siblings, or a father.

If I had to guess based on what kind of character he was, I get the feeling he maybe had an abusive father, who hurt his mother (which is why he told her he was really alive and didn't let her think he was dead) Or he was raised by a military father. I was iased by one of those and I know what that can be like.

Just curious what you guys think Casey's childhood was like based on the man he became.

His younger self was very quiet but he turned into a hardened man (nost likely because he had to learn to be alone since he was worked for the Government.)

r/chuck 17d ago

Love Square


I am rewatching Season 2 after years, finished episode 7 (The Ex) and just realized this love square...


r/chuck 18d ago

Jeff figures everything out!

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So I was rewatching the series again and got to chuck verses the kept man. Ever since Captain Awesome we got to see Jeff in a whole different perspective. In this episode Jeff and Lester thinks there is something more going on at buy more then Jeff pulls Lester into the break room to show him the poster board of literally everything that has taken place during the last 5 years. One question though how do you think he knew about all of this including the intersect?