r/BreakUps 4d ago

Do you keep stuff your ex gave/gifted you?

Personally, I do choose to keep them.. Pictures on my phone, childhood pics, diaries, necklaces, old student IDs, everything. I keep every single one I get from them. Not as a form of desperate attachment, but to remind myself and show myself that even if things ended, no matter how hard or sad or bitter it was, I loved them with to the best of my capabilities and with my whole being.

I keep them because it reminds me that love isn't some trap or meaningless thing, no matter how much it breaks me. Because in spite of it all, I loved the only way I knew how, and that the love I gave was as real as I could ever show.

But what about you guys? What do you think?

If you've got any other questions you wanna ask me about why I think this way, feel free to ask too. Don't be shy ^ ^


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u/gerdain 4d ago

I’ve kept a box of our memories (tickets, gadgets from when we were travelling, pictures, dried flowers from the ones he gifted me, a plush toy he won for me on a fair) and I was planning to give it to him as part of the gift for our anniversary. He left me a week before that. Now I’ve added the engagement ring and the dollar coin he gave me as a promise of his love and I’ll put it in the stuff that he needs to come and get from my place.

I’m trying to be as noble as I can about this and not be petty, but he broke things off because he was convinced I didn’t love him enough and that he wasn’t good enough for me. He left with the words “the wedding is off”, I couldn’t reach him for two days and after that he still had the nerve to put it on me and say I didn’t care enough and was not even making an effort to save our relationship.

I’ll be petty and give him this box, because all I ever did was love him, support him and be there for him for better or worse, apologised when I wasn’t wrong just to get back to him, calmed him when he was hysterically shouting at me and I feel deeply hurt and offended that he left me and that he still fails to take accountability.


u/NotATypicalSinn 4d ago

Hugs and care 🫂🫂🫂🫂

Fuck that asshole, and stay strong T T 🙏🙏


u/gerdain 3d ago

Thank you, you take care too OP 🙏🏻