r/BreakUps 4d ago

Do you keep stuff your ex gave/gifted you?

Personally, I do choose to keep them.. Pictures on my phone, childhood pics, diaries, necklaces, old student IDs, everything. I keep every single one I get from them. Not as a form of desperate attachment, but to remind myself and show myself that even if things ended, no matter how hard or sad or bitter it was, I loved them with to the best of my capabilities and with my whole being.

I keep them because it reminds me that love isn't some trap or meaningless thing, no matter how much it breaks me. Because in spite of it all, I loved the only way I knew how, and that the love I gave was as real as I could ever show.

But what about you guys? What do you think?

If you've got any other questions you wanna ask me about why I think this way, feel free to ask too. Don't be shy ^ ^


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u/setsuna_f 4d ago

Already stored all in a box, including the gifts. If she wants them she can have them all. What i want is to create more fond memories together as we age, not to keep memories that remains to hurt.

I'm definitely happy during those dates, but what I'm not is the departure of the other who chose to walk away