r/BreakUps 4d ago

Do you keep stuff your ex gave/gifted you?

Personally, I do choose to keep them.. Pictures on my phone, childhood pics, diaries, necklaces, old student IDs, everything. I keep every single one I get from them. Not as a form of desperate attachment, but to remind myself and show myself that even if things ended, no matter how hard or sad or bitter it was, I loved them with to the best of my capabilities and with my whole being.

I keep them because it reminds me that love isn't some trap or meaningless thing, no matter how much it breaks me. Because in spite of it all, I loved the only way I knew how, and that the love I gave was as real as I could ever show.

But what about you guys? What do you think?

If you've got any other questions you wanna ask me about why I think this way, feel free to ask too. Don't be shy ^ ^


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u/ThatAltAccount99 4d ago

I didn't keep pictures and the likes but I really like this way of thinking and it's why I don't regret our relationship regardless of how toxic she ended up being. I genuinely loved her with everything I had and I believe she loved me with everything she had but was just a very flawed person unfortunately. I'm glad I got to experience being in love. It was worth the pain.


u/NotATypicalSinn 4d ago

Exactly how I feel :) despite all the pain and sadness, there were great moments and great memories. I keep the history not to remind myself of the negatives, but of the many positives ^ ^


u/Free_Advertising9419 4d ago

I like this, it is worth the pain.