r/BreakUps 4d ago

People who have survived heartbreak…how’d you do it?

It’s been a week since the person I love told me they realized they don’t love me back after 8 months together, and that they still love their ex from before me. I oscillate between devastated and enraged—both with lots of crying.

If you’ve survived a heartbreak, how did you do it? Were you able to love again? Be happy again? When did it stop hurting so bad? Is there another side to come out on?

Love to all 💓❤️🫶🏻


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u/c2tom 4d ago

Its so tough when they consume every thought but time will heal all hopefully.


u/Travelingsaffa 4d ago

That was the worst part for me too! Every single minute of every single day he was in my thoughts. The last thing you think of when you go to bed, the first thing you think of when you wake up. Time does heal it though, I think of him a lot less now.


u/Gummy_Cheesecake 3d ago

Hi 2 weeks post BU! They really do consume every thought especially the moment I wake up, and it hurts because that's usually when I expect a message from them. It's comforting that someone is going through the same thing I am and reading your comments are like a big hug.


u/Travelingsaffa 3d ago

Of course, I was exactly where you are now. It was soooo painful! I would not wish that feeling on my worse enemy. But I promise you, if you just focus on yourself and do the small things to help you heal, it will get better. We are also in NC and I think that helped a lot. I tried reaching out but no reply so I never tried again. It was probably for the better.

You are not alone in this xx