r/BreakUps 4d ago

People who have survived heartbreak…how’d you do it?

It’s been a week since the person I love told me they realized they don’t love me back after 8 months together, and that they still love their ex from before me. I oscillate between devastated and enraged—both with lots of crying.

If you’ve survived a heartbreak, how did you do it? Were you able to love again? Be happy again? When did it stop hurting so bad? Is there another side to come out on?

Love to all 💓❤️🫶🏻


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u/gloomchy 4d ago

I was in a similar situation. He broke up with me but was still not over his ex. He was using me to get over her lol. Honestly the only thing that helped was time. Nothing I did helped besides waiting it out. I was so anxious at night thinking about him I couldn’t sleep. I’d wake up crying in the morning soon as I realized we broke up. I went on a lot of dates and nothing made me feel better. Worked on myself in the meantime and now 8 months later I feel alooot better and am in a new relationship! Just don’t let yourself slip. Take care of yourself and do some self care. Start a new hobby or something. The future you will thank you