r/BreakUps 4d ago

People who have survived heartbreak…how’d you do it?

It’s been a week since the person I love told me they realized they don’t love me back after 8 months together, and that they still love their ex from before me. I oscillate between devastated and enraged—both with lots of crying.

If you’ve survived a heartbreak, how did you do it? Were you able to love again? Be happy again? When did it stop hurting so bad? Is there another side to come out on?

Love to all 💓❤️🫶🏻


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u/gsf32 4d ago

Friend, let me tell you I went through something very similar. Who I thought was the love of my life left me after 3 months dating with the pretense that she didn't have feelings for me anymore, turns out that she had feelings for another dude she used to like before me, who had happened to confess his feelings for her earlier.

I wanted to kill myself. Even had a rope ready and a place to do it. That's how bad the whole thing was. I was absolutely desperate, I broke no contact more than once and even went to see her in person (with the new dude), and it was absolutely devastating.

I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't function as a human beign, and there seemed no way out of it. I was utterly hopeless.

Do you know what I did? I held on. I held on to life. I held onto my friends and family, my therapist, people that supported me. And more importantly, I held onto myself.

I was very badly hurt, but months have passed, and as they say it may sound like cliche, but I really really am doing much better now.

I got my appetite back, I can sleep well, I can find joy in life again. It's beautiful.

Trust me, it will get better. I know perfectly how you feel, and my words may not impact you enough, you might not believe what I say. I was like that. I was skeptical. But I can assure you, it will get better.


u/throwwwwaway6933 4d ago

This gives me hope because I’m currently absolutely wrecked over a 2 month relationship ending. He was part of my every day routine and now it’s just…. silence. The pain is inconsolable.