r/BreakUps 4d ago

People who have survived heartbreak…how’d you do it?

It’s been a week since the person I love told me they realized they don’t love me back after 8 months together, and that they still love their ex from before me. I oscillate between devastated and enraged—both with lots of crying.

If you’ve survived a heartbreak, how did you do it? Were you able to love again? Be happy again? When did it stop hurting so bad? Is there another side to come out on?

Love to all 💓❤️🫶🏻


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u/OpalMoon0x 4d ago

Honestly, as cliche as it sounds time was the best healer for me. As well as having no contact with my ex as difficult as that was. Slowly, but surely I healed until it didn’t hurt anymore. Eventually, I did meet someone else and learn to love again.


u/EstimatePractical289 4d ago

Did you find meeting someone else helped you get over it more?


u/OpalMoon0x 4d ago

I didn’t want to get into another relationship until I was fully over my previous ex as it didn’t feel fair or right, although I did think of them a lot less and didn’t miss them as much once I met someone else.


u/EstimatePractical289 4d ago

Yes I feel this too. I don’t feel ready at all for another relationship or even to be slightly intimate with another, not even a kiss.

I do remember with a boyfriend ages back, I was struggling to get over the breakup but not really because I had anymore feelings, it just felt convenient to get back together if that makes sense? We shared a friendship group. Anyway I went on a cruise and met the hottest Italian dude and had a romantic fling. Once I got back home there wasn’t an ounce of desire to get back with my ex, I feel like it made me get completely over him. But this breakup now is way more painful. I just wonder if people start fixating less on exes as soon as there’s someone else in their lives, I think it makes sense. The trick is to find someone better though lol