r/Anxiety 11h ago

Advice Needed What are your comfort shows?


I’m really feeling some panic set in and I think a nice show will help me. I’m very sad I lost Netflix and many of my comfort shows are now gone. I only have MLP atm and I will probably get into what shows I can that gets commented :)

r/Anxiety 18h ago

Discussion What are your most unique anxiety/panic attack symptoms?


I’ve been having anxiety and panic attacks for a couple weeks now and go from having regular things like Fast heart beat to things like jaw pain and burning on the back of my neck. Wondering what unique symptoms people get when they have anxiety/panic attacks.

r/Anxiety 12h ago

Medication Are benzos really that bad?


I've been trying multuple, different antidepressants (Mirtazapine, Lexapro, and Prozac) for anxiety and they're making me less and less resilient in stressful situations. It's really disheartening to see each medication worsening my anxiety symptoms more and more. I had a panic attack yesterday night that I'm still recovering from. This was one of the worse ones.

I was under the impression that antidepressants were safe drugs because doctors prescribe them so easily. I have requested benzos before and was denied. Medical providers give antidepressants out like candy but treat benzos like poison. The affects of antidepressants have been horrible. I honestly do not know if I can survive another round of them. I feel like at this point, I'm in desperate need of a medication to alleviate my panic attacks. I feel like benzos can't be more horrible than antidepressants that are giving me more severe panic attacks.

r/Anxiety 4h ago

Driving Can we talk about driving anxiety?


Long story short (ish) I had a massive mental break that ended up with me in the ER about 5 years ago. Ever since, all of my anxiety has manifested with driving. The last time I was on the highway was in 2020. It’s slowly devolved to where I can only drive to work and back which is about 5 minutes on side streets. I’m in therapy and have had some breakthroughs on how it may be tied to OCD compulsions on worrying I may lose control and hurt myself or someone else and also the fact that I lost my dad suddenly in a plane crash. I see a lot of people taking about driving anxiety here and am wondering truly if there’s anything that really works. I’ve tried all the meds and they are not a good fit for me. I never had this issue before and used to love being on the road and feeling free and would do anything to get back to that place. Any advice and support is welcome. Thanks for reading :)

r/Anxiety 16h ago

Venting Does anyone else feel like shit all the time?


Like I'm NEVER 100% well.

Anxiety, derealization, brain fog, constant dizziness, gut issues.. just to name a few.

My psychologist was telling me yesterday how it's all health anxiety related and I'm like ok... that information doesn't help me at all because how do I get better then?

I'm so sick of feeling sick.

r/Anxiety 3h ago

Needs A Hug/Support I hate having anxiety


I’m so tired of feeling this way everyday its constant anxiety and dread all over again. Anxiety has taken so much from me i couldn’t even go around my family that I really cared about and it will never be the same again. I pushed everything around me away for no reason all this shame and hiding its all delusions in my head. I isolated myself from everyone and I feel like I ruined my life. I dont know how to move on

r/Anxiety 8h ago

Advice Needed How to cope with firework anxiety??


Yeah it's almost 10pm on July 4th where i am rn. I live in an unsafe neighborhood. It sounds like the purge outside my front door and I'm terrified. :)

r/Anxiety 3h ago

Health Is any1 on? I could use a conversation.


r/Anxiety 10h ago

Health How do I stop overthinking and catastrophizing?


I literally can’t stop and it’s really not good for me

r/Anxiety 6h ago

DAE Questions Does anyone else feel a constant urge to pee?


I feel weird posting this given it may be a well-known topic, but I’ll just go ahead. As a child, I had severe social anxiety, and after having an accident as a toddler in kindergarten, I developed a fear of wetting myself which was bad considering my already anxious self. My family took me to all sorts of doctors and ended up finding that its just a psychological thing. As I slowly got over my social anxiety through exposure, this constant urge to pee was decreasing until it disappeared at around 10 years old.

Now I’m 18, and I don’t really struggle with social anxiety anymore, but I’ve been really stressed. Suddenly this week, it started happening all over again. Everytime I go out, even for 10 minutes, I feel the urge to pee, and I can’t ignore it because somehow when I go, I actually do end up using the bathroom for a while, but I’m so confused how my bladder filled up that fast. I checked, and there’s no medical reason for me to feel this way, my bladder is fine. I don’t know what triggered this, I’ve been stressed this entire year and I was fine.

Maybe this has something to do with it? I had a nerve-wrecking exam in May, but I was running out of time and I really needed to use the bathroom, so I just forced myself to wait until I was done because the bathroom was far and I would lose a lot of time. Maybe that triggered some sort of delayed reaction that I didn’t get until now? I was totally okay! It’s just suddenly happening again. I know it’s an anxiety thing because it doesn’t happen in a normal place with bathrooms (home, restaurant, class) and I can go for hours even with a lot of fluids. But once I’m in a place without it (highway, long road), I suddenly really need it and the feeling won’t go. It would be fine if I was alone, I could just stop some place, but with my family, I know it irritates them if I always ask. It’s so annoying, and it makes me feel powerless, like I’m a toddler all over again.

r/Anxiety 2h ago

DAE Questions Does anyone else feel depressed when your anxiety is under control?


I’ve dealt with anxiety most of my life, but sometimes it’s very much under control if I take good care of myself. I feel less physically and emotionally anxious and happier, but the happiness quickly fades and I end up feeling depressed. From there, it turns into negative thoughts and becomes anxiety. It’s a never ending cycle for me.

r/Anxiety 9h ago

Anxiety Resource I really need help.


So I’m not sure where all this started. But long story short I’ve smoked weed for 10 years from 20-30. First couple of years everything was fine but as I started getting close to my 30s I would get really bad short brief panic like feel attacks for seconds then they will go away. That’s been happening for 2-3 years until last year. So my brother passed last year and it really took a toll on me, then 2 months after his passing I had a horrible panic attack one day where I was crippled, locked my self into the bathroom and took my clothes off because my heart was beating so fast and my left arm was crazy numb and I felt like I was dying. I called 911 the ambulance came and my panic slowly started going away as they confirmed I had my first panic attack. That day is the day my life forever changed. After then the following months were rough, I couldn’t drive anywhere (had crippling anxiety) couldn’t go anywhere without Xanax in my pockets and quality of life declined. Fast forward to now I’m doing much better I’ve been going on long drives again slowly enjoying life but I’m super scared to travel far from my house without it happening again. I couldn’t believe that happened to me when I never felt that way before in my life what could it be? Is it my cannabis use , my brother dying? Me stressing about work? I’m also super scared to get on an airplane now. Something I used to love doing but super frightened to get on a plane now, I’m dying to go on vacation I haven’t gone anywhere in 10 years. But when I think of getting on a plane now my anxiety goes sky high. I don’t know what to do….

r/Anxiety 2h ago

Anxiety Resource Frequent


Anyone else get frequent burping and needing to urinate before bed? This is the first night I’ve had this happen and I definitely don’t have a uti so it could only rlly be anxiety from what I’m aware of 😩 so annoying though Does anyone know how to fix or tips to manage this??? It’s currently 3am and I’ve been struggling to sleep sense 12 🥲

r/Anxiety 3h ago

Needs A Hug/Support Need hugs: Dumb comment my kid made has my anxiety at level 100


My boyfriend and I don’t live together yet (mortgage rates, amiright?!). I have two kids and he has three, and they all get along swimmingly. We do sleepovers pretty regularly.

Today we were discussing whose house to do a weekend sleepover at this weekend and my 10yr old blurted “Our house. Theirs is too messy.” 🤦‍♀️

One of my anxiety coping mechanisms is being extremely clean and tidy. I cannot relax unless my house is perfect, and as a result I’m a minimalist who is constantly cleaning. My house is pristine- probably too much so. I’m very inflexible about it, and I guess my kids have come to expect that level of cleanliness and tidiness. Oooops. And my boyfriend’s house is FINE. Above average clean and tidy (frankly, I wouldn’t be able to date him if it were any other way because I’m such a freak about it 🤷🏼‍♀️).

Anyways, the comment really hurt my boyfriend’s feelings. He told me later that it upset him and that he didn’t want comments like that to make his kids feel bad about their home (fair). I had already told my kid that afternoon that his comment was rude and he intends to apologize, and it was a teachable moment for my kids. And while my BF said he understands “kids will be kids” and said “no apologies necessary, I’m just being insecure about my house” and assured me it’s not a big deal and said he’s over it and said he loves me and moved on with other topics of conversation…

MY BODY IS SAYING THIS IS A BIG DEAL. I feel sooooo fucking bad. I am laying here riddled with guilt. I’m thinking worst case scenarios (dude who is madly in love with me is definitely breaking up with my over this right?). I’m replaying it in my mind. Maybe it’s because we literally haven’t had a fight in the 3 yrs we’ve been together and this is the first time he has ever expressed any level of frustration (and it’s with my kid, not even with me!). I’m a hot mess, thank you ✨ anxiety ✨.

Can yall talk some sense into me? Sometimes just hearing it from others - that this is fine, I’ll be fine, he’ll be fine, we’ll be fine - really helps.

r/Anxiety 7h ago

Venting I wish I could have Reassurance for the Future


If I magically could know that any of the future scenarios I catatrophize about 100% won't happen/be as bad as I think they'd be, I could actually get a lot more in life.

r/Anxiety 2h ago

Venting My severe fear a bugs is keeping me up tonight


So with it having been 4th of July family came over and with that comes a lot of in and out. Well some bugs have entered the house and have made there way to my bedroom. I’ve had a severe fear of bugs my whole life. It’s gotten better as I’ve gotten older but it’s still pretty bad. I’m scared enough to the point where I can’t get close enough to kill them. It was like 2am and I have work in the morning at 7am but I was too busy having a freak out moment about bugs being in my room. I was literally pacing my house wondering what I’m going to do. I have since decided to just sleep on the couch.

I just needed to vent a little before I go to bed because I always feel goofy when I get like this about bugs. It’s a really annoying fear to have cuz if I could just kill them id probably be fine but here I am on the couch. Kicked out by a bug. Awaiting my family’s immense questioning in the morning.

r/Anxiety 19h ago

Travel How do you manage airport security anxiety ?


I’m only anxious about airport security tsa rules and all of that. I don’t plan on doing or bringing anything illegal but I’m afraid that everything that could go wrong is going to go wrong. I love the airport and the plane ride but the security check freaks me out.

Sorry if I don't respond to your comment I will read them all they are very helpful. I feel a lot better after reading these so thank you :D

r/Anxiety 2h ago

Advice Needed Is it ok for me (31) to rely on my mum (60s) for mental health support during my crisis


I live overseas and I’m going through a severe anxiety crisis right now and have been for a few days. I often message, or call my mum once or twice a day but at the same time I feel bad, like I shouldn’t be leaning on her so much.

I have a psychologist, psychiatrist and plan in place to get better but right now especially in the mornings I’m just a total wreck.

r/Anxiety 17h ago

DAE Questions Does Reddit make anyone else’s anxiety worse?


I am a sufferer of anxiety since childhood and am now 35 (f). I feel like in times of heightened anxiety over things I will turn to Reddit and search different things that I may be worried about and will go down a complete doomscrolling rabbit hole where I will find stories of horrible traumatic events and other health problems that people went through and I will sit there and apply it to my own life like what if this happens to me or my family? Like I will spend hours doomscrolling and I know it’s not healthy nor productive but then it just makes me realize how terrible the world is and how I feel like nothing is safe and maybe I’ll never feel comfortable again. It just makes me realize how anything can happen to anyone at any time and I am having a hard time lately with those realizations especially as I get older and my children too. I feel like Reddit makes me know “too much” and while I don’t want to be totally ignorant I don’t know why I expose myself to a million different scenarios. This has been an ongoing problem that comes and goes, it got really bad during COVID when true “doomscrolling” became a thing and now it’s just moved on to other aspects. Just seeing if anyone else feels this way or if I’m just a glutton for punishment by doing this to myself.

r/Anxiety 18h ago

DAE Questions How Severe is your Social Anxiety?


My SA, causes me debilitating symptoms; migraines, exhaustion, hyperventilating, dizziness, panic, terror, fear of death. I'm never just a little nervous socially. I basically want to sprint away from crowds. I'm always murmuring under my breath, "I've got to get the hell outta here". The best tool to date, is simply not making eye contact, I can easily pretend that these are just bodies, like posts that I need to navigate around. If I allowed myself to realize that , there are that many people in the world, I think I would have a heart attack.

r/Anxiety 3h ago

Health Shameful while running. Paranoid?


I always feel guilty and ashamed to go running around my neighbourhood which is something I do everyday to try keep my mental health.

I imagine the voices of all the people in the cars that pass thinking "Look at this guy running while we're still commuting from work." "This guy thinks he's better than us. What a waste of our tax payers money etc."

I'm always afraid that I make kids uncomfortable too. Thinking "why is the creepy dude running around by himself."

Im also always worried about looking too happy or sad as I pass people. Don't want to look too happy as they might think I'm manic/ laughing at them/ feel worse if they're having a bad day or something.

But I also don't want to look too sad or angry because that might make them uncomfortable.

I try to modulate a peaceful happy appearance so as not offend people it's probably a good practice to do regardless but sometimes it takes alot of energy to maintain. Do other people also do this?

I also find I automatically hunch over a bit when I'm near roads/ others people because I don't want come across as full of myself/ make others feel insecure about themselves etc.

It's only when I'm in the dark/alone where I can shamelessly expand my chest and breathe to my full capacity.

Any tips?

r/Anxiety 3h ago

Advice Needed Is my chest pain literally just anxiety?


I've been having major health anxiety for the past few weeks since my childhood dog passed away. The grief knocked fear into me and I can't seem to shake it.

I finally went to the doctor like 2 days ago after I got chest pain for like an hour the other night with some other symptoms (most likely indigestion or just plain anxiety, plus I'm slightly sick) for some tests. I got a mini physical/check up, EKG, and x-ray, it all came back totally good.

I feel relief knowing that and I belive its true but I just can't shake the feeling somethings wrong. I still have that chest pain. Its very dull and in one spot, not really other symptoms but minor things that can be explained. It'll come back and leave every once and a while. It's just freaky since it's rignt over my heart.

Extra info: I do have panic attacks and I've been kind of (TMI) constipated/having indigestion + gas

Plus I'm still a teenager and also healthy so it can't be anything terrible, I think I'd know by now if it was.

Since I know what it isn't (heart attack, stroke, ect) what could it really be? Is this just anxiety? Any tips to ground myself? Or anyone have similar experiences/worries?

I also can't sleep, and i haven't for the last few days, its driving me crazy and not helping anything. Sooooo any tips on that would be good too.

r/Anxiety 11h ago

Discussion Panic attack but the body is calm? What is this called?


I'm struggling with a weird, bad feeling that usually happens where I lay down to sleep and I wake up wide awake after 1 hour.

I didn't have a nightmare and my body is calm (my heart beats normal and I don't sweat) but in brain and in my throat a weird fear starts building up. It's like "something is wrong" but I can't pinpoint what is wrong because my body is calm and my room is safe. So I lay there with a relaxed body on the surface but my mind starts feeling so uncomfortable... that feeling is worse than depression or adrenaline to me. It's bad and doesn't seem to have a source.

When I take a benzo it goes away or when I endure for 15-30 minutes it slowly goes away. I can't call this panic attack but what exactly is this? Anyone has an idea?

r/Anxiety 3h ago

Health Major Anxiety About Bugs


When I was a kid, I lived in a trailer with a major bug problem. I'm talking all things creeping, crawling, flying, and worst of all, cockroaches. I have an extreme cockroach aversion to this day (I'm now 24) - I can't even look at a picture of a cockroach, it disgusts me so badly. I haven't actually encountered one in years and I think I would cry if I did. Now that I'm a homeowner, my new construction house is having some bug problems as well. Every day I see at least 1-3 ants, spiders, or earwigs. I do live in the South and it's extremely wet and hot outside this time of year, which I know makes bugs want to come inside...but the paranoia of them possibly being in the house, and the disgust/fear I feel when I actually do see them, is so bad for my health. I've sprayed the inside and outside of my house, I constantly monitor the spots where I see the bugs to see if there's any entry points (I don't see any, which concerns me more), I'm looking into getting my doors re-sealed...but otherwise I don't see an end to this bug anxiety.

(And please don't come to this post looking to criticize me for being afraid of bugs, or to be a smartass, which are the only types of responses I've received when expressing my anxieties to others either in person or on forums. I'm not sure why my concerns are garnering that kind of response, I just need to vent somewhere.)