r/AITAH 4d ago

[ Removed by Reddit ] TW Abuse

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u/takatine 4d ago

They say I could have let him hit me until he calmed down 😳

WTAF???? This is a 9 year old boy, not a toddler. A 9 year old who should know by now that hitting is wrong, and should be able to control himself, but was never taught control, never taught to behave, never taught right from wrong, never disciplined, never told no. A 9 year old who regularly hits his mother, and is big enough to hold a ball out of the reach of and strong enough to prevent a 19 year old from getting up.

Again, WTAF??? NTAH. TA is your SIL, for raising and enabling an uncontrollable, unrepentant bully. This child will grow up to seriously injure her one day. JFC 🙄


u/Tar-_-Mairon 4d ago

What happened? It was removed by Reddit. Can you give me a TDLR?


u/takatine 4d ago

OP is a 19 yr old female, aunt to a 9 year old boy, who regularly beats up his mother. His mother does nothing to stop him. He tried beating up the aunt twice. The second time he grabbed hold of her, she couldn't get up or away from him, he was trying to smash a basketball into her head, so she slapped him in the face to stop him. This left a mark on his face, her family is upset at her, and actually told her she should have just let the kid beat on her until he eventually calmed down.


u/Tar-_-Mairon 4d ago

There was once a young kid at my school (when I was a kid, myself), I asked him for the knife, and he said. “‘Move or I will stab you.’” It wasn’t a sharp blade, it was a butter knife. I asked him (I was around 15 years old, and he was around 7-8 years old) to give me the knife, nicely. He doubled down, so as he went to stab me with it, I yanked his arm, gripping him with all my strength, his wrist was making a noise not too different from wood under too much pressure, and he started to wail and scream—he let go of the blade. I then manhandled him, dragging him across the whole school, until I reached his class and threw him on the floor at his teacher’s feet.

I told the teacher what happened and gave her the blade, told her I felt no remorse for my actions, I told her had it been a real blade, I would have booted him in his abdomen with all the force and mass I could weigh into it because that would have been a threat to my life, his own and that of other’s lives. The kid was wailing, and all the while I said all of it. I then left him there, left the classroom and went to the Head Master’s Office to give my account of what happened.

The kid’s mother wanted to get the police involved, the Head Teacher and many of the teachers had raised me from age 7 until my 16th birthday, and he told the mother of the child that I showed great restraint, and that had it been a real blade, her child would be lucky to be without need of hospital intervention. I then said to her, having overheard it all from the corridor over, “By all means, let us invoke the police, the first question they will ask after why I did what I did would be ‘Where did your son pick up such violent thoughts and intentions?’ And they will investigate your home and all those in your life. Call them, however, I am an orphan myself, they leave no stone unturned. I taught your foolish boy a lesson, a lesson his father should have—you don’t point a blade at someone without comprehending that you also invite violence upon yourself. I saved your son, and the lives of many other teens that could have otherwise been ended by your son, falling into gang life.” Or very closely to that, it had been nearly a decade since then.

I am told that the boy in question has never picked up a blade and threatened anyone with one since. I would do it again.

Now, this is not to say that what I did was right, but I deemed it the best choice given the situation I found myself in.