r/AITAH 4d ago

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u/reluctanttowncaller 4d ago edited 4d ago


"He had a mark on his face that lasted 2-3 days" is Not self defense. You used unnecessary force with a small child because you were angry and an AH. You are 19, supposedly not a child anymore, and know better. You also lack the maturity to parent a child, and you are thankfully not the parent to this child. You say you're worried that child will think violence is okay at home, and then you underline the fact that violence is okay if you are the bigger and stronger one.

The child sounds like he is out of control. At 9, he should know better. He is too young to be the AH, but if someone doesn't help him figure out why he is behaving this way and help him figure out how to better communicate his needs to a responsible adult (which may or may not be his parent) then he will indeed grow up to be an AH.

The parents are AHs and should not be allowing this behavior to continue. If the parents aren't able to control their sons behavior, they need to get some outside help. Kids do have tantrums, but for this to be a regular occurrence at 9 is troubling. It is also possible the child is being abused by his parents or by someone else, and that's why he thinks violence is okay. I hope there are other adults who can assess this possibility and get authorities involved if there is any reason to suspect that is the case.


u/Dependent_Buy_4302 4d ago

This is the most reasonable thing I've read in this thread and should be higher. She's complaining he's violent but her first confrontation she tells about is when she laughed at a child. And when he went to hit her (which I agree is bad on his part) she pinned him down and told him she would "hit him harder than he would ever hit her".

So in her confrontations with this CHILD she's pinned him down and threatened him then she took it a step further and hit him so hard in the face as to leave a mark for days.

Honestly she should be charged at this point. For those saying she defended herself think about if a man hit his wife like this and then tried to say his wife was trying to hit him. The husband would he arrested. She's an adult that physically assaulted a minor. And most of the top comments are how she's NTA. Fucking wild.

OP this kid sucks but you're an adult and are a giant AH.