r/AITAH 4d ago

AITAH for telling my partner off for commenting on my weight Advice Needed

I (26) have a long history of ED, went to therapy and cured it, I recently gained 10kg due to life situations and was vocal about this to my partner(58). Yes I know, he’s old.

He was very supportive and said my weight doesn’t matter to him. His daughter has ED so I have tried to support him. He mentioned that his ex wife had left herself for go too.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned I still have 9kg to go, he said yes, I can tell your thighs are a lot bigger now. I told him off and he apologised, he didn’t meanto say it.

Yesterday, mentioned I have 2 kg to go and he said I can tell you’ve lost weight, especially on your waist, but your waist was a lot smaller when I met you three years ago. I was shocked. He apologised. It took me a while to process it and I bought it up again, one day after, told him how it made me feel, if I get pregnant, how my ex did the same and it triggered me ED, questioned whether he would he compare my body to the way it was before pregnancy and leave me for an escort. This triggered him. He got up and left, literally packed his things at 6am and left. We have had these arguments before because his phone history had escorts on it.

I have no family so feel stuck, I know I should leave him, he said I blew things out of proportion and shouldn’t have mentioned the escorts or the comments he made about his ex wife. He said my thinking is out of order, how did I get to pregnancy from a small comment he made. I explained it wasn’t a small comment and he knows my history of ED.

He said I bought up the weight issue, which I agreed but didn’t expect him to make those comments, he said he would be fine if I commented on his weight and he would improve. I replied that men and women think differently and what he said was wrong.

Edit: I don’t comment on my weight for attention, it’s a part of me and wanted to share it with him. His daughter has an ED so I expected him to be more understanding.


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u/B3r6h 4d ago

You are overreacting, if you cant handle a conversation about your weight then dont start one. You are the AH from your post. Alot of People will defend you becauce you a women with a man twice your age. But if we only talk about the topic you came from then you are the AH.

Stop making being a victim a part of your personality.