r/AITAH 4d ago

Aitah for ghosting my mom because she won’t divorce her peeling Tom husband?

I (19 female) ghosted my mother (54 female) for refusing to divorce her husband (52 male) when he spied on me in the shower 2 years ago. So they got married when I was 12 and he has been in my life since I was 10. One day(I was 17) my mom and sister left to go somewhere together and his sons my brothers (I have 3 brothers minors and 3 sisters 2 adult one biological ) were at their mom’s house I went to take a shower and I lean back to rinse my hair and I see a black phone case and ik that’s his phone so I scream and he skedaddle to the entrance of my bathroom. He starts yelling I’m sorry I’m sorry while I’m screaming over him get out. He leaves to go to his room and I get dressed and get in my car and leave to my grandmother house and call my mom. She didn’t believe me at first and called him he admitted it to her and she kicked him out. Months go by and I’m expecting some sort of officer to contact me and make a report for him to go to jail. I snoop through her phone and see they are going to therapy going on dates and coming over to the house to have sex. Zero legal action was taken. This started a fight where she told me to go to my dad’s house, I said if she kicks me out I’m not coming back, she yelled fine. When I found this out and was kicked out it was 6 months after he did it. I went to the police explaining what happened and why it took me so long to report it. That starts the legal process and my mother is pissed saying I should have let her handle it this will effect more then me never explaining anything else. A year goes by me and my mom do not talk about it except once Where she explains what she meant by this doesn’t effect just him and me and turns out they are employed together and if he’s fired so is she but she can be a travel nurse or he can sell my mom his part in the hired company but she made no effort. My mom finds out he’s about to be charged by the da calls them and says I do not want to press charges. The da calls me to confirm and I say let me call you back. I call my mother and. She says it’s my choice and I ask if she will divorce him she says no. That starts a fight where I end up ghosting her and the rest of my family (who have made no effort to contact me anyway). So am I in the wrong for ghosting them I do not think so but my family does. (Sorry for any typos)

Edit I am pressing charges he will be formally charged by the da by the end of the month. I will update again when the trial starts or if he pleads guilty. I also can’t edit the title so sorry guys :(


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u/scarletwellyboots 4d ago

NTA, get the fuck away from that guy. Your mother should be doing everything in her power to protect you from that creep and instead she's been doing the opposite. If your family tries to guilt-trip you into contacting your mom make sure to tell them exactly what happened. If they don't let up after that, go NC with them as well.


u/Critical-Wear5802 3d ago

I can NOT for the life of me understand how any woman worth her salt would choose a SKEEVY dude over her own child/ren! Of course, I have similar feelings about fathers who side with "step mothers" over their own kids. Unfortunately, it seems to be distressingly common..

NTA, honey, and best of luck to you through all of this nonsense!