r/AITAH 6d ago

AITAH for leaving my wife after she got pregnant by a revenge affair?



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u/Jealous404 5d ago edited 5d ago

"different experiences". yea. our and our future children's safety could be based on your experience alone. like our own opinions dont matter. why do you think you can rule us? you're not the one giving birth. it may be your child but you'll never know what it's like. but also... my child isnt your child so, fuck off. You're the one in a bubble if you're telling a woman to think about it for themselves. I am thinking for myself. You clearly havent read my responses and jumped to conclusions.

I'm not at all against pregnancy.

I am against being forced like this into pregnancy. That's the same level as rape. You would not want a child from an affair either. And you wouldnt want a child when you're still in college or at work's busy season. think from our pov. it's not your body. Abortion is a tool, and should be used as a tool. Not an excuse of power. How would you feel if we restricted your sexual activities? Made your semen illegal? For you guys it would be killing a baby because you need men to make a baby.

It will your baby and your responsibility.

You telling me to think? OP is a great example of your kind of people. You should learn from them. Rejecting based on your imaginary beliefs until the last possible moment when you need it. This is why I have left Christianity. I am an atheist. You people just reject the reality until you've met it.

You have your own experiences and you telling me to hear myself like I cant have mine.

edit: you men making these stuff political is why im not happy. it is why im not ever dating a guy. They are way too fragile. LGBTQ+ is the consequences of your actions.


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

You are so weird and you have such a disgusting stick up your ass

Where did I ever say that it should be 100% illegal to get an abortion at any time ? Where did I say that? I’m the only person who can get pregnant? I never said any of that. I never shamed anyone for getting a medically necessary, abortion, and abortion that was only a choice, etc.

I NEVER SAID THAT!!! if you didn’t have such a stick up your ass, we could have a conversation and you would know that about me. Despite my personal beliefs, I am a person who consistently says that restrictions surrounding abortion, should NOT be in law. So before you get caught up in your narrative, please think. I never said anything that you’re implying, and now you just sound emotionally charged. You also sound very guilty. No one said you had to feel bad at all. All I’m saying, is that this is way too normalized IN MY SOCIETY!!! The people I GREW UP AROUND!! It seems YOU ARE the one who thinks you’re the only person in the world. I never projected any of my beliefs onto you, you’re the one that did that!

I would really advise you learn how to have appropriate conversations with people. You sound so attacked when I never said that. I never attacked you.

All that I said, was in the climate I grew up in, it was extremely normalized. Too normalized. Encouraged. And I say multiple times that’s just my experience, yours could be different. And you scoff at that? You say “you have a different experience”- in an ironic, condescending way😂

I’m honestly really embarrassed of you if this is how you choose to communicate on a consistent basis.

No one ever attacked your beliefs. I never said anything should be in law. I never said that. For myself, I am pro-life. For others I will always be pro choice. I will always believe in a woman’s right to choose

HOWEVER !!! Women are being taught that there are no consequences to a decision like this. And firsthand, if you surround yourself with women who trust you, and can be vulnerable around you, they all tell you that it’s something something they regret- EVENTUALLY! Even if it doesn’t happen in one year or two years. They always always always regret it eventually.

And I’m not saying access should not be allowed. But I’m saying women should seriously be educated on the psychological and physical effects of abortion and they should stop normalizing it so much!!!!


u/Jealous404 5d ago edited 5d ago

"women are taught there are no consequences to this decision" please elaborate. i am a woman so i want to know what you're thinking. saying im being wrong and weird. if we regret not having the baby, sure. it's better than regret having the baby. you are talking as though killing babies is all we think about. maybe it's being normalized because of the increase in human trafficking and sexual abuse. there's more than one issue here.


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

“You are talking as if the killing babies is all we think about” - It’s not all you think about, but but your thoughts surrounding the subject are very shallow. You don’t allow yourself to think deeply.


u/Jealous404 5d ago

I am not thinking deeply? I am explaining myself yet im not thinking deeply, telling you those issues are linked together. I see.


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

You’re going really off-topic. We’re saying one point and then you pull out sex trafficking. Genuinely, I’m open to having a discussion with you. Maybe in private messages or something. But you really need to reread your responses and be honest with yourself. You really jumped to conclusions and tried to assume my beliefs FAST! I’m not shaming anyone here. I just recognize the effects psychologically, and physically when women have abortions. I know many girls who had abortions at 15 and by the time they were 21, it finally hit them and destroyed them. Sure, it never happens to some people. But the women I’ve seen it happen too, it’s heartbreaking. They should have at least been offered counseling afterwards.
I don’t think it should be in law. I never made it political. Let me put it like this. You assumed I was a man, assumed I was being political, assumed I was Christian. None of those things are true. If you wanna have a discussion, you need to put your assumptions aside. Much love.


u/Jealous404 5d ago

it is not off topic. it is all related to sex. sex leads to pregnancy and human trafficking leads to rape, which is non-consented sex. stop trying to sound smart.


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

If we want to have a proactive conversation, we need to focus on one area of the discussion at a time. If we’re just jumping around, we won’t make any progress in understanding each other

I’m not trying to sound smart. But I appreciate the compliment.

I know that often times women in trafficking get abortions. Is your suggestion that we should make it easier for them to get abortions? Or… Should we maybe check on these women that are being trafficked? And get them out of the situation and into a safe space. And, hopefully into an appropriate state of mind to make the right decision.

This is such a complex conversation that I would love to have. But we need to focus on one area at a time. Please.

And no pressure if you don’t have this discussion. I understand I was rude. I’m sorry


u/Jealous404 5d ago

no. in order to have a productive discussion, you must look at the big picture. you only focusing on one tiny little aspect will cause problems. after all, you dont like it when someone points out one of your tiny little mistakes one at a time. to fix a problem, we must find the root cause. and that requires extensive research. it's called problem solving/critical thinking.


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

I’ve done extensive research, girl.

To me, it seems you really don’t want to have a conversation. If you ever do, message me.

It seems like you bring up a separate point to try to cancel out what I said, instead of resolving a specific area of the conversation

Again, if we keep jumping around, we’ll never make any progress in understanding each other.

If you read my responses, I am looking at the big picture. We both are, different pieces of the picture. And, if we wanted to understand each other, we would need to put our big pictures together.

We need to focus on one area at a time. I don’t think you realize how many points we agree on. You are only combative. You are only defensive when there is no need.

Here’s where we agree 1.) we both agree there should not be extensive restrictions on abortion in law. 2.) we both believe women shouldn’t be shamed for getting abortions. 3.) we both believe these decisions should be made, because we are the ones who get pregnant. 4.) we understand that seems like sex trafficking can lead to women needing multiple abortions.

There’s a lot of things we agree on, and I’m sure there’s more. If you ever want to talk, private message me.

I am willing to talk about all of these unique and complex areas of this conversation. But one at a time.


u/Jealous404 5d ago

Yes we can agree. I do not want a conversation with someone who doesnt even try to understand or read into what i say but theyre still ranting their fucking heads out. I am tired of talking to npcs who think the whole world is against them.

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u/Sxdashley 5d ago

One more thing we agree on. You said to fix the problem we need to fix the root cause.

I agree with you. It’s a systematic issue that puts women in a position where they need abortions. We need to stop doing that. We need to give women bodily autonomy. And to me, that includes access to abortion!

It also includes extremely informed consent. And requires putting religion aside!

Is that another thing we agree on? The topic of abortion should not be based on religion because not everyone is religious. I respect that you’re an atheist.


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

We need to talk about all areas. We need to talk about the lack of informed consent. We need to talk about why women get abortions, and how we can lessen them. Not to judge these women, but to protect them!

If a woman is being trapped and needs 10 abortions in 1 year, should we just give them to her with no question, no wellness check? I believe that would be a disservice to her. Yes, if she truly wants the abortion, she should get it. But we should check on her and ultimately get her out of the situation of being trafficked.


u/Jealous404 5d ago

then why'd you tell me it's not related when i mentioned all those things?


u/Sxdashley 5d ago

It’s related. But you’re jumping all over the place and if we don’t, resolve one topic at a time, we will never understand each other.

I am willing to talk about all of these specific aspects. I see your view more than you understand. I thought exactly like you for so long. And NO!!! I’m not implying that you should think how I think now. But I’m telling you I really understand a lot of what you’re saying.

The abortions needed after trafficking or rape, are part of the issue. But I said that’s not related because it’s not related to the cultural desensitization of abortion that I’m talking about.

Because victims of trafficking and rape are not culturally desensitized, per se. So that’s how they’re not related. They are related in the sense that it is under the topic of abortion. But when I’m talking about is the desensitization, and I don’t think victims are a huge part of that.


u/Jealous404 5d ago

im not jumping all over the place. i didnt even mention economy and anxiety yet.

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u/Sxdashley 5d ago

I believe we should limit the NEED to protect the pregnant women. Multiple abortions are not good for your body. If you need them for medically, necessary reasons, no judgment. If you just want them, no judgment either. But I just want women to be able to make informed consent. Because they’re taught that it is something very simple when it can be very complicated; physically and psychologically.

And yes, to eliminate the need for abortion, we need systems in place. Free birth control, things like that. I am in full support of that. It is a flawed system. I think we can agree there? We should set up for success